Category: Tech

47: Twitter 2.0

The firings will continue until morale impoves;

• Musk aides restrict access to federal employee data systems
• Musk’s team works around the clock, installs sofa beds at OPM
• Concerns include cybersecurity and lack of oversight

Aides to Elon Musk charged with running the U.S. government human resources agency have locked career civil servants out of computer systems that contain the personal data of millions of federal employees, according to two agency officials.

We think they’re building a massive email list of all federal employees to generate mass RIF notices down the road.”

I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords

Best and brightest.

US Defense Department employees connected their work computers to Chinese servers to access DeepSeek’s new AI chatbot for at least two days before the Pentagon moved to shut off access, according to a defense official familiar with the matter.

The Defense Information Systems Agency, which is responsible for the Pentagon’s IT networks, moved to block access to the Chinese startup’s website late Tuesday, the official and another person familiar with the matter said. Both asked not to be named because the information isn’t public.

Obligation To Serve

Six Things to Know About Your Electric Utility

Many years ago, a comedy group posted a video featuring actors as average Americans in a slick faux commercial satirizing coal energy. Turns out the coincident target of this mockery was the rest of us and how little we understand about what powers our lives.

“What if the power to sustain your world was right inside a mountain?” asks the narrator. He continues, “What if you could power an entire city for a hundred dollars?” A man in a hard hat says, “Cheap power is clean power. The future is later.” A woman looks soberly at the camera, “Electricity comes from the walls in my home where I live.”

I, For One, Welcome 我们的自动驾驶新霸主

Morning update, to add this excellent summary.

This is a classic disruption story: Incumbents optimize existing processes, while disruptors rethink the fundamental approach. DeepSeek asked “what if we just did this smarter instead of throwing more hardware at it?”

A DeepSeek explainer, but it’s worth surfing X searches too.

Follow Brian Roemmele too, as he’s been working on personal AI.


I, For One, Welcome 我们的自动驾驶新霸主

It’s probably nothing.

Developing, read more responses here.

We’re From The Government, And We’re Here To Manage

What the Tech Right Sees in Trump;

• While SpaceX put more than 300 rockets into orbit for less than $10 billion, California has built 1,600 feet of elevated rail for $11 billion, and now projects its high speed rail project will cost a total of $128 billion.

• Congress earmarked $7.5 billion in 2021 for a half-million electric-vehicle charging stations. By May 2024, only eight had been built. Not 8,000. Not 800. Eight.

• The federal government allocated $42.5 billion on rural broadband and has connected zero homes after three years.

• Unimaginably large parts of Los Angeles were just destroyed by a devastating fire while its fire hydrants didn’t work, and while fire department leadership seemed more focused on DEI than saving lives.

Something has to change. Our politicians can no longer remain fixated on steady, predictable preservation of the status quo. Instead, we need a leader who will fight for the country, is willing to risk change, and who realizes America’s exceptional potential.

via Instapundit.

Let That Sink In

The times, they are a-changing.

And more: Meta Platforms Appoints UFC’s Dana White as a New Director

I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords

Via Hotair;

It’s unclear if the Chinese hackers have been fully evicted from all of the U.S. telecommunications networks. Earlier this month, Neuberger said that none of the providers have managed to oust the Chinese hackers from their networks, an assertion that T-Mobile and Lumen have refuted.

Neuberger explained that once Chinese hackers infiltrated telecommunication networks, they essentially had “broad and full access” to American data, which allowed them to “geolocate millions of individuals” and “record phone calls at will.”
