Covid Fear Mongering: What’s Next?

A “journalist” at the Daily Beast named David Axe is reporting that this new BA.5 variant is code-named “Ninja” and operates in “Stealth Mode”.

Let’s crowd source future variant names. Here are a few to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Dr. Evil
  • Predator
  • Serial Killer
  • Super-Duper Scary
  • Planet Killer
  • Hannibal Lecter
  • ???

50 Replies to “Covid Fear Mongering: What’s Next?”

  1. Randi Weingarten is the head of the American Federation of Teachers and is a hard-core leftist. ‘Nuff said.

  2. They’ll push this lie in Canada too. Doesn’t matter, though- I’ll never take the injection and I’ll never again wear a mask.

  3. UltraMAGA of course. They will be bring back masks, not sure about lockdowns yet. It’s up to us. If we accept the lie again, we don’t deserve to be free.

  4. “The Foegen Effect: How Mask Wearing Can Make You Sick”

    “The reason for this is what I call the Foegen effect: deep re-inhalation of condensed droplets or pure virions which were trapped in the mask as droplets can worsen the prognosis. ”

    Remember folks, in a situation with a rapidly mutating virus and rapidly changing worldwide treatment protocols and new vaccines rushed into production and use the ‘science’ must be frozen at a point that ensures maximum government control and maximum corporate profits for Pfizer and Moderna.
    Everything other than that frozen point ‘science’ is misinformation.

    Is there any chance we can get the sheep to question anything fed to them by a power hungry government?
    Is it possible to explain to them that governments grab power by promising to comfort their fears of covid?
    And that is motivation for the government to make them fearful?

    1. I just saw another crazy mask incident: I landed at a quiet airport and watched as a group of skydivers boarded their plane – all wearing face diapers!!

      Do they take them off when they jump? At a speed of about 120mph, I can’t see the paper ones staying in one piece.

  5. I’m horrified at the cultural appropriation of a cherished Japanese warrior symbol to name a horrible disease that forces people to wear masks!

    1. She’s not a variant. She’s a pestilence all on her own.

    2. It’s causes sudden, uncontrollable, inappropriate laughter? Uncontrollable cackling?

  6. Stealth Mode implying that even you won’t know you’re sick; and the psycho-midgets in the F**kface administration think they can sell this?

    Hilarious that this is written as if the claim that the vaccines prevent transmission of the virus were still legitimate.

    And I laughed and I laughed and I laughed.

  7. How about the ‘Truth’ variant.

    Nothing will make politicians and journalists crap themselves faster.

    1. VBM var. … the Vote by Mail variant
      VBDB var. … the Vote by Drop Box variant

    1. Oh yeah. I will never forget what my neighbours wrote about me on their Facebook pages. And they better not come around looking for any of my food. Any excess will be shared solely on the basis of how I was treated during the mandates.

  8. Stealth mode? Do they mean you get the disease and do not notice it? Do they mean they are trying now to terrorize us, not with Omicron or Omicron-2, which are as mild as the common cold (because they mutated, as all viruses do, into the common cold, hence why there are so many different cold viruses), but terrorize us with an even more mild variant which we may not even notice it is so mild?

    Perhaps they can go all the way, and simply make it a purely fictional disease. Lots of scary reports and scary stories and made up scary numbers, but no actual virus. They can then make a vaccine, the vaccine makes you sick, and then call that sickness the disease, and say “it would have been worse if you had not been vaccinated”. That is pretty much what they are doing now.

  9. I tried to explain this to a friend the other day:

    “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

    ― H.L. Mencken

  10. There’s one they are already calling the “Ninja” variant, I don’t think I can come up with something dumber than that. “Raccoon City Variant” maybe?

    It was nice to hear that all the myocarditis was from the jab, not the disease. That actually made me feel better.

    I look forward to wearing my mask wrong this fall. Or maybe I’ll go full-face respirator in case they use tear gas…

  11. The only real question is “are we going to stand meekly by an allow this to happen again?”

    1. Nobody will risk the government’s boot on their neck over a minor irritation, right? They’ll have to do something worse than masks to get anyone protesting, given the seizure of bank accounts over blowing horns and bouncy houses.

      But they probably will, because they are stupid. So I guess we’ll see.

      Get your home-schooling arrangements made now, and avoid the October rush.

  12. They can say what they want, it is and has been total BS from the GitGo….

    I stopped wearing a mask in June 2021, be damned if I’m putting another on.
    Nope…not happening.

  13. They want another scare so that they can steal another election.

    Giving teachers time off is just the value-add for Weingarten.

  14. So who’s going to hold Purshaw to account when she turns out to be wrong? COVID hysterics and COVID-control hysterics are as codependent on each other as two strands of DNA.

  15. There is no “covid” there are no variants/mutations, time to stop the bullshit.

  16. Yes, yes.. Fagit virtue signaling masks forever… LOLs that fagit isn’t a actual word anymore.. Yet it is..

  17. When you catch it, you don’t know you have it, you have no symptoms, you feel great. So anyone who feels fine can then be said to be sick and transmitting feeling fine to others….

    The YNSYD variant. (You’re Not Sick, You Dummy)
