Category: Baiting the Right

Who Is Mostly Responsible For Taking America Off of Its Path to Greatness?

Newsroom is a TV show about the MSM. It was created by well known Leftist, Aaron Sorkin. Here’s a pivotal scene from the first season in 2012:

Here’s a review on the HuffPo of the same. There’s little doubt that Jeff Daniels’ rant was written by a Leftist for a Leftist audience. However, if one were to look critically at what has destroyed so much in America – just read SDA for a week! – the blame mostly sits squarely with Leftists, their policies, and the institutions they’ve set up. Clearly they don’t see it that way but their reticence to admit failure – as has been observed recently with Obamacare – should not let them off the proverbial hook one iota.

How the Democrats Win

An acquaintance posted this image on her Facebook Wall:
The image was created by this group and refers to this.
It doesn’t matter what was actually in the bill. The fact that every Senate Republican voted against it likely means that it was an horrific piece of legislation that should have never seen the light of day. But in the game of Political Chess, the Democrats seem to be several moves ahead of the Republicans. Is there any possible way for the GOP to successfully combat these tactics?

Tory Porkorama!

At The Gods of the Copybook Headings:

Your tax dollars at work:

In the fall of 2012, the District of Mission undertook an integrated planning initiative for its Downtown which resulted in the Mission City Downtown Action Plan. The Plan, which was made possible through $150,000 provided under the federal Gas Tax Fund, provides policies and a list of priority actions organized as discrete capital projects intended to improve the public spaces. In addition, the plan provides practical tools and incentive opportunities intended to support existing businesses and attract future downtown investment.

This is how self-government erodes. In small and unnoticed ways for ostensibly worthy causes. While everyone else is worried about NSA surveillance, small town governments, once bastions of a free society, become steadily co-opted by the federal establishment. Whether Big Brother is listening may not matter very much if he’s already doing everything else.

President Hillary Clinton?

Given any thought to what might happen in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election? Comedian/pundit Dennis Miller views Barack Obama as completely incompetent and one of the worst presidents ever. Yet he’s convinced that America “has tipped” and now 51% or more of voters buy into the snake oil being proffered by the Democrats and want Big Government and the redistributed benefits it provides. So he’s convinced that Hillary Clinton will win fairly easily in 2016 and probably govern for two terms. There’s an obvious question: Is he wrong?

BC Election: Open Thread (Bumped)

The Day of Decision/Destruction/Disaster has finally arrived. Longtime political columnist Vaughn Palmer reviews the election campaign. BC political pundit Alex Tsakumis has published his detailed predictions. Yours truly was discussing the election with Charles Adler this afternoon.
Update: Post-election analysis request: Now that the election is over and the Liberals have won a majority, what conclusions do you feel can be drawn from the results? What policies of the Liberals and the NDP do you feel the average British Columbia voter supports and which ones do you feel they reject?

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In the Minds of Many BC Voters: “ABCD”

The following occurred on the doorstep of a household in Christy Clark’s Vancouver Point-Grey riding this afternoon:
BC Liberal Campaign Worker: “Hi! I’m here to see if we can count on your vote for Premier Christy Clark in the upcoming election?”
Resident: “Ummm, I’m not so sure about that.”
Worker: “Do you really want to see the NDP get in again and hurt our province’s economy?”
Resident: “No, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for Christy Clark.”
A few minutes later . . .
Worker, in a hushed tone: “Look, can I be honest with you? We already know we’re going to lose the election but can’t you help Christy Clark from suffering the embarrassment of losing her own seat?”
Resident: “I’ll think about it.”

Let me reassert what I’ve said before: No centrist or right-of-centre BC voter with a conscience can possibly walk into the voting booth on May 14th and be happy about the choices. Based on numerous conversations I’ve had, I’m convinced that the majority of such people have a common mindset: “ABCD” = “Anybody But Clark or Dix”
If the NDP & Dix get into power, the province is almost certain to be in much worse financial shape 4 years from now. But voting for the Liberals isn’t much of a viable choice either. Unlike when Gordon Campbell ran it, it is now infested with federal Liberals, some of whom have moved here from Ottawa. Canadians rejected them wholeheartedly yet common sense British Columbians are supposed to give them a warm embrace?! They keep on burdening citizens with an endless series of ridiculous taxes that make no sense to most anyone.
To better understand our predicament, think about voting in a hypothetical future federal election when your only two choices are Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau. Not such an easy decision then, is it?

The Shiny Pony Wins in a Landslide

Justin T. has won the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada with 80% support in a preferential voting system. His sycophants are clearly brimming with near orgasmic joy over at CBC News. Here’s a sampling from that bubble chamber:

I really hope that after the results the Liberals will continue to garner support from a broad section of Canada and then wipe out the Cons. I would be happy with a Liberal or NDP government and either other one as opposition. In 2015 Canadians need to put the CPC into 4th place status.

Many Conservative supporters must have seen the light. The numbers supporting Harper are much lower on these blogs than they used to be. If you consider at least half are paid Harperites and the others are Americans trying to disrupt our political system, doesn’t leave many true Harper supporters.
Heave Harper – Canada for Canadians – Save our Country

As a British Columbian, I can finally see a light at the end of the very dark tunnel we’ve been down: Mr. Trudeau as PM and Mr. Dix as premier of our province. Finally people who care about people and not just their corporate buddies.

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