Category: Republicans

It’s JD Vance

Ben Shapiro weighs in: a bold pick, a whole new generation… you cannot doubt his IQ, you cannot doubt he’s a bulldog.

Glenn Reynolds;

With Trump feeling — literally — the wind of mortality on his neck, he’s going to want a backup who’ll carry the MAGA flame, not some milquetoast who might “balance the ticket” but who wouldn’t be worth it if he/she stepped into Trump’s shoes. Plus at best Trump can only serve one term; he wants someone who might follow him in office and carry the MAGA vision forward.


Earlier today, Trump called for RFK to get Secret Service protection, and a friend messaged me: “Haha, when they do that, our crazy orange former president official becomes shadow chief executive. Making the common sense calls the Biden admin can’t quite manage.”

And later today, they did that, with Sec. Mayorkas announcing that RFK will get Secret Service protection. To which my friend comments: “Prediction: Here through Jan 20 will be the first six months of the second Trump admin.”

The dynamism is all on one side here.

Ronna McDaniel to step down as RNC chair


McDaniels has been under pressure for months to step down after she failed to deliver the promised red wave in 2022. Recent reports about the RNC’s excessive spending also came out, putting further pressure on her to step down.

Her chief of staff stepped down earlier on Tuesday. “I know the timing of this news comes as many rumors in the press swirl and we prepare to merge with the presumptive nominee. I assure you, the RNC is in an incredibly strong position,” Mike Reed said. He will also be stepping down later this month.

This news comes after Trump and McDaniel met together at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago on Monday. After that meeting, it was reported that changes would be coming to the RNC. He posted after that meeting that McDaniel was “now Head of the RNC, and I’ll be making a decision the day after the South Carolina Primary as to my recommendations for RNC Growth.”

“party of losers”.

Exposing the Swamp

In a shocking hidden camera interview, some facts, many of us suspected, are revealed:

A Capitol Hill intern reveals how members of Congress are coerced to vote a certain way through blackmail and extortion after affairs & sex parties: “Cawthorn wasn’t lying neither”

O’Keefe Media Group founder James O’Keefe has discovered that nothing is as it seems when it comes to Congress Members’ voting patterns, the staffers they hire, or their activity outside of Congress.

Meet Titus Warren, a Democrat working for Republicans in Congress. These Republicans do not care about Warren’s political views or the potential of him tipping off the other side. In fact, Titus states that he “loves” Nancy Pelosi and believes that Donald Trump “needs to die.”


New Hampshire Primary Predictions?

Today, New Hampshire provides the 2nd round of opportunities for Republican party members to vote for who they want as their presidential candidate.  Here’s an overview.  Here’s a video about New Hampshire Primary History.  And here’s a video that explains why New Hampshire is a little weird.  If you find the state appealing, here’s an overview of some great rural towns in New Hampshire.  While you’re waiting for the results to come in, here are some webcams around the state.

What are your predictions for the outcome will be this evening? (candidates and their percentages)


Tucker Up, Buttercup (Bumped)

Clips are now making their way to Twitter, and some of them are lit. According to the comments, you can access the event via Blaze TV. I’ll post a few in the extended entry.

Update: You can find the video coverage here, still live, now into its 4th hour. Scroll the red time bar back for segments with the candidates.


This is going to pull a lot of eyeballs.

One by one, Carlson will grill Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

Regardless of any private hesitation they may harbor, each of the campaigns who spoke with RCP ahead of the event say they take Carlson seriously. Most have spent considerable time preparing. And for good reason.

Continue reading

Let That Sink In

Daily Wire;

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is officially entering the 2024 presidential race this week during a special event with Twitter owner Elon Musk.

The conversation between DeSantis and Musk will take place on Twitter at 6 p.m. ET on Wednesday, according to multiple reports. The conversation will be moderated by Republican donor David Sacks, who is supporter of DeSantis and a close ally of Musk.

Update: Tear up the 2023 bingo cards and start over.

It’s January 6th, And Here We Are (Bumped)

Full thread here.
Rich Baris, 10:00 PM Jan 6, 2023: Gaetz joins Boebert to vote present. Paul Gosar voted for Kevin McCarthy. He will be the speaker of the House.

After considerable confusion… to put it mildly, McCarthy has 216 votes after Matt Gaetz abstains.

And a motion to adjourn until Monday has failed and I think there will be fisticuffs!

As another round of voting ensues, another “present” vote, and McCarthy looks to be headed to the speaker’s chair.
