Saturday On Turtle Island

Our Dear Leader is burning jet fuel to Nova Scotia today. There he will be making one of his many apologies. This time to blacks who served in World War 1.  Then it’s off to Toronto to plant a tree.  Justin issues a statement celebrating Islam and his campaign against Islamophobia.  More money coming for Justin’s media?  Our Farmer Justin.  Rex Murphy trashes the Trudeau government.

Woke Britain:  Removing the word, man.

Biden’s America:  Those evil white men.  The Biden family.  Joe Biden the dictator.

Jordan Peterson talks about communism.  Your morning meme.

21 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. Is our internet on borrowed time?
    I imagine that the ‘Dark Web’ hackers(internet geniuses)…
    Are absolutely PISSED that they’re payments by Bitcoin is pretty much useless.
    Locking out and ransoming the infrastructure for source codes for Bitcoin was they’re operation.
    Besides our own computer systems are getting pretty damn old as many times that I’ve been to the Banks, the tellers are usually unplugging the equipment and replugging it back in to get the equipment working properly.

    Just my thoughts of the morning…

  2. I like that Premier Princess wants to implement a policy that would starve millions. Perhaps that will get the attention of the millions of compliant citizens in the Gulag of the North.

      1. Look at it on the bright side. Those brain dead Canuckleheads, Trudeau’s main constituency, might die of starvation. What’s not to like, eh?

  3. “There he will be making one of his many apologies. This time to blacks who served in World War 1.”

    Props to the men for having volunteered, especially when they didn’t have to, but they were hardly abused unless by the racism of not allowing them to serve in the front lines working on trench maintenance or building/repairing rail lines. From Wiki:

    Lacking the numbers to make up a battalion (the smallest unit then deployed by army authorities), the unit was reorganized as No. 2 Construction Company in May, 1917, and attached to the Canadian Forestry Corps.[7] By the fall of 1917, the unit was operating in the Jura Mountains of France, headquartered at La Joux [andy: On the Swiss frontier]. It was employed primarily in the production of timber for use by the Allied armies and repairing roads.

  4. Looks like our boy was ahead of the curve with his use of the word ” peoplekind”.

  5. So let me get this straight. Prinz Dummkopf bails out various newspapers and networks because, without that cash, they might go out of business and, thereby, put a lot of people out of work. He, however, wants to put the oil and gas industry (and, now, it seems farming) out of business, thereby putting a lot of people out of work, and that’s OK.

    Right. Got it.

    1. It is because those 2 sectors of the economy are dominant in the West. The Corporate Media and Upper/Lower Canada farmers are in the East.

    2. No … he wants all the oil industry workers to *ahem* … transition … into home insulation salesmen, or home solar cold calling sales person, or EV salesman. Or … learn to code … at least as well as a Rogers employee …

      1. Eh Kenji, I wonder how the insulation will be made, how the solar panels will be made, how the EVs will be made without that evil oil and coal.
        A small aside regarding Rogers. many years ago as tech was advancing I posed a scenario to some friends about what would happen to a society completely dependent on tech if that tech vanished overnight. Everything was gone and, because we destroyed all our books and everything that historically was developed that made us healthy and prosperous was no longer available. Men did not keep any knowledge in the minds they allowed computers to keep it all. I surmised we would indeed return to the stone age after we had used up that which was left.
        By the way this was before Planet of the Apes.

        1. You should have written it into a screenplay. I can just hear you screaming at the end … “You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! God damn you all to hell!” … which would be righteously screamed.

  6. I watched part of a football game in the pub with some friends last night.
    I didn’t see any virtue signaling about racism or any ‘Diversity!’ signs or anything like that.
    Does this mean that all societal and institutionalized racism is gone and has been eliminated?
    Or does this mean that the league and it’s fans are comfortable with racism now?
    If they have just accepted racism then aren’t they part of the problem?
    How can any woke person watch them if that is the case?

    Filed under Questions To Ask Liberals.

  7. Regarding the media handouts Poilievre should sit down with Rosie Barton and Ezra levant and discuss media handouts.
    And he should be asking every reporter he deals with how much of the taxpayers money is going to them.
    Every media interview should include a discussion of the media handouts from our tax dollars and emphasize that the real media in Canada do not get that subsidy.
    Beat that conflict of interest into Canadian’s thick skulls over and over and over.
    Explain how the handout media is motivated to lie to protect those handouts.
    Explain how the kid working at the Squishy Mart has to give the rich media his money so that they can lie to him to ensure that they get more of his tax dollars.

    If he can beat that conflict of interest into Canadian voter’s skull they might begin to understand how and why they are being lied to.

  8. Be certain Justin will be tossing the media more bucks, he needs to get re-elected. CBC will top the list.
    May not work this time, there are signs of faint hope, thanks to his carbon tax, people are getting hit for big bucks every time they fill their gas tanks and grocery carts and many other necessities.

    Conservatives have a capable candidate if they can hold it together to oust the Liberal/NDP coalition.
    We get the government we deserve if we start a campaign against the only party that can do the job.
    We don’t need a side show with Patrick Brown who the media will use as ammunition against the Conservatives.
    I can’t help but wonder what Brown’s motives for running are.

  9. L – Live Not By Lies – Jordan Peterson in conversation with authour Rod Dreher, a remarkable
    analysis; but also explains, why those, who lived under the Soviet Union recognize Cult. Marxism’s indoctrination of the mind, when others have been slow to do so or remain in denial.

    Also, why it entails the persecution of Christianity. By way of the government takeover of churches, mosques, synagogues and temples using the Lockdowns/Vaxx mandates.

    Trudeau is attempting to rewrite the Charter from: ” Whereas, Canada is founded on the upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.” To: Trudeau-landia is founded upon the principle of the supremacy of Justin Trudeau, who must be bowed down to and whose word is law.

    *(Under the Magna Carta, 1215, the principle that the Rule of Law applied to the Crown and agents thereof was established, and re-established in uprisings against tyrannical Kings. Until
    it was accepted as a Constitutional principle of Common-Law(and Common-Law nations).

  10. “Justin issues a statement celebrating Islam and his campaign against Islamophobia.”

    Regarding Turdoo’s statement about the muslim holiday, make a point of reading it. His tongue is embedded so deep up the muslim butthole. Absolutely amazing.

    1. Here it is from Butt’s Rogers email.

      Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau · 5h
      Officiel du gouvernement – Canada
      To Muslims across the country and around the world who are coming together with the ones they love and celebrating Eid al-Adha tonight: Eid Mubarak! I hope that you find peace and meaning through the practice of your faith.

    2. TurdHole must be concerned about his being on the waiting list for the free flying lessons.
