Category: Democrats

The Most Interesting Case of Sheila Kuehl

You might recall Ms. Sheila Kuehl. She is on the 5-member Board of Supervisors of Los Angeles County. She’s the one who voted to close all restaurants in the county and then proceeded to dine out at her favourite restaurant in an adjacent county a few hours later. Hypocrisy doesn’t even begin to describe out outrageous this was.

Fast forward to this month. Kuehl’s home was raided by the L.A. County Sheriff’s department over some “interesting no-bid contracts” that were handed out to a life-long friend of hers. Weren’t Democrats cheering on the raid of Donald Trump’s home just a few weeks ago? “It’s okay when we do it!”

Here is prominent California attorney Mark Geragos – who is a lifelong Democrat and huge donor to Democrat candidates – explain the Sheila Kuehl investigation & raid:

When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio (R) received a complaint from someone inside the agency over the FBI’s designation of American Contingency, a veteran-led group that assists people in the wake of natural disasters, as being ‘facilitators of domestic terror.’ And it was further revealed that the FBI already knew this wasn’t true, having previously investigated the group and found them to be on the up and up.”

Biden-Speak to English: A New SDA Service

Here’s video of what Biden said this weekend:

We fed it through the SDA Biden2English™ Translator and this is what came out:

“It was no longer politically expedient for us to milk the pandemic with all of the fear mongering that worked so successfully with Democrat voters in 2020 & 2021 so we decided to drop the Covid theatre entirely.”

Crowd Sourcing a Theory

Brett Cooper, a rising star at The Daily Wire, recently published this video (apologies that it’s on Facebook).

After watching the video, I got to thinking: We’ve all known for a long time that various governments launched PsyOps programs to frighten the hell out of their citizens over Covid-19.  Here’s but one example. A careful scrutiny of politician press conferences, “news” reports, and rhetoric from pundits in the legacy media all contributed to hype up the fear over the disease and suppress any dissenting voices.

Cooper’s video got me thinking: Is the growing violence in American cities, particularly “blue” cities completely random, or might it have been allowed to flourish, possibly even amped up because the fear over it actually benefits Democrat politicians?

Sorry for being late to the party on this, but only now did I have that lightbulb moment.  So, what do you think, am I in Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Theory territory or do you think there’s some validity to it?

A Martha’s Vineyard Hypocrite on Display

Woke Leftist Lisa Belcastro and other Martha’s Vineyard elitist hypocrites are an interesting lot.  Apparently it’s fine for the Southern States to take care of an unlimited number of illegal immigrants and it’s okay for Joe Biden to fly them anywhere around America but “dare” send just 50 (fifty) illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard and you are veering towards being a Nazi.

Much more here.

Update: Martha’s Vineyard Tourism Video – h/t andycanuck

Excellent Advice

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a very bright guy on his own but his Rapid Response Director, Christina Pushaw is beyond brilliant and helps supercharge their responses to the Corrupt Legacy Media:

“It’s more than bias. It’s more than the old standards. It’s contempt. They hate you. They hate us. They hate everything that we stand for, and I really think they hate this country. So, what do we do? We cut them off.”

According to Pushaw, the almost exclusively liberal reporters staffing mainstream media newsrooms don’t care about fairness, accuracy or truth. All they want, she said, is to advance a liberal agenda while tamping down the voices of conservatives who dare to call them out.

As the contemptible David Akin recently proved, the Canadian legacy media are no better.  Given that part of their paycheques comes from the Trudeau government, they’re arguably worse.  So will the newly invigorated Conservative Party, under the leadership of @PierrePoilievre follow suit and treat the Canadian Media Party apparatchiks like the cult-like Leftist Activists they truly are?!?

Irony Alert

The only question is, do the residents of Martha’s Vineyard realize what utter & complete NIMBY hypocrites they are?!?

h/t Jack Posobiec on Telegram

Plus, there’s this fantastic tweet from Christina Pushaw. h/t Joe

Update: Massachusetts deploys National Guard to assist in removal of illegal aliens from Martha’s Vineyard. Let’s hope DeSantis (FL) and Abbott (TX) and [in 2023] Lake (AZ) keep sending more & more planes & buses to the Wealthy Leftist enclaves where the residents in these people clearly HATE brown-skinned people.

Update 2: Dr. Drew Pinsky is on Tim Pool’s show this evening and this topic is very prominent.

Survivor 46: Martha’s Vineyard

Democrats have voted the diversity off the island.

Update: Come for the liberal hypocrisy, stay for the memes.
