Are we on the brink of a Republican Civil War?

Telegram is a replacement for WhatsApp. Donald Trump has an account on it and today released something very interesting:

The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political “leaders” like Sen. Mitch McConnell at its helm. McConnell’s dedication to business as usual, status quo policies, together with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill, and personality, has rapidly driven him from Majority Leader to Minority Leader, and it will only get worse. The Democrats and Chuck Schumer play McConnell like a fiddle—they’ve never had it so good—and they want to keep it that way! We know our America First agenda is a winner, not McConnell’s Beltway First agenda or Biden’s America Last.

You can alternatively read it here.

11 Replies to “Are we on the brink of a Republican Civil War?”

  1. Registered Republicans seem to like the idea of the GOP being the America first party, that doesn’t have the markings of a civil war, more like the last gasps of the establishment.

  2. Looks more like the beginning of the midterm elections.
    The goal appears to put in republicans that don’t owe anyone favours that are savy enough to know a swamp creature on sight.

  3. “Are we on the brink of a Republican Civil War?”

    Nope, not on the brink, Republicans are already well over 4 yrs into it. As many of us have stated before, Trump’s greatest achievements, exposing media, the swamp and RINO’s, occurred before he even took office.

    1. That goes for a shitload of career politicians. Failure to keep elected officials honest and accountable is just one area of many where “journalism” itself has failed the western world.

      Mainstream media is such a massively destructive force working against the middle and lower classes, yet in their own smug faux-virtuousness, they claim to be the heroes and spokespeople for those same classes.

      I am so sick and tired of seeing idiots just give in to this daily charade.

  4. When this all breaks, China will be the fall guy in with collusion with Biden and the Democrats.
    So far my intelligence has been pretty good in General Flynn is now on some coins with 45th President Trump which came out yesterday.
    I think the US Supreme Court on Friday will reaffirm that Biden had foreign interference in this 2020 Elections and is Disqualified making President Trump the president for another term.
    The current intelligence coming from the Whitehouse is still President Trump Administration still in place until the 20.
    Melania Trump is already first Lady on their Twitter accounts.

    This is why Pelosi and the Democrats are freaking…they can’t stop President Trump from being in office again.
    Their big lie with the mainstream media is about to collapse.

    1. Where on that document does it say “former U.S. President”?
      It is still stating that he is President.

    2. This is straight up delusional. I love a good thread as much as the next guy, but at this point it’s 99.999% fan fiction.
