21 Replies to “Segregation Graduation”

  1. Normalizing divisions,,, keeps us divided.
    Normalize victim groups,,, keeps us with victims.
    Normalize the enemy,,, legitimizes attacks on Whitey.

    P.S. will there be any student who identifies as #SS be allowed to graduate with the Lavender Class?

    1. *
      gives them an opportunity to sterilise
      the drinking fountains between each

      mlk would be so proud.


    2. White people are approximately 11% of world population.

      White people are an endangered species.

      In the very countries where white people are responsible for the high standard of living, the prosperity, technology, medicine, the internet, a man on the moon to name a few wonders of modernity that was built almost exclusively by white men, we are vilified as the worst in the world.

      No matter how persecuted, and segregated and an excluded we become, we will never be considered victims as most brown and black people believe themselves to be …. and guess who they blame.

      What I see are black and brown people being a mix of hate, rage, self-pity but mostly envy and embarrassment that they have contributed so little compared to the white population. Although many white traitors have joined the ranks of the B&B malcontents.

      The world is changed and when white people are no longer a force, this world will be a continual Africa ruled by China.

      A slave planet.

  2. When is the No Bull**** graduation? It’s not listed! They sure are not being genuinely inclusive, are they?

  3. And yet they DEMAND the right to share my preteen daughter’s bathroom at Target …

    Nobody asked my daughter if she fellllllllt more comfortable having her OWN restroom.

    1. The main ceremony becomes whites only because the the special groups have segregated themselves. It’s a brilliant cunning plan.

  4. Did a little looking into Columbia University’s alumni. It made me realize that ivy league schools truly are the groomers of tomorrow’s ruling class.
    It got to a point where I’d be surprised if I didn’t recognize a name in the “politics/military category and immediately made me think of George Carlin’s quip: “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.”

    That said…we’re not going to like what’s coming down the pipe.

  5. Come to Crab Bucket U where identity politics trumps everything except post modern nihilism. If you want to participate proactively in the deconstruction of western civilization while being brainwashed in a non-threatening and necessarily segregated environment guaranteed to graduate you in a (something) studies degree where you never have to worry about being mistaken for someone capable of productive employment, come on down and sign up. Your credit score doesn’t mater as we can saddle you with a nice six figure loan as a grad present. White males may apply but are only accepted on a class top-up basis – it’s “back of the bus time” for you now!

  6. When I was a teenager, Jim Crow Laws and Apartheid were considered bad things.

    Now they want it all back.

    Proving yet again that you can never satisfy someone on the political left.

    1. Everyone, (well, almost everyone), is invited to the raising of the new Hendrik Verwoerd statue.

    2. It’s OK, though, since it’s all about marginalising normal, non-POC people.

  7. Apartheid administered by Afrikaaners is bad. Practised by POC and alphabet life forms it is A-Okay.

    Good is bad.
    Evil is good.

    We have to be experiencing the end of times.
