Category: The “W” Word

The ‘W’ Word

Rex Murphy on “white privilege”.

The phrase has not surprisingly spawned a slogan — after all, what academic discipline doesn’t aspire to the abrupt short-thought of a bumper sticker? — Check Your Privilege. Which translates into a hectoring from social justice warriors, as they so deliriously style themselves, for white people to stand back and tabulate with tearful guilt the infinite advantages that result from their epidermal good luck.

I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative

More from Ace. “…many minorities now employ a constant, codified, ritualized attack on White People as their method of engaging in some bumptious, egotistical Racial Triumphalism.”
And – @johncardillo State’s Attorney Mosby appears to have lied. #FreddieGray had open warrant.
Related: The Soros Army Gets A Human Sacrifice

I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Narrative

NY Post: 2 NYPD cops shot dead ‘execution style’ in Brooklyn
This looks to be legit. The Instagram account has already been pulled.

Update: More on shooter Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley at Mediaite.
The blowback has only just begun.

Embrace Hollywood!

Apparently not a spoof;

Pascal agreed to let Sharpton have a say in how Sony makes motion pictures, in an effort to combat what he called “inflexible and immovable racial exclusion in Hollywood.”

More from Ed Driscoll“to paraphrase something Virginia Postrel once said to Brian Lamb, North Korea’s start-from-zero let ’em eat grass and ride bicycles basket-case economy is a Hollywood environmental fascist’s dream come true. One in which, Kim Jong-un always gets the final cut, in every way imaginable.”

Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

Wilderness of Mirrors;

What we are witnessing is nothing less than a Gangster uprising. The African American culture is by and large one of idolization and worship of violent criminals, this violent behavior on their part is the inescapable result of a culture that assaults education, honestly, moral, ethical or virtuous behavior and instead glorifies and rewards violent criminal behavior.
But do not make the mistake of thinking that that is all this is about. This my friends, is nothing less than a loaded gun pointed at the head of America with the none to subtle threat, Impeach Barack Obama, and we’ll burn America to the ground. Wake up and smell the burning rubble America. The Fifth Column Treasonous Media, the Whitehouse and the Department of Injustice set these wheels in motion very much on purpose to prevent anyone from even remotely considering Impeaching his Imperial Majesty Barack Hussein Obama the first.
