Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon

The white response to climate change is literally suffocating to people of color. Climate anxiety can operate like white fragility, sucking up all the oxygen in the room and devoting resources toward appeasing the dominant group. As climate refugees are framed as a climate security threat, will the climate-anxious recognize their role in displacing people from around the globe? Will they be able to see their own fates tied to the fates of the dispossessed? Or will they hoard resources, limit the rights of the most affected and seek to save only their own, deluded that this xenophobic strategy will save them? How can we make sure that climate anxiety is harnessed for climate justice?

In Scientific American.

27 Replies to “Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon”

  1. I gave up on Scientific American about 20 years ago when they started talking nonsense without any evidence. Not much has changed since then.

    1. I let my subscription lapse last year. My membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science will be next.

    2. Much the same. National Geographic was another one…subtle at first, then progressing to in your face activism. Seeya later.

    3. It was French philosophe François-Marie Arouet, who quipped in 1761 that the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor Empire. Today we might equally say that Scientific American is neither Scientific nor American.

  2. They’re told that the things they should be scared of are in fact exceedingly beneficial, but since they express a fervent desire to be scared of SOMETHING, well “Try this”.

  3. Our Canadian government and media has created my prejudice and I can show it is them doing so.

    In my younger years, a person of colour was rare and more a curiosity and always friendly.
    So, I had no reason to harness any ill will towards anybody not the same skin colour.
    Jobs were plentiful as we still rarely had any restrictions that you had to worry about.
    Even in the Military, we had alot of Newfies but very rarely a person of colour.
    On a Battery exchange with the American Military was when we interacted in Military Exercises which then became hilarious when a day out in the dust filled ranges, we came back with our skin colour blackened while their skin colour was white.
    Everybody was always friendly.
    So, it definitely is our media creating this division which our placid politicians generating these laws and policies to divide us.
    History is long past an excuse to divide society on racial lines when it doesn’t have to.
    Media sensationaling to create stories is the problem.

    1. Let me endorse your assertion with an analogy torn from today’s news stories. The SF Bay Area News is rife with stories about “hate” crimes against Asians in San Francisco. Carjackings, purse snatching, assaults, etc. … are now (evidently) rampant on the streets of San Francisco … AIMED at Asian-Americans. Why? Well … it is implied that some former Orange POTUS illicitly claimed a pandemic virus originated in Chynah. And because of that … now EVERYBODY hates Asians (of all origin).

      Just a small MATH problem for the MSM fear-mongering, Hate-mongering Press. On any given sidewalk or street in San Francisco … 75% of the people there are Asian. And the Asians tend to be smaller, older, and weaker than the others … you know … like “prey”.

      So the media has suddenly taken the opportunity to publicize the rampant CRIME on the Streets of San Francisco … now that they have a “narrative” to attach it to … “Orange-Man ex-POTUS Asian blame for pandemic crime … bad”. It’s almost as if none of these crimes were being committed two months ago. Pro Tip: they were. They were just being ignored

    2. Yes, the racism is 99% created, supported and fanned by the mass media cartel.
      The cartel is losing ground, few believe them, few take them seriously, very few are interested in what they have to say.
      Only those interested in the affairs of men are keeping an eye on them just so that they can talk to others about the complete corruption of journalism that was replaced by ideology propaganda on full time bases.
      Full honor to the exceptions.

      A ‘journalist’ dislike for a politician is understandable as it is with normal people, his/her stating it in public is not journalism, its called propaganda.
      What public should expect from news is news, not an opinion on whom they favor and whom they don’t.

  4. “deluded that this xenophobic strategy will save them”

    It would have saved us. Not sure about now, because it’s probably too late.

  5. Climate change and its effects—pandemics, pollution, natural disasters—are not universally or uniformly felt: the people and communities suffering most are disproportionately Black, Indigenous and people of color.

    I can’t get past the topic sentence of this claptrap article … which enters as (obviously) “Scientific” fact … that “pandemics” (plural? … we’ve only had ONE in my lifetime … and it was fabricated by the ChiComs). … are caused by “climate change”?

    If that topic sentence doesn’t read to you as pure political bullshit … as FAR from science as anything can be … then you are a science illiterate.

    1. It’s a “Hate Whitey” article, Kenji. Just looking for more reasons to hate Whitey. I used to love SciAm back in the 1980s, but like everything else that used to be great, the liberals f-ed it up and now it is anti-science, anti-American, and unfit even to wrap fish. I never read it except to point and laugh.

      1. Let’s get this sequence CORRECT, shall we?

        – Orange Man Bad (for Chynah)
        – ChiComs release COVID-19 from Wuhan Lab (to fuck up booming Trump economy)
        – Entire World governments shut-down everything for a year+ (Chynah for only one month)
        – Government workers stay home from work and collect full paychecks
        – Poorest of workers lose jobs, lose everything
        – Poorest of workers are disproportionately POC
        – Scientific American claims “pandemics” CAUSED by “climate change”
        – Scientific American claims not enough indigenous and POC work cushy/protected Government Jobs … they disproportionately work jobs that got shut down by governments
        – Scientific American forgot to report the scientific TRUTH that POC tend to live unhealthy lifestyles and are more susceptible to disease and pandemics

        Wait! What happened there at the end?

  6. Scientific American jumped the shark in the 1990s. They went full-ham for glowball warmening, gun control and the DemocRat Party. Happened about the same time they stopped putting mathematics in the articles.

    The last 30 years it is a complete waste of time reading it. All liberal propaganda, all the time. The articles are trash.

  7. Three Generation rule please.
    Three generations off the farm and common sense, or more properly the need to do things that need to be done, now, disappears.

  8. “Scientific American” is neither scientific nor American. Hasn’t been for over thirty years.

  9. “she’d be willing to submit to a green dictator if they would address climate change.”

    Totalitarians know what colour to wear. And success at solving a non-existent problem is 100%. O’Toole has sold his soul to completely embrace this devil’s bargain for power.
    I’m voting Maverick.

  10. My climate anxiety is white for sure.. snow white, glacier white. We are rapidly approaching a new Maunder minimum and folks, it is going to get colder not warmer.

  11. There was a time that I could not wait for the next issue of SA.
    In about mid 90’s of the past century they went into politics.
    Have lost interest and seldom give it a glance.

  12. What colour is the climate in Africa?

    What colour is the climate in Asia (oh yeah, yellow due to air pollution)?

  13. Where is the wealth?
    Can the wealth holders be gulled?
    Then a gulling we will go.
    For if a citizen is so gullible as to buy Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming,they will buy anything.
    No different than the “suckers List” telemarketers used to share
    it is not “White Guilt” at work here,it is dummy white inheritors still have money.
    Unfortunately,the Climate Change Scam is government orchestrated,so we all get abused by the idiocy of the suckers..
    I much prefer free market thieves..For they lack the Force of Government .

  14. Interesting; toxic whiteness is turning on the climate hoax industrial complex now?

    They did not listen to me when I told them they would regret the new rules they were insisting on at the time. They can’t control the monster anymore; there must be new outrages found every week, every hour, every minute, every second, … .

    I wonder when whiteness is going to take down dog rescue?

    1. Clearly, multi-racial whiteness is also in play here. Been seeing a lot of ads on Tubi, featuring “green girl Leah”, who laments “grifters of colour do not have a big enough voice in the climate movement”.

      GOC is way better than POC.

  15. This is truly one of the dumbest articles ever written. Sad that Scientific American thought it fit to publish. Where’s the science?
