Category: The Libranos


Canadian Taxpayers Federation- Canada hikes taxes while other countries provide relief

While the government of Canada raised taxes, the CTF identified 51 national governments that provided tax relief during the pandemic or to ease the burdens of inflation. National governments that provided tax relief include more than half of G7 and G20 countries and two-thirds of the countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

How’s about No News?

Financial Post- Online News Act goes off track

The history of the news business is certainly lost in Ottawa, where Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez is railroading a piece of legislation — Bill C-18, the Online News Act — through Parliament. Last Friday, Rodriguez abruptly pulled the plug on the House of Commons’ Heritage committee’s hearings on the bill, cutting off possible witnesses, including major corporations that are key targets of the act, including Facebook.

Global: Facebook warns it may block news content in Canada if ‘adverse’ bill is passed


Poverty Inc.

National Post- Justin Trudeau’s war on oil and gas is a war on the middle class

Don’t worry, it will keep getting worse. The cost of gas will continue to rise — and with it, the price of just about everything else. Once this pandemic-induced inflationary period has passed, the Liberals’ enthusiasm for forcing Canadians to lower their standard of living will only grow.

Zerohedge- Weaponized Governmental Failure

The crime and the graft and the potholes and the bad drainage, not to mention the spotty trash collection or nonexistent snow shoveling, aren’t incompetence. In fact, none of what you see in the American public sector is incompetence. The people responsible for it are quite highly educated and well-trained in their craft. You just need to understand what their craft is.

It’s a choice to do a poor job with the more mundane tasks of running a city, and an educated and purposeful choice at that. If you do those things effectively, after all, what you will get is middle-class voters moving in. Middle-class voters tend to choose to live in places where they can expect to get actual value out of their tax dollars — good roads, safe streets, functional drainage, decent schools, a friendly business climate, and a growing economy, among other things — and those things are hard to produce when you govern the way the Left does.

International Incident

99.9999% of North Koreans and Chinese citizens likely realize they have no rights so don’t challenge the authority of their respective Dear Leader.

Justin Trudeau, being a big fan of China’s “basic dictatorship”, has sent at least one of his Gestapo police agents stateside to snoop on Canadian citizens.

This is wrong on so many levels but 2.5 years of “crate training” means that 90%+ of cowered, feckless Canadians will not utter a peep about it.  They’re totally fine with Pre-Crimes becoming the New Thing™.


Resources are scarce. So while governments all over the country were sending law enforcement officers to crack down on small businesses trying to survive the lockdowns, harass people for mask compliance, and demonize the legitimate trucker protests, actual criminals posing real risks to Canadians disappear through the cracks.

Globe and Mail- Feds facing questions over whereabouts of 469 missing foreign criminals

Canada Border Services Agency says that, as of December last year, the “whereabouts are unknown” of 29,719 people facing removal from Canada, including 469 facing deportation “for criminality or criminal convictions in Canada.”

Among them were foreign nationals convicted of multiple sexual offences. Some of them have been sought for so long their arrest warrants have expired.

“As of December 1, 2021, there are 48,486 foreign nationals subject to enforceable removal orders.

From Storming the Beaches in Normandy to Suffering Microaggressions in Ottawa

What has happened to the once noble, proud people of Canada? When did Permanent Victimhood replace Honour, Pride, & Dignity? Has this devolution of the populace occurred solely because of Justin Trudeau or was he merely canny enough to capitalize on a large voting block of truly pathetic grown children?

Are all residents of Ottawa really this pathetic?

Update: Here’s another view of supporters of the Freedom Protest that you’re not going to see at the ongoing hearings. h/t LindaL
