12 Replies to “Let Them Eat Pig Shit”

  1. Whenever someone talks about organics. I enthusiastically say that all food should be organic. When they agree, I ask them which billion or 2 people should we get rid of.

    1. The scary thing is, lots of people would have an answer for that.

    2. As I have said many times, crude oil is organic. All foods are organic. How about saying something different about them. Like grown without pesticides and fertilizer that is why they look like sh-t, are small and less nutritious. Even GMOs are organic.

  2. The organic/ non-organic argument has, like most other broad debates, devolved into tribal, pick your side and start swinging-type discussions. I think we should argue on basis of fact. Large-scale operations, especially livestock, tend to put a lot of biological pressure on a local area. But they are extremely efficient as an accountant measures it. Cover cropping and fallow uses up a lot of land, and contributes to erosion if done poorly. However, large scale conventional AG is extremely dependent on big pharma and taxpayer-subsidised insurance schemes. So it is not as simple as organic-good or organic-bad. H

  3. Modern agriculture is something to behold. The fertility of the land is of minor importance. but you do need rain. Pour on the fertilizer. Then spray for weeds. If bugs are destroying crops spray for them. You can’t miss a step. Plant thousands of acres of crop and use huge combines that cost half a million dollars and can combine 160 acres in a day. The crops look thick and free from weeds.

    Back in the 1950s my father planted 30 or 40 acres and the sow thistles towered above the crop. My father bragged if he got 35 bushels to the acre. Today the same land gets at least 60 bushels to the acre and if the ducks are all in a row, close to 90. Back then it took 6 or 8 farmers with teams a couple days to pick up the crop from the field and combine it. There’s no going back unless you want to deliberately kill 2/3 of the people in the world which is where we seem to be going.

  4. Golden rice would prevent 600,000 cases of childhood blindness per year.
    The left, of course, are opposed to it.

    Poor nutrition causes almost half the deaths of children under 5 in the third world.
    Trudeau is going to limit food production in Canada with his idiot carbon tax and his restrictions on fertilizer use.

    Ask the idiot Liberal and NDP supporters how many third world children they are prepared to sacrifice to keep the guy with the pretty hairdo and the nice socks in power.
    Ask them what level of lies they are prepared to swallow from Trudeau’s media to justify the death and suffering of third world children.

    1. Liberal and NDP supporters don’t care. The further left someone’s politics are, the more signs of psychopathy (and thus inability to demonstrate empathy) they display. Trudeau, Jagmeat, Freeland, Butts, Telford, Lametti, Mendocino, Blair, et al are all psychopaths to some degree or other. They simply don’t care about human beings as humans but as a means to an end or an obstacle to achieving that end. They are literally at the same end of the spectrum as Eichmann, Heydrich, Himmler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc.

      1. That, and there isn’t enough lumber in the world to beat the concept of cause and effect into their heads.
        They could never connect their restrictions on fertilizer and their carbon taxes with the lowered crop production and the resulting malnutrition due to high food costs in the third world.
        They are just too stupid.

        I honestly don’t believe that any Liberal and NDP voters understand that connection between their fertilizer restrictions and carbon taxes and the resulting malnutrition.
        They don’t have enough intelligence.

        1. Saying they’re stupid gives them an out. They know damn well the damage their actions will cause. They simply do not care. All their wants are taken care of.

  5. “Organic”

    Gee ya think..??
    I’ve yet to see silicon based foods…?

    100% Advertising BS…at a 30% premium.
    Same farm, same dirt, same seeds…
