“When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal”


A high-ranking official at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), who said he was acting at the direction of top lawyers in President Obama’s White House, went to extraordinary and seemingly bizarre lengths to obstruct an Inspector General investigation into illicit lobbying activity at the agency.

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7 Replies to ““When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal””

  1. Was there ever any doubt that this type of collusion/corruption would follow an Alinsky- Chicago syndicate- Wall St. oligarchy triumvirate into the oval office?
    It is a little repeated fact that both Jefferson and Washington, in their reclining years, both felt they had failed at producing a true open democratic system which served the electorate. They felt they had failed to seize the opportunity presented to them when drafting the constitution. They later realized that in their attempt to decentralize power by dividing it between 2 houses and the state and federal legislatures that the real culprit in centralizing power was political parties and the organizations/networks which control them.
    “They [a political party] rally to the point which they think next best, a consolidated government.” (TJ)
    Here he points out that political parties naturally gravitate to centralization, which they certainly have since and certainly in the past 2 administrations.
    “Their aim is now, therefore, to break down the rights reserved by the Constitution to the States as a bulwark against that consolidation” (TJ)
    Here he states the federal party is trying to steal the power of the individual States and centralize it in one city, and they are willing to alter or bypass the Constitution to do so.
    “the fear of which produced the whole of the opposition to the Constitution at its birth” (TJ)
    Here Jefferson is saying the Anti-Federalists were right and that the Constitution could not prevent the theft of liberties by a national government and the cabals who control national parties. In other regrets Jefferson saw the influence of consolidated special interests (their influence and lobbies) as political groups who seek to steal the right and enfranchisement of the individual – how right he was when we see ACORN, unions and Wall St. lobbies undermine the public will/good.
    This last Washington regime and its front man would certainly have Jefferson saying “I told you so”. Unfortunately the congress and the electorate do not share the founder’s loathing of political collusion and power mongering, otherwise Obumbles and his henchmen would be indicted a dozen times over.

  2. More and more rocks are being turned over to expose the slimy, filthy underbelly of this administration.
    Present Obumbles will need a democrat president elected so he can receive a total and irrevocable pardon.
    Under related-
    Lois Lerner IRS,
    knows that cowboy Sen Trey Gowdy will see her handcuffed and dragged off to prison.
    She told the court she is ‘innocent’ then used protection for that innocent plea,
    or personal incrimination, under the fifth amendment.
    To my knowledge that has never happened in the history of Congressional investigations.
    If convicted, will Present Obumbles pardon her?

    The suspense is awesome, I hope it continues.
    Get me a big gulp 30 oz Coke,
    and pass the popcorn..

  3. and nothing will be done about this either. obumur is in complete control and I doubt he will allow the senate election to happen if it means a tea party senate majority.

  4. I think they’re so brazen because, with the growing number of takers in the nation (their ever-faithful electoral base) and with the use of election/voter fraud, the Dems no longer fear elections.
    No Republican administration would have made it passed the first few weeks after the IRS scandal broke.

  5. Occam is spot on.
    Democracy and the choice of government is all but an illusion anymore, and this not just in the post great old US of A but in most all modern democratic affiliations (NATO, G7, UN).
    Obama might be seen as accelerating the decent only because he was born and bred to believe in a totalitarian controlled World. Unlike the recent Bush or Clinton for example; not only is Obama on the same train his predecessors might have been told to ride (Or else?), Obama loves to stoke the boiler’s furnace with coal and pull the steam whistle too because he had already bought that ticket. Way, way before 2008.
    “…government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations”…
    (Newer recommended version)

  6. Well it makes the 2016 election logo easy to pick.
    Vote Democrat or we are all going to jail.
