Category: Baiting The Left

Showing Up To Riot

Why I am in the House today

Before I deny unanimous consent to the motion which will be introduced in the House of Commons today (and also to leave a record, in case the Government behaves responsibly and eliminates the need for me to do so), I think I ought to go onto the public record, explaining my reasons for denying my consent to the motion which will be presented today when the House begins its emergency sitting. I ought also to outline the changes which would have to be made, in order for me to give my consent.
Moreover, I need to explain why I turned up in the House of Commons at all today, despite a request from the Whips of all parties that their members stay away from the House of Commons, and notwithstanding the Prime Minister’s admonishment that Canadians “go home and stay home.” This second explanation will follow, after I have dealt with the first item.

@Kady has the legalities.

He says this as though it’s a bad thing — Scott Reid wants to be the Rand Paul of Canada.

Updates below.

The Left’s Wildest Dreams May Be Coming True

While sane, responsible people are rightfully worried about what is still to come from Covid-19, it must be noted that the ardent disciples of the cult known as Radical Leftism appear to be having all of their most heartfelt wishes granted.

First, the economic growth we’ve all enjoyed is about to end, which is something that Bernie Sanders and AOC and Bill Maher and their ilk have been hoping would happen for some time now. But if that wasn’t enough, the reduced growth is certain to reduce carbon emissions. And for the cherry on top, all of the Leftists who have been screaming that we need to reduce the population are now about to have their wishes granted, with an estimated 0.25% – 3.0% of the world’s population about to die. With that population currently at about 7.7 Billion people, this equates to between 19.25 Million to 231 Million souls gone.

The Leftist Death Cult must be rejoicing!

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

Naughty, naughty Nancy Pelosi tried to slip a pro-abortion amendment into the Corona virus bill:

Pelosi attempted to secure a funding stream of up to $1 billion for reimbursing laboratory claims. According to White House officials who spoke with the Daily Caller, that provision would establish a precedent under which health claims for all procedures, including abortion, could be reimbursed with federal funds. That precedent would render the Hyde Amendment, which blocks taxpayer funding for abortion clinics, obsolete.

Pelosi resisted efforts by Democrats to end the Hyde Amendment in recent months, with progressives being forced to abandon an attempt to “ensure” abortion coverage for people using federal health programs as part of a $190 billion budget bill passed in July.

Of course, the lyin’ Left has been trying to spin this 180 degrees!

Kids Leftists Say the Darndest Things

Here are some thing I’ve personally been told by Democrat voters in the past few days:

  1. The 30-day flight ban from Europe is xenophobic.
  2. The only reason the UK wasn’t included is because Trump owns golf courses there.
  3. Within the next 2 weeks, all American cities will be locked down by the military and police.
  4. Don’t venture anywhere outside of the country because you won’t be allowed back in.

Feel free to share any other conspiracy theories or predictions you’ve heard.

If it were President Obama, this speech would have been praised as “brilliant”

President Trump is trying to keep Americans safe and the Left plays politics.

Wilfrid Laurier University: Men Not Wanted (but men identifying as women are welcome)

More insanity from Canada’s most infamous SJW university campus:

Self-identification renders the word “woman” meaningless. Efforts to address women’s issues like the wage gap are impossible with self-identification, since men can self-select into the compensation. But to extend self-ID to all “equity seeking groups” is further madness. Remember Rachel Dolezal who self-identified as black? Or, Emile Ratelband, the 69 year old Dutch man, who self-identified as being 49 years old? Apparently, Laurier would support both claims. Ironically, self-identification renders the equity survey’s results meaningless.

The second example is more troubling. In August, the University announced $1.3M in federal funding to support women entrepreneurs. Several programs will be launched to support female entrepreneurs in non-tech and social ventures, and to support Indigenous women starting businesses in Indigenous culture. So many red flags. Why would the program preclude tech businesses in the middle of the Waterloo-Toronto tech corridor? But the really troubling part is that males need not apply. Laurier and the federal government are actively discriminating against individuals based on an immutable characteristic: sex.

Another Day, Another Limousine Leftist Exposed

SJW crusader Carlos Maza turns out to be a super wealthy socialist.

Through his clan, the millennial firebrand is connected to multiple Florida mega-mansions, a $7.1 million pad on the Upper West Side purchased under an LLC — and a yacht by luxury maker boat-maker Donzi.

Maza’s mother Vivian Maza was one of the first employees at Ultimate Software, a Florida-based behemoth which now employs more than 5,000 people. Starting in 1990 as an office manager, she ultimately rose to become the group’s chief people officer in 2004.

Public records show Vivian, Scott, Carlos and sister Isabel all registered to vote at a five-bedroom, eight-bathroom waterfront palace in Boca Raton, Florida. The property sold in 2018 for $10.8 million according to realty website Zillow. Scherr also unloaded a four-bed, four-bath home in 2015 mansion in Weston, Florida, for $1,850,000 in 2015.

It’s not clear how much Vivian and Scherr actively support Maza’s lifestyle, but evidence suggest the family has been happy to pitch in to help spread his socialist message. Both Scherr and Vivian Maza are listed as a “comrades” at the end of Carlos’ most recent YouTube video. And the younger Maza himself admitted in an interview with Mel Magazine that his family was there to financially back him if he needed it.

More here from the reporter who broke Maza’s hypocrisy.
