Category: Great Moments In Socialism

Green Acres

Watch, as the National Farmers Union throws agriculture under the bus in service of the climate agenda of their NDP masters.

A report released Wednesday by the National Farmers Union concludes that some elements of old-fashioned mixed farming combined with the latest technology can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep more farm families on the land.
“The climate crisis and the farm crisis really share many of the same causes,” said farmers union president Katie Ward, who raises about 100 head of sheep near Ottawa. […]
It says biofuels and electrification would cut emissions and costs — electric tractors are already being developed. On-farm renewable power generation would help. So would more efficient use of farm inputs, aided by technology.
But what really needs to happen is a move away from big-money, big-acreage, big-machine farming, the report concludes.

Related: This is the NFU’s Women’s Vice-President.

Nice tractor, Bess.

Tommy Douglas, Not Dead Enough

Neil Macdonald, of all people;

It has been six years since doctors first accurately diagnosed what was making it so painfully difficult for Bagyan to urinate. What they’d thought was an enlarged prostate was in fact a buildup of scar tissue blocking his urethra.
For the first few years, his urologist repeatedly tried to clear it out, inserting catheters and scopes and even a scope with miniature scissors into his penis, working up to his bladder. Each time, the scar tissue would just thicken.
“He was making it worse,” says Bagyan, in the deliberate, fatigued cadence of someone for whom pain and discomfort never abates.
He needed surgery. But only a few surgeons in Canada had the training necessary to operate.
So patient Bill Bagyan entered the twilight world of the Canadian waiting list – a place of voicemails and messages and sitting on hold for an hour at a time.

Finally, in the spring of 2016, he was told that his name had somehow been misplaced, that he was not in fact on the waiting list, but that it had been corrected and he’d hear back by Christmas. Or maybe by early 2017.

A year later, in April of 2017, he contacted the Ottawa Hospital’s patient relations staff. When they got back to him a few weeks later, it was to tell him that unfortunately, he’d been misplaced again.

Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Juxtapose time!

SNC Lavalin’s mentor

“I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in,’ I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. [Laughter.] He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”

h/t: Ed @ Instapundit
