
Now is the time at SDA when we juxtapose!
Huffington Post, Oct. 2010Solar Panels On White House: Obama To Install Solar Panels In 2011
Washington Post, Feb. 2011Dozens of [Washington, CD] residents who installed solar panels on their homes under a government grant program promoting renewable energy have been told they will not be reimbursed thousands of dollars as promised…
Flashback! – “Renege on solar power angers farmers, investors”

Now is the Time at SDA When We Juxtapose

February 22nd, 2011 … Palin:

…Gaddafi is a brutal killer and Libya – not to mention the world – would be better off if he were out of power. Now is the time to speak out. Speak out for the long-suffering Libyan people. Speak out for the victims of Gaddafi’s terror. NATO and our allies should look at establishing a no-fly zone so Libyan air forces cannot continue slaughtering the Libyan people. We should not be afraid of freedom, especially when it comes to people suffering under a brutal enemy of America.

February 28th, 2011 … Cameron:

British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced he is working on plans for a no-fly zone over Libya.

February 28th, 2011 … Obama:

February 28, 2001: The Nisqually Earthquake

When the recent earthquake in Christchurch, NZ occurred I immediately contacted a friend of mine whose husband is a Kiwi and still has lots of family down there. At the tail end of our conversation she reminded me of the earthquake that occurred 10 years ago on the West Coast of North America.
The Nisqually Earthquake hit at 10:54am on Feb. 28, 2001. In the minutes before I happened to be in my 12th Floor Vancouver apartment, talking on the phone with one of my colleagues, who was over at our office in Victoria. The shock wave hit there first so I had about 10 seconds to prepare before it arrived in Vancouver. That was the LONGEST 10 SECONDS of my life!!!
Here are some more personal stories from that day, here is what it looked like inside of Microsoft in Redmond, WA when the quake hit, and here’s a fairly comprehensive video about the event and its after effects.
If you’ve ever been in the midst of a large scale natural event, please do share your story!

The New Green: Biodiversity

Reserves …

In other words, people should be placed in parks within ecosystems instead of parks placed in human communities. We need vast areas of the planet where humans do not live at all and where other species are free to evolve without human interference.We need to radically and intelligently reduce human populations to fewer than one billion. We need to eliminate nationalism and tribalism and become Earthlings. And as Earthlings, we need to recognize that all the other species that live on this planet are also fellow citizens and also Earthlings. This is a planet of incredible diversity of life-forms; it is not a planet of one species as many of us believe.

New Zealand Earthquake Appeal

Adrian writes;

I’m sort of out of the loop having been in NZ since the beginning of February, however fortunately in the North Island.
I am really impressed that everything I thought about Kiwis is by and large true, thank goodness for them being like Aussies 40years behind Europe.
I have attached this link as I’m sure most people would like to help but have been or are understandably reluctant to donate via the Red Cross or some of the other “dodgy” NGOs
I know I wouldn’t trust any money to them, not sure about the Salvation Army and Saint John Ambulances they are big on the ground here and have donation sites but not being a native I don’t really know how they work in country, except that St Johns IS the ambulance service.
This site was just announced today on the news by the PM for international donations.
Thankfully the awful Helen Clarke is now relegated to the UN and sanity is returning after years of mismanagement by a coilition of liberals and socailists trying to develop utopia and they have a government that is trying to correct the unliveable excesses of the past.

Learn more here: Christchurch Earthquake Appeal

Ethical Oil

Let the European bastards freeze in the dark;

What’s new is last week, the very week when Gadhafi and his son told the world they’d fight democracy protesters to the last bullet, was the week the European Union chose to criticize Canada’s oilsands because — get this — they say we have 20 more grams of carbon dioxide per megajoule of oil than Libya does.
