Category: Baiting the Right

The Narrative is Finally Turning

Update: For the warmongering commenters in this thread, here’s a video showing more “far right”, “pro-Russian” folks. If my sarcasm isn’t obvious, please know that the previous sentence is saturated with it. If at this point, after 3 years of Covid lies and after many more years of Globalist lies, you still don’t understand that you’re being played with The Current Narrative™, there really is no hope for you.

The Silicon Valley Bank Bailout

Interesting news today. Here’s the WSJ Editorial Board’s take:

The Treasury and Federal Reserve stepped in late Sunday to contain the financial damage from Friday’s closure of Silicon Valley Bank, guaranteeing even uninsured deposits and offering loans to other banks so they don’t have to take losses on their fixed-income assets.

This is a de facto bailout of the banking system, even as regulators and Biden officials have been telling us that the economy is great and there was nothing to worry about. The unpleasant truth—which Washington will never admit—is that SVB’s failure is the bill coming due for years of monetary and regulatory mistakes.

Wall Street and Silicon Valley were in full panic over the weekend demanding that the Treasury and Fed intervene to save the day. It’s revealing to see who can keep a cool head in a crisis—and it wasn’t billionaire hedge-fund operator Bill Ackman or venture investor David Sacks, both frantic panic spreaders.
