Category: Canada’s Bolsheviks

Expensive Sins

If treaty payments in the neighborhood of $126 billion don’t sink the Canadian economy, I don’t know what would. While it’s true that the annual per person treaty payments are very low, why wouldn’t a court also take into account the mushrooming budget for the Department of Indigenous and Northern Affairs which made such payments redundant over many decades?

In a unanimous ruling, the panel of nine judges declared both Canada and Ontario had “dishonourably breached” their obligations under the Robinson Treaties signed with the Anishinaabe of Lake Huron and Lake Superior in 1850.

Harley Schacter, a lawyer for Red Rock First Nation and Whitesand First Nation which started the group’s fight back in 2001, told reporters on Friday he believes his clients are owed “a couple of billion to as much as $126 billion.”

“It’s a victory for everybody.”

Everybody, that is, with the exception of taxpayers.

Your Coronary Bypass Will Have To Wait

Read the whole thing.

Montreal Gazette- French-language inspectors are cracking down on Montreal hospitals

Language inspectors from the Office québécois de la langue française are expanding the range of their inspections beyond businesses and are now targeting hospitals in the Montreal area, even going so far as to verify whether French is being spoken in operating rooms, The Gazette has learned.

Supply Mismanagement

It used to be said that the beauty of the dairy quota system was that taxpayers would never be on the hook for financial aid to dairy farmers. Leaving aside the obvious contradiction that tariffs on imported goods are actually a tax, it seems that tariff barriers just won’t do it anymore for milk producers.

Dairy Farmers of Canada will be receiving up to $5,000,000 over 5 years to advance sustainability and public trust in the dairy industry, leveraging the proAction quality assurance program. The proAction program ensures Canadian dairy farms maintain high standards in terms of environmental impact, food safety, animal care, and more.

DFC will also be receiving up to $3,572,786 over five years to build on their existing tools and strengthen DairyTrace to help protect and enhance animal health, public trust, and sustainability.

How Could They Not Know This?

Serious question.

Global- How many doctors does Canada have? Feds to fund research to find answer

The federal government has answered years-long calls from doctors and nurses to tally and research the number of health workers in Canada with a $47 million funding announcement.

The money is being divided among research groups that aim to collect and study data on Canada’s health workforce, which has been difficult to gather across provincial health systems.

The largest sum, $22.5 million, is being given to the an arm of the Canadian Institute for Health Information to figure out where gaps are in the workforce.

Appeasing Your Enemies

Does not make them your friends.

National Post- Corporate Canada betrayed capitalism. Now it has been betrayed

Progressive statism has never been about the climate, or transgenderism, or whatever the cause du jour. The target has always been Western values and principles. Free enterprise is anathema to its aspirations, and as it turns out, so is prosperity itself. Canadian companies have betrayed the economic principles of their own society. How does government change one side of a bargain? When there is no other side.

The Canadian business community still does not understand the point of the revolution. There can be no survivors.


Global- Greece is bringing in a 6-day work week

The pro-business government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the changes are “growth-oriented” and are necessary given the country’s shrinking population and lack of skilled labour — a crisis Mitsotakis has described as a “ticking time bomb.”

However, the move is not finding many takers here in Canada.

BBC- Greece starts six-day working week for some industries

New legislation, which came into effect at the start of July, allows employees to work up to 48 hours in a week as opposed to 40.

It only applies to businesses which operate on a 24-hour basis and is optional for workers, who get paid an extra 40% for the overtime they do.

The Doctor Will Diversify You Now

As if Canada’s single payer system were not plagued by enough problems as it is, our medical schools are happily wasting their students’ time with every manner of woke propaganda.

“I always used to think that physicians are critical thinkers,” my source laments. “I now recognize we are not critical thinkers; we don’t train critical thinking. We like head-nodders and rule-followers.” It transpires that admissions interviews are now so peppered with the word “intersection” that it’s hard not to feel nauseous, but in fairness, eager students are simply box-checking and are not themselves to blame.

“Do we need three hours on decolonization?” But the professors were told this was a sacred subject, and the university forbade any discussion because, my source says, “It was outside our teaching expertise. … Nobody was allowed to question the invited speaker. Everything was racist.”

And The Budget Will Balance Itself

Because we want rid of him, Blackface Boy-man will burn everything you’ve worked for to the ground.

Home prices are unsustainable and have normalized a “massive increase in value” for retirees, says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He made the remarks at a private seminar with Canada’s leading advocates of a home equity tax: ‘It’s not like your grandparents saying, ‘Ah, bread used to cost me a nickel.’

Related: The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board put more than $600 million in China’s electric vehicle sector accused by cabinet of unfair trade practices. Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland blamed Chinese industry for job-killing schemes, telling Canadian workers: “We are going to protect you.”

If It Wasn’t For Government

Who would make it too much of a pain in the ass to celebrate Canada day?

Montreal Gazette- Organizer cancels Canada Day parade in Montreal

Nicholas Cohen said the decision was made after he found it increasingly difficult to obtain the needed permits and funding from different government authorities over the past year.

“Cowen was faced with rules that changed at the last minute and requests that made organizing the parade virtually impossible,” it said in the news release.

Blind To The Obvious

Is there anything more frustrating than some court economist declaring that we face serious economic problems but the causes are just a bewildering puzzle that largely defy explanation? Just for starters, Tiff need look no further than the current federal government’s open hostility towards investors.

At the conference, Macklem said the central bank expected productivity growth to pick up coming out of the pandemic as companies found the workers they wanted to hire and the supply chain started to normalize.

“It hasn’t happened,” he said. “That’s why we made such a stark statement.”

The solutions are apparent — more investment in machinery, equipment, information technology, etc. — but Macklem said the tougher question is why that isn’t happening.

“There are some puzzles there,” he said. “We have all the ingredients; we have got to cut through obstacles.”


If It Wasn’t For Revenue Canada

Where would all the fake news come from?

Blacklocks- Paid $233K For Ghostwriters

“How much did the Government of Canada pay to publish news written by government employees?” Records showed the Revenue Agency paid as much as $1,000 apiece to distribute faked news stories.

The ghostwritten articles meet the federal definition of fake news. The Department of Canadian Heritage in a 2017 Memorandum To The Minister described fake news as “state-sponsored” content.
