Category: Baiting The Left

The Perils of Transgender Wokeism

The Woke Destruction of a Beautiful Young Woman

Kamala’s Amerika

People deserve the politicians they vote for. Canadians are now suffering the consequences of the oppressive policies brought in by Wonderboy Trudeau. If Americans are so stupid to vote for Kamala Harris, it won’t take long to realize what a disastrous effect that has on them and their livelihoods.

The Undemocratic Democrat Party

“You pushed him down a flight of stairs, kicking & screaming.”

OVAL OFFICE ADDRESS UPDATE: It would help if he could speak like a normal person. His voice sounds weird and his enunciation is off. And his condemnation of extremism and violence would play better if angry mobs of terrorist sympathizers hadn’t invaded the Capitol and burned American flags while desecrating monuments around Washington.

AI-Powered Kamala Noise-Kancelling Kontraption

Let’s face it, the next few months are going to be incredibly painful for anyone with an IQ over 85 and reasonably functioning hearing. To help preserve the sanity of everyone, we have created an AI-Powered Auditory Device that is specifically designed to prevent you from ever again hearing the hyena-like laughter of Democrat Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. Best of all, our device snugly fits inside of your old Covid masks, so you can celebrate in being able to recycle them. Sold in pairs, we offer a money-back guarantee that you will never again have to endure such torture!

No Matter How Much You Hate The Media

It clearly is not enough! Yesterday, MSNBC’s Joy Reid said that Joe Biden successfully recovering from Covid would convey exactly the same thing [as Donald Trump surving an assassin’s bullet].

Well, if he does survive Covid, and we certainly hope that he does, we now know the perfect picture the White House photographer will stage:

Poking Holes in the Lone Wolf Narrative

This is a few days old but still highly relevant: The Duran Interviews Larry Johnson

3 days before the assassination attempt, the Warmonger Queen, Victoria Nuland, predicted an “Unhappy Surprise” for Donald Trump.

Related: Who was involved in short selling of Truth Social in the days before the attempted assassination?

Added by Kate:

A company called Austin Private Wealth LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of $DJT via a put option. The filing date is July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt.

They have around $1 Billion in assets under management and this is by far the largest put placed. According to a source the trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16%! of the float of the stock given the fact that Trump owns 60% of the company.
