Author: Robert

Hey Danielle, Justice Needs a Little Help from You!

Persecution of Coutts Political Prisoners via Denial of Medical Treatment:

An unsung hero of the ongoing Coutts Political Prisoners story is Nikki Thom, friend and business associate to Tony Olienick, one of the remaining Coutts “2” of the Coutts Four prisoners, arrested on February 13, 2022, and who remains in custody, having been denied bail and yet to face trial.

Nikki has been tirelessly advocating on all four men’s behalf since day one, taking on what amounts to another full time job, doing the work of endless paperwork, emails, meetings, court appearances, and untold hours of legwork in assisting their legal counsel.

h/t James MacMaster

Your Chinese Controlled Government in Ottawa

Interesting revelations from the Trudeau regime:

The censored five-page memo is marked “top secret.” Aides told Mr. Trudeau not to talk about China negatively despite the document specifically mentioning the country 28 times.

“This is a very sensitive issue and public efforts to raise awareness should remain general and not single out specific countries to avoid potential bilateral incidents,” the memo said.

It added that CCP agents attempted to “influence the outcomes of Canadian elections,” “pressure or influence Canadian officials,” and “influence the publication of Canadian media content which portrays the Chinese government negatively.”

h/t James MacMaster

DEI “Evidence” Debunked

Guest post from William McNally:

McKinsey has four studies that are used by DEI advocates to argue that diversity “is a powerful enabler of business performance.”

Here’s the 2020 study.  McKinsey measure diversity as the racial variety of a company’s executive team.

A new paper by Green and Hand delivers a pretty thorough debunking.  Here’s a synopsis of the criticism.

Here’s the journal article by Green and Hand.

McKinsey wouldn’t share its data (very suspicious) and Green and Hand couldn’t replicate the McKinsey results with a large sample of S&P firms.

Worse, McKinsey’s study design measures a reverse causality: that increased performance causes more diverse hiring.

That makes more sense to me, as I think that diversity is a luxury belief:

This fits into the Scott Adams category of “Backwards Science”.

To give an example, McKinsey’s 2015 study measures diversity in 2014 but looks at financial performance in the years 2010-2013.

Thus, the McKinsey results don’t provide evidence  for the conclusion they are making. The results show that companies with high EBIT margins tend to hire more diverse executives.
