Category: Great Moments In Socialism

I Can See Russia From The 18th Hole


“Russia is the only country in the world realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash,” anchor Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly news show on state-controlled Rossiya 1 television.
Kiselyov made the comment to support his argument that the United States and President Barack Obama were living in fear of Russia led by President Vladimir Putin amid the Ukraine crisis.

More: Russia’s Special Ops Invasion of Ukraine Has Begun

Strange Happenings in Quebec Politics

Licia Corbella explains:

What’s even more puzzling than [Pierre Karl Peladeau] running with the PQ is how this 52-year-old union-busting, staff-slashing controlling shareholder of Quebecor Communications hasn’t bothered to study the fiscal books of Quebec. If he had, this fierce businessman would not seek the independence of Quebec from Canada. Why? Because Quebec would be utterly bankrupt were it not for equalization sent there annually from the rest of Canada.

Last year, Quebec received about $8 billion net in equalization from the federal government and hasn’t been a net contributor to the federal coffers for decades.

Jimmy Carter, Have You No Shame?

The American Left thinks that Jimmy Carter is a fine old boy. Not everyone in Venezuela is as supportive:

Please, desist from your trip: you have absolutely no credibility in Venezuela.

Your last actions in Venezuela have had disastrous results for the democracy here. When these became obvious you remained strangely silent for years, and only suddenly you wake up again.

I can assure you that half of the country has no respect nor credibility for you and the other half thinks you are a mere fool that they can use and discard as needed.

I think that not only you should desist from your trip, but should never mention us again. You have cursed us enough as it is. We will appreciate your future silence since nothing good ever comes from your statements on Venezuela. Worry not, I am sure we will find more worthy mediators.

Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

Now is the time at SDA for a little nostalgia.

Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor running for president, has told an audience in New Hampshire that the United States “won’t always have the strongest military,” an assertion that drew a strong rebuke today from one of his rivals for the Democratic nomination. […]
Dr. Dean rejected that characterization of his comment. “What serious presidential candidate would ever say such a thing?” he said. “How ridiculous!”

Tony Blair’s Britain

Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch, and meet the lucky winners of a new marine habitat!

Devastating evidence has now come to light not just that the floods covering 65 square miles of the Somerset Levels could have been prevented, but that they were deliberately engineered by Labour ministers in 2009, regardless of the property and human rights of the thousands of people whose homes and livelihoods would be affected. Furthermore, that wildly misleading Met Office forecast in November led the Environment Agency to take a step that has made the flooding infinitely more disastrous than it need have been.
The “smoking guns” begin with a policy decision announced in 2005 by Labour’s “floods minister” Elliot Morley, later to be jailed for fraudulently claiming more than £30,000 on his MP’s expenses. Under the heading “Saving wetland habitats: more money for key sites”, Morley directed that, to comply with the EU’s habitats directive and a part-EU-funded study involving the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the WWF and the Environment Agency, flooding in Somerset should be artificially promoted, because “wildlife will benefit from increased water levels”. The 13 local drainage boards, responsible for keeping the Levels properly managed, were all to be co-opted into implementing this policy.
