24 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. Calgary…… sure is a good thing that Alberta is bastion of conservatism. s/

  2. Auzzi wrong think……. Read the koran there can be no disputing the evil contained therein.

  3. Blackie is keeping his schedule in Toronto a secret this weekend. He’s avoiding protests that wouldn’t look good in his media.

  4. “Hanson agreed that she had also said in 2017 that ‘Islam is a disease’ and “we need to vaccinate ourselves against that.'”

    And why shouldn’t she have?

    Those aren’t racist statements, like the lies our peerless leaders allow Muslims to spread about how Jews supposedly drink the blood of Christian children. Those are simple statements of fact.

    Islam is a form of mass hysteria, just like communism, feminism and every globalist ideology under the sun. And all are promoted and bankrolled by a small number of immensely wealthy monsters determined to enslave the world and blot out the Name of the Lord of Hosts.

    1. Yes, Islam isn’t race, it’s religion. Quite easy to refute the accusation of racism and turn it back on the accuser who presumes all muslims are of a particular race, or that everyone of a certain race is muslim.

  5. The Leafs went down in glorious defeat again. It’s the only constant in today’s crazy world.

    1. At least they gave it a good shot, unlike the Jets that folded like a cheap aluminum chair.

      1. Its not the team itself that I dislike, but the arrogance of 99% of its fans.
        And there is the media. They’re sickening. They think everyone is cheering for the Leafs when the opposite is true.
        Wrong Maclean was probably given a studio intern to kick when Pasternak scored the OT winner.

        1. Same here. It’s the town I can’t stand mostly. I was a Leafs fan all my life until the Maple Leaf Gardens child abuse scandal broke. I know the players weren’t involved but for me it tainted the team, from the city, to the Leafs management right down to the jerseys.

      2. Did they ever. I’ve never been able to understand why there’s a city where Winnipeg is.

    2. The Maple Laughs lose again. Made my day.

      Now it’s those annoying overpaid Blue Jays.

  6. “Islam is a form of mass hysteria, just like communism, feminism and every globalist ideology under the sun. And all are promoted and bankrolled by a small number of immensely wealthy monsters determined to enslave the world and blot out the Name of the Lord of Hosts.”

    That crystallizes what I am thinking and, this a.m., I’m in an unaccepting mood for anything left or looking that way. Islam especially. When I read how the gutless, nutless cowards assassinated that preacher, Time for some culture shock for the terrorists screaming about a furniture store.

    1. Clearly radical Islam either chose to align themselves with Identitarian Marxism or was created by Identitarian Marxism. The larger agenda is the trampling of Westerners and Western values in favor of some creepy, Dystopian, feudalism. No thanks. No question they would like to do to us what Hamas did to the Israelis.

      1. You know who funds them, the same people who support ADL, the ACLU, the SPLC, Amnesty International, legions of fake 501c3s (in other words us) , in tandem with the cartels.

  7. Calgary city council voting 9-6 in favor of Votes for Non-Citizens cannot be a municipal movement but another Trudeau/Chicom inspiration as is Re-Zoning. Gondek shrewdly kept these issues silent until after she survived her recall petition.
