Troubled Times on Canada’s Left Coast

I’ve long said that I’m open to hearing about any alternative political system, as long as it doesn’t diminish the incentive to work hard. The moment I sense it does this, I’m out, because it’s doomed to failure.

The B.C. NDP Party has clearly never learned this simple lesson. The founder of Lululemon, Chip Wilson, recently wrote an op-ed about this:

The NDP’s hidden “wealth” taxes are so burdensome that these people, ready to risk again, don’t. The short-term tax on the successful kills the incentive for middle-class entrepreneurs in B.C.

If a flat tax for all were implemented, of the 30 failed entrepreneurs who are given the incentive to try again, five would succeed, creating businesses, employing thousands, and forming a strong tax base.

The NDP will, of course, find an academic — who has never run a business — to refute this.

Hardware Headaches

With the marginal consumer now cutting back in sharp contrast to the heady days of the pandemic spending spree, we’re likely to see more of this in the future.

True Value, the hardware retailer based in Chicago, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and agreed to sell itself for $153 million to Do it Best Corp., the home improvement company based in Fort Wayne, Indiana, according to court filings.


Saskatchewan election – NDP energy policy

Aleana Young

Election 2024: All-of-the-above energy strategy, no changes to royalties: New Democratic Party

This is the third in a series of in-depth interviews with the parties vying for the Saskatchewan election. In it, NDP Energy Critic Aleana Young speaks about the NDP’s all-of-the-above energy strategy.

The greatest threat to nuclear development is not technological or even financial – it’s change in government. This was evident with the Site C Dam in BC, where a new NDP government pumped the brakes, but then ultimately went ahead with it. The NDP in Saskatchewan continue to support nuclear power development, but “we have to get it right.”

As I’ve done with the other parties, I reproduced everything I could find in the party platform related to energy. Well, the terms “oil” “natural gas” “potash” “critical minerals”  “SMR” “nuclear” or “electricity” are not referenced within the document. But “healthcare” comes up 35 times.

Friday will be the Buffalo Party. So far, I have not heard from the Greens, PCs or Progressives. Wonder why? Is anyone else writing 3200 word stories on their energy policies?

On a side note, I attended a three hour long Estevan city council/mayor town hall this evening. It took 2 hours and 25 minutes before anyone made any serious comments about coal. That was right before I got my chance to ask about dealing with the impending eventual shut down of coal-fired power generation, but also preparing the city for nuclear power. Amazingly, about half of the 13 people on stage really had no substantive answer on that front, and several had no clue or hadn’t thought of it. You would think that would be the most important issue facing this city – much more important than sidewalks or boulevard flowers (which got more discussion up until that point than coal or nuclear). Especially since the nuclear built out will be the most costly infrastructure project in Saskatchewan history to date. (If I attend a forum like this, you can be damned sure I’m going to ask the toughest questions.)

Now We All Know Why Kamala Has Only Done Softball Interviews

Brett Baier’s interview with Kamala Harris this evening was a complete disaster for her. There are sooooo many examples. Here are a few of them and hopefully SDA commenters will share more:

Update: Post interview analysis with Brett Baier and Mark Levin.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

This testimony by Trudeau is insane, but not surprising:

“Intelligence” doesn’t mean “facts”, it means suspicions. How much more damage is this depraved clown going to do to Canada?

Update: Justin also defamed Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson.

Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Desperate times call for desperate accusations.

In a dramatic turn at Canada’s foreign interference inquiry today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged that he possesses a list naming a number of past and present Conservative parliamentarians whom he claims are engaged in foreign interference.

Trudeau took aim at Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre’s decision not to seek top-level security clearance, suggesting that this amounted to a “willful” disregard of compromise threats within Poilievre’s party, which is poised to defeat Trudeau in an upcoming election, according to recent polls.

In an explosive cross-examination this afternoon, Conservative lawyer Nando De Luca pushed back, accusing Trudeau of irresponsible grandstanding.

The stunning testimony saw Trudeau assert earlier in the day:

“I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians, and or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged, or at high risk of, or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference.”

Trudeau added that he has “directed CSIS and others to try and inform the Conservative Party leader, to be warned, to be able to make decisions that protect the integrity of that party, of its members, from activities around foreign interference.”

Conservative Party lawyer Nando De Luca hit back, questioning Trudeau about whether he was aware of any Liberal politicians implicated in the same way.

Trudeau responded bluntly, “Yes,” and later pointed to “Don Valley North.”

“In your testimony earlier today, you mentioned knowing the names of past and present Conservative parliamentarians who are at risk of being compromised by foreign interference. Are you aware of any Liberal parliamentarians at risk?”

“Yes, and for other parties as well, because I have access to large amounts of information.”

Poilievre responds: “Release the names of all MPs that have collaborated with foreign interference.”

Tucker With “The High Priest Of Establishment Journalism”

Two hours with Mark Halperin, and it’s good, so grab a beverage or two.

Mark Halperin has better political sources than anyone in media. He now believes Donald Trump is likely to win. If that happens, Halperin predicts the psychological collapse of the Democratic Party — “greatest mental health crisis in the history of the country.”

What price would you pay to serve your country? Would you sacrifice your career? Your reputation? Even your own freedom? Those who served in Donald Trump’s first administration were forced to face these questions in a very real way. Many paid a terrible price. It’s time to tell their stories.

Moe would like to see Saskatchewan produce a million barrels per day

Premier Scott Moe during Question Period on March 4. Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Election 2024: Increase oil production to 600,000 bpd with eyes on a million, keep coal until nuclear is ready: Saskatchewan Party

This is the second in a series of in-depth interviews with the parties vying for the Saskatchewan election. In it, Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe speaks at length about increasing oil production, not just to 600,000 barrels per day, but possibly eventually a million. He discusses royalties at length for potash, lithium and helium. And on power generation, he says we should keep burning coal past 2030 (the federal deadline) until we have nuclear power in place. This is, by far, the most in-depth coverage on energy you’re going to see in this election. At the end I included the entire portion of the platform related to energy that’s been published. Other parties have published sentences or paragraphs. This was five pages plus a few more on power generation.

On Thursday morning I should have the NDP story up, followed by the Buffalo Party on Friday.


Carbon pricing rebates land in bank accounts as Liberals defend embattled policy


Alberta government launches $7M ad campaign against incoming federal emissions cap

This one is interesting because Michael deAdder, who was recently terminated from his 30 year career as a political cartoonist with the Halifax Chronicle-Herald, posted this on his Substack. It’s a full page front page ad, one of those deceptive type ones that make it look like a story (I hate those).

When I was editor of Pipeline News, I used to buy the occasional political cartoon from him. But when I checked his X account just now, for some reason he blocked me.

Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Sam Cooper:

For the first time, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has testified on his view of two explosive Canadian intelligence reports, including the “Targeting Paper,” which described how Chinese diplomats assessed Canadian MPs based on how helpful or hurtful they could be to Beijing. Trudeau confirmed that this report was not shared with him by his key security advisor, Jody Thomas.

Additionally, Trudeau addressed three memos starting in 2019 that intended to brief him on foreign interference threats, all of which he claimed never reached his desk, with the intended briefings for Parliamentarians, which he was requested to authorize, only occurring in June 2024.

The inquiry into foreign interference in Canada’s elections has uncovered deep, ongoing divisions between Trudeau’s top aides and Canada’s intelligence community, with particular focus on two pivotal reports: the CSIS Targeting Paper and the PCO January 2022 Special Report. These documents, which detail how Beijing has sought to influence Canadian politics, have become central to understanding how the government responded—or failed to respond—to the growing threat of interference. […]

However, Trudeau acknowledged that despite some “interesting tidbits” in the report, his National Security Intelligence Advisor (NSIA) had decided not to pass it on to him in 2021, deeming it not significantly relevant to his understanding of China’s behavior. “I have faith, having looked at the paper, that it was indeed the right decision by the National Security Intelligence Advisor—that it wasn’t a document that significantly added in a relevant way to my understanding of the situation.”

The actual contents of this paper are unknown, and blocked from the Commission by Trudeau’s Attorney General.

From @SheilaGunnReid: Trudeau blames CSIS for THREE memos advising unclassified briefings for parliamentarians on foreign interference languishing without action in HIS office FOR 5 YEARS.

When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Two weeks after the ABC debate “fact check”, a stealth edit.

When the FBI originally released the “final” crime data for 2022 in September 2023, it reported that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by 2.1%. This quickly became, and remains, a Democratic Party talking point to counter Donald Trump’s claims of soaring crime.

But the FBI has quietly revised those numbers, releasing new data that shows violent crime increased in 2022 by 4.5%. The new data includes thousands more murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults.

The Bureau – which has been at the center of partisan storms – made no mention of these revisions in its September 2024 press release.

RCI discovered the change through a cryptic reference on the FBI website that states: “The 2022 violent crime rate has been updated for inclusion in CIUS, 2023.” But there is no mention that the numbers increased. One only sees the change by downloading the FBI’s new crime data and comparing it to the file released last year.

After the FBI released its new crime data in September, a USA Today headline read: “Violent crime dropped for third straight year in 2023, including murder and rape.”

It’s been over three weeks since the FBI released the revised data. The Bureau’s lack of acknowledgment or explanation about the significant change concerns researchers.

“I have checked the data on total violent crime from 2004 to 2022,” Carl Moody, a professor at the College of William & Mary who specializes in studying crime, told RealClearInvestigations. “There were no revisions from 2004 to 2015, and from 2016 to 2020, there were small changes of less than one percentage point. The huge changes in 2021 and 2022, especially without an explanation, make it difficult to trust the FBI data.”

“It is up to the FBI to explain what they have done, and they haven’t explained these large changes,” Dr. Thomas Marvell, the president of Justec Research, a criminal justice statistical research organization, told RCI.

The FBI did not respond to RCI’s repeated requests for comment.

If Women Ran The World


The US vice-president is accused of copying a more than a dozen sections of Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer. She appears to rip-off Rev Dr Martin Luther King in an anecdote from her childhood during the civil rights movement.

The 59-year-old wrote: “My mother used to laugh when she told the story about a time I was fussing as a toddler: She leaned down to ask me, “Kamala, what’s wrong? What do you want?” and I wailed back, “Fweedom.”

The story is very similar to one shared by the civil rights leader, as the New York Post and other outlets have previously noted.

“I will never forget a moment in Birmingham when a white policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother,” King told Playboy magazine in 1965.

“‘What do you want?’ the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked at him straight in the eye and answered, ‘Fee-dom’,”.
