Category: Forward!

It’s Political Nudity, You See

Come to think of it, I’m not entirely sure what loving one’s body might mean, beyond the obvious off-colour jokes. But apparently, it’s something that one is supposed to proclaim as an accomplishment, a credential of progressivism. I have, however, noted that it tends to be announced by people whose declared triumph in this matter is not altogether convincing, and whose basis for doing so is generally much slimmer than they are.

Come, children. Mommy wants you to see her arse.

Spreading The Love

Eugyppius- Disorderly “refugees” turn Erfurt commuter rail line into a daily hell

The problems are especially acute on a route between the state capital in Erfurt and a mid-sized town 50km to the south called Suhl. The reason is that Suhl is home to Thüringen’s initial refugee reception facility. At any given time, hundreds of migrants from Syria, Afghanistan and Turkey are housed in these flats, and they’re constantly taking the train to and from Erfurt, and terrorising everybody else who is doing the same thing.

See also…

You Didn’t Think They’d Stop Did You?

Blacklocks- Gov’t Rethinks Climate Claim

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault yesterday banned the sale of lightbulbs once touted by his department as climate-friendly energy savers. Compact fluorescent bulbs in fact contained toxic mercury blamed for poisoning the environment.

Cabinet earlier promoted compact fluorescent bulbs as an energy-saving alternative to traditional, mercury-free Edison bulbs. A 2003 Project Porchlight campaign gave away 200,000 compact fluorescents as good for the environment and drove sales to 27 million mercury bulbs a year.

Loud And Proud, You Say?

Atlantic columnist is oppressed by expectations of politeness and basic consideration:

Ms Gonzalez, who repeatedly mentions how “minority” and “of colour” she is, also tells us how she, “just wanted to be around people in places where nobody told us to shush.” Say, when being a late-night annoyance to roommates and neighbours, a thing that by her own account happens repeatedly, or when playing music in a library. Where other people are trying to study:

“One day, when I accidentally sat down to study in the library’s Absolutely Quiet Room, fellow students Shhh-ed me into shame for putting on my Discman… I soon realised that silence was more than the absence of noise; it was an aesthetic to be revered. Yet it was an aesthetic at odds with who I was. Who a lot of us were.

A bold admission. One, I suspect, that reveals more than intended. Also, the claim that one can sit down in a library accidentally.

Oh, there’s more. And a plot twist of sorts.

The Bedlamite Contagion

In any other branch of medicine, doctors would ask why. If you saw a sudden, 5000% increase in young people with bipolar disorder, the mental health world would investigate immediately… If you saw a 5,000% increase in girls suffering from anorexia, immediately we would want to know – what was that trigger, what is causing this? And yet, with gender, the 5,000% increase happens and nobody says a thing. Everybody’s pretending that it’s perfectly normal and healthy. Why? Because… it’s gender. You’re not allowed to question anything. You can only celebrate.

It’s almost as if we’re supposed to celebrate a 5,000% increase in teenage girls showing up at gender clinics and wanting their breasts cut off.

Andrew Gold interviews the formidable Mia Hughes, author of The WPATH Files, about pseudoscience, malpractice, and experiments on children.

Liberties Taken

There is no way that you can say to a man who identifies as a woman, insists he is a woman, that, fine, he can do what he likes, but he can’t actually come into women-only spaces – and that you reserve the right to say that the reason is because he’s a man – that doesn’t offend him…

What has happened is that a lot of women have seen their willingness to be polite absolutely taken advantage of… What it’s come down to is that people who don’t identify as their sex have taken other people’s politeness as license to override other people’s desires, needs, rights, and boundaries…

Helen Joyce on transgender overreach, exploited politeness, and belated pushback.

A Shirtless Man With Long Hair Is Not, In Fact, A Woman

When a mother and her baby are assaulted, and the media and police are not entirely frank:

Happily, passers-by assisted the alarmed mother, and Mr Beekmeyer, who was shirtless at the time, was overpowered and arrested shortly afterwards, before being charged with assault. Unlike the police and several news outlets, including the Vancouver Sun and the CBC, witnesses to the crime were quite comfortable using the words he and man when referring to Mr Beekmeyer.

Then, it has to be said, things get a little strange.

The Perils Of Progressive Parenting

As a new, supposedly more equitable tradition – at least outside of the Spanish-speaking world – it seems scarcely less prone to complication and trade-offs. When hyphenated offspring come to name their own children – and if they follow the same rules as their hyphenated parents – the whole thing rapidly becomes unworkable, and, at risk of causing offence, names will have to be cut. Lest each child sound like a law firm.

Though I suppose one could take it as a kind of unintended symbolism, a measure of modern progressivism. In that, the problem it allegedly addresses doesn’t seem to be much of a problem for most of those it supposedly oppresses, and the solution offered is somewhat short-sighted and soon results in something close to absurdity.

On marriage, surnames, and the looming hyphenation crisis.

Pleasuring Themselves

On bridge blocking and other terribly radical acts:

Note the lofty defence offered by our pronoun-stipulating champion of the obstruction – that “protests are meant to be disruptive. It’s the whole point.”

A protest, then, is not meant to persuade the general public, or to get them on-side, or to make others sympathetic with whatever this week’s cause may be. But simply to be disruptive. To gratuitously frustrate, and aggravate, large numbers of law-abiding people. To exert power. By doing random harm. That’s “the whole point.” A vision doubtless attractive to those with antisocial inclinations.

And those inclinations aren’t being indulged and given rein reluctantly or under duress. The screwing-over of others is sought out and chosen, over and over again. This is recreational sociopathy.
