Another Day, Another Covid Vaccination Lie

It seems that if you’re a member of the Elite Establishment that there is no unethical line you won’t cross if you believe “it’s for the greater good”:

The number of deaths linked to the CDC-promoted vaccines this year has absolutely skyrocketed, according to the CDC’s own data.

The VAERS database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. The CDC government website links to VAERS platform.

To counter these reported deaths and negative “events” the AMA has released its 2021 propaganda guide for doctors.

When you have to massage the message release propaganda guidelines you know you are losing the argument.

66 Replies to “Another Day, Another Covid Vaccination Lie”

    1. True. It under-reports problems. And penalizes those who want to report something.

      It’s voluntary, arbitrary, and only provides a glimpse of problems.

      And that glimpse is that the Covid vaccines are at least 20x as dangerous as the flu vaccines we’re used to, and probable aren’t worthy of the term “vaccine”.

        Cuts to the chase directly to each mortality, in detail. For those that doubt, go read examples of cases. It’s FUCKING HEARTBREAKING.
        Most entries are clearly written by medical professionals, no need to explain. Go read yourself.
        In a normal world, this would have been publicized long before now.
        But the media are accessories to murder, in their censorship and ignorance.

      2. It does not under-report problems. It doesn’t report problems at all. It doesn’t do anything but create a shiny toy for anti-vaxxers to play with.

        “Most entries are clearly written by medical professionals”

        No they’re not.

    2. Occam’s Razor, dumbass!
      A presumably healthy person suddenly becomes sick…what changed or what was introduced?

        1. Yes, because at a half hour to enter each case into the system (doctor’s comment, not mine) all doctors will happily spend 4-5 hours of their time-off doing paperwork between 12 hour shifts.

          1. No they are not. Just don’t talk. Do you make it a point of honor to be wrong about everything?

    3. Neither does being vaccinated explain not getting Covid. Same thing. Correlation is not Causation.


    4. Just as cigarette smoking doesn’t establish causation for lung cancer, and heavy drinking doesn’t establish causation for cirrhosis of the liver, and particulate matter pollution doesn’t establish causation for asthma attacks, chainsaw juggling doesn’t establish causation for chainsaw wounds, etc.
      Allan S, your idiocy never fails to amaze.

    5. It does not matter that VAERS does not establish causation

      we still have proof – as is posted on this page – that many are HIDING the problems caused by covid vaccines.

      This post is not about establishing causation, this post is about proving there is cheating and lying, that they are HIDING the real numbers , and that is why you try and redirect to a different topic.

      The PIMC ADMITS that what project veritas showed is TRUE.

      NOWHERE does it mention there is a problem on what causation was.

      but hey, nice try creating a diversion.

      diversion ; something intended to distract someone’s attention from something more important.

    6. Except when it does. When you see the same repeated pattern over time and you compare it to what normal pathology should be for the same time period, year over year and also against other vaccines and with respect to predicted potential pathologies for the agents involved then it does. Signal over noise. Otherwise the system would have been scrapped long ago. Undesigned data is useful and when the signal is there you can find it.

  1. A good link, Robert, but the 1/2 hour posting time to fill out something for VAERS meant that (at most) 10% of adverse reactions were likely to be posed if there are 10 experience in a shift, on the basis that it takes a half-hour to enter all the details. If you’ve finished a 12 hour shift, and have another 12 hour shift tomorrow, how likely are you to (altruistically) enter multiple cases of data into VAERS as unpaid time that take away from your sleep?

    The incentives are not there for those who want to cure people. The incentives reward those who treat and never talk about what they’ve treated.

    I pity those who have to choose between acting honourably and keeping a good record at work and those who report to improve the public knowledge.

    I guess it comes down to “do you think that government agencies would be petty it I take the time to report against them.

    Only an UnMe would think that a bureaucrat wouldn’t.

    1. The data from the European system is extremely detailed. And idiots like Allan S and UnMe are too stupid to be able to drill down into the data. Those two are nothing more than headline repeaters.

      1. AllanS and UnMe are not quanitatively talented. They just parrot what dumb fucks who predicted Hillary in a landslide tell them on Twitter.

    2. EXCELLENT post C.MIner

      Exposing the Reality of VAERS.

      I think your 10% is Overly optimistic….likely more in the realm of 1-2%..? Most US hospitals wont even allow their staff to report let alone do it on Company time….its COVID 100% of the time – ALL the time.

      1. It appears many of the deaths are, surprise, in those over 65, and not in good health.

        They are those that Bonnie Mengele, the NAZI, refers to as the “elders that need to be protected”

        As each day, I’m more convinced these people are EVIL to the bone, inveterate liars and actors

      2. steakman, in the UK National Statistics Data inadvertently revealed that 30,305 people have died within 21 days of having a covid vax shot, in England, in the first 6 months of 2021. We need to up the dosage obviously it is killing enough fast enough for the pro-vaxxers.

      3. steak

        I read an article the other day were a X doctor detailed how the government withheld payments through obfuscating actions to make the medical industry comply to their rules.

      4. If it was 1% in a Harvard study and mostly used by pediatricians and it’s a time consuming pain in the a$$ and there’s massive pressure against reporting anything bad for the gene therapies how much more underreporting do you think there is? The magnitude will have to come out of other data bases like the 25% increase in mystery cause deaths year over year, unexpected increase year over year in sudden onset cancers and heart attacks being reported, in employment work force data yoy and 2020 compared to 2021 etc to name a few to cross correlate.

      5. I agree steakman, 10% is the high end. Most of the US doctors that I’ve seen talking about it say 1% to 10%. I only listed the high side number for brevity (because that’s abominably bad, too).

  2. Add to that the belief that any skepticism because the entire debacle was based on scientific fallacies is considered “opinion”, rather than being based in scientific fact.

    It’s known that pores in standard masks areg much larger than the diameter of the virus and the “social distancing” spacing being based on a high school student’s science experiment.

    Evidently, concepts such as two-phase flow in turbulent fluids or the laws of probability and statistics can be ignored.

    When will virus heretics be burned at the stake?

    1. I read that the two meter distance was first suggested by a German physician about a hundred years ago, and hasn’t been revised since.
      I may be wrong.
      Having worn respiratory protection devices, of one form or another, for almost fifty years, I’m amazed at how the general population views the cloth diapers and the ill fitting nonmedical masks they gleefully strap on to hide the ugly, as if they were some sort of magical barrier to a virus with an average size of .125 of a micron. Most people don’t know how small a micron is and trust the ‘experts’, most of whom probably wouldn’t know either.
      Such is the country we live in. Populated by uncurious, intellectually lazy, people/sheep.
      As for the witch burners, I hear they are allergic to the common heavy element Pb.

      1. Populated by uncurious, intellectually lazy, people/sheep.

        As well as people gleefully enforcing the fallacies, ready to punish those who even express legitimate skepticism. I found that out at a dental clinic yesterday.

    1. A Project Veritas response… +1 !

      Part 2 was a disappointment (buzzed gay guy trying to impress a “date” with his thoughts), but this link was top notch!

    2. They are NAZI’s.
      PERIOD….Figure it out and then let’s annihilate those Filthy Bits of EVIL.
      KUDOS to Project Veritas….awesome stuff.

      As for FUNKE….Looks to be a Cheerleader for the LGBTQUPYERBUTT crowd…just another Leftist smear of Degeneracy

  3. The ALLEN S Entitiy does not correlate to anything resembling something intelligent, intellectual or remotely normal.

    But hey shitfer brains…given that only 1.5 – 2% of ALL Adverse reactions are EVER reported, your comment shows your colossal petulant immaturity & at the same time illustrating you’re simply some vacuous juvenile Twat.

    1. I tell you one thing, sod the booster. My wife will want one that’ll be an argument 🙁

  4. Facts and logic don’t apply.
    I’m not a doctor, I don’t advise people on whether they should get vaccinated.

    For those that do want to force others to get vaccinated, ask them this:
    “What will you do if it turns out these vaccines cause birth defects like Thalidomide did, or if they produce high rates of childhood cancers and deaths? Will you take responsibility for your actions? Will you do the honorable thing if and when babies are born with flippers instead of arms or legs? ”

    All I tell people to do is to educate themselves and do their own research.
    Ask some of the goobers in the media if they should feel any responsibility if they have pushed their opinion without fully researching it.
    Ask them if their biased reporting makes them responsible.
    Ask them if they have thought about what if they are wrong to lie to the public.

    1. I made that same argument to Doug Ford in an email just yesterday, and reminded him that a WHO agent in Tamil-Nadu province has been on trial for publicly dismissing Ivermectin since late July. The Indian government is seeking life imprisonment or the death penalty. My plea was the same – if you let people make their own choices, then the consequences are theirs and theirs alone – let the people get on with their lives.

      All I got was crickets…

  5. The following comment from the above Gateway Pundit link combines what we’ve shared and learned here over the last few months, after reading several hundred comments, I found this gem:

    “I worked in immunology for decades. Here is some truth. No certified lab has actually isolated or gene sequenced the covid-19 virus. There is no attenuated virus or killed virus in the “vaccine.” There is no viral protein coat in the “vaccine.” There is mRNA that is designed to change the action of your own DNA. It does not give you any immunity. All of this fearmongering and pressure tactics is about a disease with a 99.8% recovery rate, that seems to be hardest on those over 80, with comorbidities. Kind of like every other disease known to man. By the way, the CDC touted treatment, remdesivir, is known to cause kidney failure and pulmonary edema. That and the ventilators is what is killing old people. What you should be doing is take vitamin D3, zinc, a multivitamin and some good antioxidants, fresh air, and exercise. Oh, and tell the msm to shove it, and turn off the tv.”

    1. Don’t forget “the definition of a vaccine was changed within the last year to remove the word immunity because this treatment is new and experimental and otherwise wouldn’t be taken by anyone”.

      Otherwise pretty good. The HCQ versus Ivermectin can be summed up by “other treatments exist but are being actively avoided because they save too many lives.”

        1. You’re welcome.

          And now for something completely different.

          On the lighter side, our pear tree (in NW Calgary) gave its first fruit 8 years after planting / of root growth. I’m trying to make a pear wine. I hadn’t known that pears don’t ripen on the vine, but only after they’re off the tree (so the original taste test of “is it ready?” was failed, miserably). What originally tasted like a cross between crabapples and pizza boxes is actually a decent (though small) fruit. The primary fermenter has been roiling for 4 days, into the carboy tomorrow! I’ll have some results (aka “is it drinkable?”) in about 4 months.

          Hopefully Corona lockdowns will be done by then so I’ll be able to share the results.

          1. Hopefully Corona lockdowns will be done by then so I’ll be able to share the results.

            And, if they continue (if? who are we kidding?), you’re gonna need it anyway.

      1. That’s another lie. Vaccines have always included unconventional approaches like subunit vaccines ex Gardasil.

        There is no evidence Ivermectin or HCQ are effective.

    2. “No certified lab has actually isolated or gene sequenced the covid-19 virus. ”

      That’s a lie. It’s sequence is literally in PubMed.

  6. Unethical?

    To our masters, there is no God, everything is permitted, and morality is whatever you can get away with.

    The Israelis had to credibly threaten to nuke Moscow and start a global thermonuclear war before our betters finally decreed that Holocaust jokes were no longer funny.

    Working-class white Americans are the new punching bag. The Jews can nuke our masters’ palaces. The Crackers can’t.

  7. The UK yellow card system for reporting is worse than VAERS, unknown to many medical staff, difficult to navigate. No money has been spent on improving it, raising awareness of it or using it as a database for research. UK Column, an excellent organisation has made it easier to access:
    It is not happy reading.
    Btw there three times weekly broadcasts are a model of civilised, informed discourse and excelltly sourced. Please give them a try:

  8. This link was posted yesterday on one of the threads. It is a very disturbing video about the side effects some people are are experiencing. Very disturbing. From Israel:
    Now it is easy to say the side effects are rare, but because information on negative reactions is being suppressed, we do not really know how rare. Moreover- I wonder if these people represent the canary in the coal mine . . . they may have been a bit more vulnerable for some reason, but to me it signifies that the vaccines undermine the natural immune system. Our own immune system keeps us healthy.
    The video is long, but worth sampling and you can focus on areas of most interest to you.

  9. I have seen the light thanks to SDA… I think covid is not real, as common as the common flu !!!

    I think all SDA readers/contributors should not get vaccinated, should not wear masks, should not social distant, should not go to the hospital if sick.

    Fight the power and be free of tyanny.

    Rise up my brothers and sisters as we are the 99%.

    1. Off Guardian is another very good place to get info. They have recently published a useful fact sheet about Covid.
      I have long been trying to get s handle on asymptomatic transmission. Their fact sheet indicates that if you do not have symptoms, you are not likely to be infecting anyone. One caveat — the vaccines suppress symptoms, so asymptomatic transmission could be a factor there. My question therefore is why are the vaxed now allowed in restaurants and gyms?

      1. That is right!! those sheople who are vaccinated are true spreaders. Those double vaccinated folks are the new
        Typhoid Marie.

        We, the unvacinned, should show the world we are correct and get together and breath on each other and show them the Death Goo is a lie.

        1. Airhead really suits you, bob.

          Someday ask someone you trust the difference between “my choice” and “coerced”

      2. LindaL, “My question therefore is why are the vaxed now allowed in restaurants and gyms?”
        Because they have shown the masters that they are compliant little sheep, and are therefore being rewarded.
        Of course, I am aware, that you already knew that.
