Frau Lightfoot Has a Message for You!

77 Replies to “Frau Lightfoot Has a Message for You!”

    1. Ha!

      But, just like Portland, Seattle, San Fran, etc, Chicago is getting exactly what it voted for. I have no sympathy for their plight.

      1. I do. Not for those who voted for her, but there are still a bunch of people who didn’t. And I hate seeing what were once great cities, including my hometown (Minneapolis-St. Paul), turning to shit.

      2. Who lives in cities? Two traditional classes and one new one:
        1) Woke, pitiful white morons
        2) Ghetto Trash
        3) Muslims
        That’s how you get 90% voting Democrat and utterly dysfunctional hellholes. The suburbs didn’t start yesterday – they started 50 to 100 years ago depending on the city. Smart people just up and left and became free and happier.

        1. Woke, pitiful white morons

          I live in Edmonton and I’m neither woke nor pitiful. I’m white and most people would swear on a stack of Bibles that I’m a moron.

      3. well, given Chicago’s history as a machine politics town, and the use of gangs for GOTV, there is no guarantee they are getting what they voted for….

      4. well, ‘nuther polllllitiSHUN (do you sense the utter raw contempt?) ‘solving’ one problem by CREATING
        thousands more . . . . they are famous for that!

    2. *

      “Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is calling on the federal government for
      help in combating crime and violence in the Windy City. Lightfoot
      asked U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to send in agents
      the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for six months.”


      “’Even before I was Mayor, this man (Trump) indicated he was gonna
      send in the feds, whatever that means,’ Lightfoot said. ‘If he tries to
      do that we will see him in court.’


  1. I think local businesses need my money more than I need there services. I quit my gym membership when they demanded I be vaccinated and haven’t missed going to restaurants or bars at all.

    1. I miss my local pub as he was shut down for refusing to ask for vax passports. Nazi freaking Canada, is this not the worst bastardized place you have ever been? As for the rest I don’t give a damn either.

    2. The Babylon Bee has the answer.

      All the businesses need to do is install voting booths.

      No ID required!

    1. More than 800 murders in Chicago this year … far more than ‘Omicron’ will ever kill. Yet ‘Omicron’ is deemed the only CRISIS worth “solving” ? Fascist IDIOT Mayor, solving a non-problem and ignoring the GREAT BLACK DEATH

  2. More incompetent “leadership” on display.
    One positive thing about COVID, it showed the public who is on their side.

  3. A tyrant and a bully by any other name. Where’s Richard Daley when you need him?

    1. Exactly! Very few people seem to grasp how utterly reprehensible this is. Governments openly admit that the only purpose for these passports is to punish the people who won’t allow the government to perform a medical procedure on them. Governments are breaking the Nuremberg Code, one of the things implemented to prevent any future regime from conducting Nazi-like medical abuses on it’s own citizens, and people are like “Well, I want things to go back to normal so I’m OK with it.”

    2. I’ve made this comment many times- the Daleys and other machine pols were often laughably corrupt- get your idiot nephew on the city payroll, skim a few bucks off a paving contract, no problem. But the garbage better be picked up, and the streets plowed, or there’ll be hell to play. The Lightfoots, Freys, DiBlasios et al aren’t that corrupt my those old standards, but they seem completely uninterested in the mundane yet important stuff that city government is supposed to do. (Although those millions DiBlasio’s wife got for doing, um, what was it again…?)

      1. Not corrupt by those standards? Seriously? They are just as corrupt, if not more, but also criminally incompetent. Of course, as always, we must ask if it’s a feature of flaw in the plan’s design.

        1. I meant corrupt in a different way. I’m sure old style corruption still goes on- Melvin Carter in St. Paul has been beavering away filling up city hall with cronies and hacks- many like him out there- but none of the important stuff gets done-.

  4. The progressives and Democrats just LOVE Covid………

    It gives them something to distract you from the fact you can’t afford gas………’s not safe to walk the streets…….your store will most likely be robbed by roaming gangs of people “shopping while Democrat”…….and it detracts from the reality that food is becoming unaffordable. It blinds people to the fact that many of their “leaders” are in the pocket of the Chinese Government……..etc..etc..

    Economy? What’s that?

    Take your mask…..and shut up about everything else.

  5. “and in fact it is inconvenient by design”

    Thank you for admitting that your attempt to prohibit the freedom of assembly fails strict scrutiny.

  6. And the restaurants, gyms, and bars will bend over with nary a whimper as they accept the news of their impending executions.

    1. Last week I was refused entry to a liquor store in Lloydminster. That hasn’t happened to me since 1971. I was a Moe supporter until he knuckled under to Trudeau’s ham-fisted dictates.

        1. These reports from Saskatchewan are really daunting. I live in Ontario, and have been daydreaming of moving to Saskatchewan as it looks comparatively free, in contast to this godforsaken province. We have NEVER been free of mask mandates since this circus started 2 years ago. Vaccinations are now becoming fashionable – you need them to go to church, even. They haven’t yet been mandated, but people here are so conformist, they’re adopting the fascist strictures before they’re even required to. Is there really no difference, or are these rules something that can be avoided outside the big cities in Saskatchewan?

          1. Dr. Mabuse,

            I considered a move to Sask for a minute or two. HOWEVER, I have come to believe that it is unwise to move for political reasons even to the current darling spots like Florida and Texas.
            Reflect upon all the pols who’ve done complete about face after securing an electoral win.
            I even considered a return to Atlantic Canada thinking that maybe they’d be well behind the totalitarian Covid curve. Whoa, no, they are very competitive.

          2. “Vaccinations are now becoming fashionable – you need them to go to church.”

            Well then quit going to Satan’s Church.

        1. “Time to ditch Chairman Moe.”

          Helluva idea. And your choice of replacement would be who exactly? Don’t forget who is leader of the opposition in Sask. An annoying, whiny little family doctor who would have us all quadruple vaxxed, triple masked and hiding under our beds until the health unions deem it safe to come out. If you think the premier’s current restrictions are draconian just imagine the NDP being in charge. Full speed ahead and damn the economy. Meili would immediately shut everything down and hire hundreds of bureaucrats to shore up the “beleaguered” health system.

          Be careful what you wish for.

  7. “It is inconvenient by design”.

    Heh. She even admits its openly. Was it deliberate or a slip?

    She is certainly stupid, however, that old saying regarding not attributing to malice what one can attribute more easily to stupidity no longer holds as much as it once did. They don’t care about hiding it now, because evidently nothing is going to be done about it. Just when you think we’ve scraped the bottom of the barrel we find a trap door that goes down another 20 floors, and society just keeps going down that proverbial rabbit hole.

  8. The good news is the COVID madness will end in only 6 years. The bad news is it will be replaced by a bigger madness.

    “This pandemic is bad, but a future pandemic could be 10 times more serious,” Bill Gates

    (The COVID files will be declassified after the JFK and Pearl Harbor files are declassified — i.e. never.)

    1. I hate to say this but we really do need a serious plague to clean this place out. The politicos won’t be able to side step a real serious pandemic and there will be no fake “vaccines” to pretend that you or they will be saved. What’s that headline of Kate’s about an asteroid?

    2. “we really do need a serious plague to clean this place out”

      Then vote for the Communist Party. They are the best qualified at solving the over-population problem. Just look at their consistent, successful track record — from the plains of the Ukraine to the Killing Fields of Cambodia, they never fail to deliver. Dream big nightmares Komrades.

  9. At least she’s being a little more honest. Most of these people claim covid passports will stop covid or something.

  10. Forcing vaccines now is like WW2 Nazi’s giving Jews uniforms after 2 years of abuse and saying welcome to the club.

    So I don’t understand how this retarded class thinks that forcing vaccines on the unwilling will work to their benefit. Even if you forced 1 million unvaxxed people to take it, you now have 1 million haters among you that smile while they show you their new “passport” as “equals” who now hold a very serious grudge, possibly a deadly grudge.

    1. Actually, a curiously large number of Wehrmacht personnel of all ranks (up to 150,000 by some estimates) were of Jewish or part-Jewish ancestry in WWII. Some of them even had notes of exemption signed by Hitler himself, interestingly enough.

  11. Respect muh authority..
    Interesting times.
    Evil,through malice or stupidity,is real.
    Demonic possession is plausible,for Demon Rats of this type show all the classic symptoms.
    Makes me wonder,what would remain after application of Holy Water?
    Of course even if such is all superstition and mythology,if we used a fire hose in winter,to apply said water,everyone would be better off.
    These Democrat Enclaves are currently serving the same social good as the old time druggies and winos did..
    “Smarten up kid,or this is your future”.

    It is just a little harder to process when it is a city that is a crack addled self destructive moron…
    At first you wonder.
    Until you realize madness is contagious,urban areas are especially prone to outbreaks of welfarism,other peoples money-ism and somebody else will pay..isms.
    Living the dream.
    Until they lead the way.
    Into the darkness.

    Detroit is strangely beautiful in its decay,when viewed from afar.
    Chicago is proof Black Lives Matter,is not what B.L.M,stands for.
    For their fine work in covering for Burn Loot Murder,we must reward a whole bunch of media/government flunkies.

  12. I suddenly understand mass shootings. Hey, still think that they are rather a bad thing, but at least I sure understand them a lot better.

    I can see how someone can get so far gone that they’d do that.

    Does that make Western countries state sponsors of terrorism? Russia is thinking about listing the US as a state sponsor of terrorism…

  13. But if you’re a gang of criminals prone to gunplay, party on.

    The unvaccinated are therefore worse than murderous drug dealers.

    To some observers.

  14. How is it that the free people of the US generally and Chicago specifically will vote for an idiots like that?
    For there are plenty of idiots to count.
    Just asking, don’t get it, does not seem normal.

      1. Heh …. if you observe, the so called “political scientist” will never go with that.
        The hard core evidence of the history of the progress, for lack of better word, of civilizations from earlier times to today is complete mystery to them. But then, they would have nothing to scientologisize© (sic) about and may have to find a real job.

        1. The biggest issue I see with the historical “cycle of civilizations” today is modern technology.

          Earlier peoples had somewhat of an equal footing as far as acquiring weaponry and surveillance to eventually combat tyranny. Today and in the near future not so much.

          Tyranny today has access to almost “magical” technology that can track you from space, see through walls, camera’s on every corner and potentially in every home, along with weapons you may never see or hear if they used them. It would take a concerted effort of insiders who love freedom & liberty to disable the “system” before it became completely autonomous and compartmentalized.

          1. Well, they will need a new theory of economics when the work force downs tools and says “f*ck you, I’m done, print your own taxes, c””t …”

  15. if only they could see themselves from the other side of the microphone… how ridiculous they appear – goosestepping around with patent leather visors, laden with gold braid and badges and medals – trying to project authourity – trying to play the part of leader.
    they have no idea of what they have done. they think it is still december 2019.

  16. How would she know she was a lesbian? Or maybe she found a blind lesbian with which to commit perverse acts.
