Category: New Rules

Housing Micromanagement

I often wonder if conservative parties are all that different from their opposition. Witholding federal funding in order to browbeat civic governments into changing their housing policies to meet arbitrary targets sounds a lot like central planning. You could just drop federal housing subsidies altogether, repeal federal building codes and put an end to zero percent interest rates, but someone clearly thinks that this won’t buy enough votes.

Require big, unaffordable cities to build more homes and speed up the rate at which they build homes every year to meet our housing targets. Cities must increase the number of homes built by 15% each year and then 15% on top of the previous target every single year (it compounds). If targets are missed, cities will have to catch up in the following years and build even more homes, or a percentage of their federal funding will be withheld, equivalent to the percentage they missed their target by.

Soviet Housing

The primary cause of runaway housing costs are zero percent interest rates, but since the concept of net present value seems well beyond the grasp of policy makers, they’ve now decided that the best way to deal with this is to have higher levels of government override decision-making at lower levels. In other words, switch out responsibility for central planning. Another option would be for developers to decide for themselves what housing density is appropriate, but that would be too much like a free market in housing and we can’t have that.

The NDP bill eliminating single-family zoning, the Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendments Act, seizes zoning authority from municipalities and transfers it to the province.

Municipalities with a population higher than 5,000 will now have to zone in line with a provincial policy manual.

How Dare You Notice Things

A tale of a schoolgirls’ tennis team, a locker room, and a cross-dressing coach:

The reprimand mentioned above – or rather, reprimands, because, well, what’s behaviour without a pattern? – did not seem to deter Mr Yates. Nor did the provision of private changing facilities, typically used by sports officials, including coaches. Direct appeals from the girls also failed to discourage him from parading around their locker room in a bra-and-panties ensemble and various states of undress. Such that the girls were left in little doubt that their cross-dressing coach was, as one board member put it, “still fully a man.” And all while seeking out details of the girls’ menstruation cycles and their preferences in underwear.

I think you’re supposed to pretend it isn’t happening.

Go Woke, Go Broke

Welcome to the New Rules.

“Today we took the very difficult but necessary decision to eliminate a number of positions across our corporate organization,” said Brendan Whitworth, Anheuser-Busch CEO. “While we never take these decisions lightly, we want to ensure that our organization continues to be set for future long-term success.”

As of March, the company had 167,000 employees worldwide in 50 countries, according to regulatory filings.

The company is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, while North American headquarters can be found at One Busch Place in St. Louis.

These layoffs come months after the company saw controversy over transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney’s video promoting Bud Light in April. Calls for a boycott caused Bud Light sales to plummet, though Bud Light has been shrinking for years.

Truth: “Right…some jerkwad in Marketing makes a terrible decision and the first people are impacted are the people who would have told them not to do it.” Biden’s America in a nutshell.
