He Fights: Donald Trump is America’s first wartime president in the Culture War.
Nancy Pelosi is here to remind you of the rules the left plays by.
Nancy Pelosi is like Lena Dunham, "everyone is guilty of sexual harassment if accused, except my friends…" #SundayMorning pic.twitter.com/BLgTFqbKQn
— The Columbia Bugle (@ColumbiaBugle) November 26, 2017
So, let’s not hear any more of that “we’re better than that” crap.
Theresa May’s Britain
Where the foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch, and it’s not ok to be white.
The [BBC] Newsroom team is offering an exceptional and unique opportunity to train as a broadcast journalist within their expert team. Working with the joint Domestic and World Service Radio Newsroom, in collaboration with Radio 4 sequence programmes, the successful candidate will be given the opportunity to gain varied experience across domestic and World Service digital output. […]
This internship is only open to candidates from a black, Asian or non-white ethnic minority background
h/t Sean M.
Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors
The scandals rocking Hollywood, the political elite, and the media are qualitatively different from any scandal that could embroil a conservative because the latter was always just a man while the former were special men who stood as judges of all mankind, able to nudge or signal virtue as the arc of history bade them do.
The Deplorables
In the broadest sense, the appearance of a Catalan state would be only another facet of a slow dismantling process emerging all over the world, pushed forward – surprisingly – by globalisation. And on a smaller scale, there’s something specially Iberian and something European about Catalonia’s travails.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 24, 2017
“It can no longer be denied that ‘global institutions’ are in trouble.”
Igor, Bar The Door.