Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?

Wilderness of Mirrors;

What we are witnessing is nothing less than a Gangster uprising. The African American culture is by and large one of idolization and worship of violent criminals, this violent behavior on their part is the inescapable result of a culture that assaults education, honestly, moral, ethical or virtuous behavior and instead glorifies and rewards violent criminal behavior.
But do not make the mistake of thinking that that is all this is about. This my friends, is nothing less than a loaded gun pointed at the head of America with the none to subtle threat, Impeach Barack Obama, and we’ll burn America to the ground. Wake up and smell the burning rubble America. The Fifth Column Treasonous Media, the Whitehouse and the Department of Injustice set these wheels in motion very much on purpose to prevent anyone from even remotely considering Impeaching his Imperial Majesty Barack Hussein Obama the first.

32 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. They only think they can burn it all down. If they try, they’ll be in for a very rude surprise. The only things getting burned down will be the neighbourhoods where these savages happen to congregate. If they try to move into the suburbs, there won’t be any need to call out the National Guard, since there will already be a very real (in the sense of the original intent of the 2nd Amendment) Militia awaiting them.

  2. Agreed. I don’t think the other minorities or even the white Progs in America want their neighbourhoods of cherished shopping sites etc. to be rubbled/charred.
    Barack Obama, American National Gun Salesman of the Year, six years running.

  3. Yer probably right.
    A genuine minority, 13-14% at best…assuming they all go nuts against as much as probably 50% with a solid core of veterans. (5.2 million Gulf War era vets) (5 million NRA members)and then there is the US Army and National Guard….
    Us old guys will bring the beer and popcorn…..
    The Trayvons jus’ don’t have the numbers…or the resources…in experience, equipment, smarts or education. With potential allies like “Occupy”, the DNC, Brady Foundation and PETA they are beyond hopeless.
    A very rude surprise indeed….
    There ain’t nothin’ civil about civil war…..

  4. You, Dave K, and Oz got that right.
    It is amazing that a president and federal attorney general of the United States would not so subtly encourage the rioting.

  5. The other night Michael Savage was saying Obama has essentially implemented a scorched earth policy to closeout these final 2 years of his reign. Akin to a retreating army torching a city as they retreat. He of course despises the country so it is entirely plausible if not already in its its initial stages.

  6. What you dumb idiots can not seem to put together is that the tribe who control the media in the US, use the blacks against the WASP at the same time using US to fight their wars in the middle East.

  7. I pray it doesn’t come to that. Something like Detrioit, Los Angeles or Ferguson, writ large, would be devastating. The main weapon will be arson. If it goes national, there’s no way police and fire departments could handle it. One guy with a shotgun, barricaded in his house, trying to defend his family, is going to be in big trouble when the Molotov cocktails start flying. As you know, the Ferguson protests have gone national, and where I live, the cops have been ordered to back off. There have been few arrests. Politicians talk about “legitimate grievances” and “free speech.” National politicians are fanning the flames. But hey– the worse the better, right?

  8. After watching the Megan Kelly show on Fox this evening I thought it is no wonder that the US is being racked by anarchism and radical leftism. Our universities have almost totally been taken over by the radical left.
    The likes of Obama is just the logical progression of the Marxist filth that has been drummed into our kids for a couple of decades now.

  9. Sorry, you’re off. This time Obama actually thought something through and came to a wise and exceedingly effective solution. Enter Joe Biden.
    “Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. I am your President, for better or worse. You elected me and you (plus foreign money) re-elected me. Drive me from office, either through means legal or violent and I will unleash upon you President Joe Biden.”

  10. Terrible as race riots are, they are mostly a bunch of idiots burning down their own neighborhoods. Traditionally, many of the productive citizens in such areas then move, leaving a giant hole in the tax base.
    For reference, look at all the houses for sale in Detroit for next to nothing, and the Detroit riots were in 1968. Ferguson will be a rotting corpse soon enough. I don’t see race riots in mostly inner city America as much threat to those of us who threw the bums out in the last election. Here is one of our new maps:

  11. Is it possible now that perhaps we can put to death this idea of term limits being a good thing? You’re seeing the exact outcomes of this dream now: pols with nothing to lose and no conscience. What are you going to do, not vote for Obama I in 2016?

  12. And then you have to consider the nuclear option. Things get ramped up to the point that the president can suspend the Constitution on the grounds of a national emergency. Any constitutional lawyers out there that want to pursue that line of thinking?

  13. This only works until Obama’s term in office is over.
    Just don’t think they will feel the same connection to Bill’s wife.

  14. Right on hairNoise; Hope the other regulars who come here also thank you for stepping forward to slam the comment by Shawn; never sure where NME666 is coming from. Possibly this his approach to bigotry.

  15. I have believed for years that there will be a major race riot/ racial war in the USA sometime in the next 20-25 years. This is only a warm-up especially if the Hildabeast and Slick Willie are in charge for the next eight years, which looks likely. After this Ferguson fiasco no law enforcement officer in his right mind is going to risk a confrontation with the likes of Michael Brown. Why would they willingly subject themselves and their families to the demonization by the liberal presstitutes that officer Wilson has had to endure. Hope I am wrong but I don t think so!

  16. This is the French Revolution and the Cultural Revolution played out in the New World. This was all predicted in 2008.
    Obama will have to be impeached even if it means his Cro-Magnon voters’ block will burn down some buildings. Keeping him in place is like keeping Robespierre or Mao Tse Tung around for the ambiance.

  17. Who will feed, house, and clothe them if they “burn this bitch down”? No one, they won’t acknowledge it, but of course they know this.

  18. Mikey, Axlerod “designed” obumbles champagne, soros, Bloomberg, steyer, gellen, adelson, Madoff, and other jewish big money financed much of it,78% in 08 and 64% in 12 supported this Israel hater.
    and here’s a link you may want to read at
    one has to wonder just how effin stupid you people really are? Lots of ink has been spent on this topic and most of it by JEWs. IDIOTS

  19. I guess, then, we can now safely conclude that Obama is a bit more than a mere narcissist.
    That he and Holder et al (lol, my iPad always remembers/capitalizes ET) are:
    Marxist revolutionaries of the CRT (critical race theory) subset.
    Black Mamba: thanks for the chuckle. But no, more a black Moses I’d say: leading his people (sic) out of bondage.

  20. Dave K wins this thread right out of the box with his first sentence. “They only think they can burn it all down.”
    I will add only that all the food in the USA comes from the areas controlled by Republicans and leave it at that.
    I think its entirely true that Obama is holding Eastern American cities hostage with this tactic, his speeches of late leave no other possible conclusion. I also think its entirely true that DemocRat mayors and governors are quietly having a Code Brown moment right now, as lots of rent-a-mobs are shutting down little things like the whole BART system in San Francisco, and even having a go at the Thanksgiving Parade in NYC.
    Its a Shiny Thing to keep the morons fixated -away- from the fact that they don’t have jobs and the government is broke.
    Thing is, I don’t get the impression that people generally are buying it this time. Its not like 1968, there’s no legitimate grievance stoking the fire. This is more like the last desperate Hail Mary play of has-beens that are trying to squeeze out a win before the whole thing falls apart.
    Makes me wonder if the Food Stamp cards are in danger of running out. If they do run out, it’ll make Ferguson look like a kid’s birthday party. If I was Barry and I knew that was coming, I’d be frantic to find a way to blame it of the Republicans. Ferguson could be that.
    Still, it doesn’t really matter. A collapse of the Welfare State doesn’t mean a collapse of the USA. It means the USA will finally throw off the vampire that’s been sucking its blood since the 1930s and move on.

  21. // The Fifth Column Treasonous Media, the Whitehouse and the Department of Injustice //
    This sort of inabiblity to refer to some entity without inserting extravagant modifiers betrays a person who is so overwhelmed by his own verbosity and the need to say everything at once that he ends up saying approximately nothing.
    Byline // politicians and the media that is suppose to hold them accountable // ?!?

  22. Never sure where NME666 is coming from?
    Yeah, I know. He really goes overboard with the subtlety.
    But check out the beast at 9:27 and read very carefully between the lines.

  23. Uhm, who cares? Anybody dumb enough to think JOOOOS!!!! are behind everything in the world, we should worry about what that guy says?
    Because if buddy Shawn and NME666 are right… how come Israel is in the shape its in? Shouldn’t Israel be running the whole Persian Gulf by now? Wouldn’t the JOOOOOOOS! be raining mortar shells down on the Arabs all day every day instead of the reverse? Wouldn’t rich oil rabbis be flying their personal 747-400s to Paris for lunch?
    That’s why Free Speech is important. Morons self-identify. Then you know who they are.

  24. No, she(ET) wasn’t. She wasn’t even right about how Obama would react to being told he was wrong and frustrated by being made a lame-duck President.
    As a matter of fact ET lost a bet to me on that, which we made in 2010. ET was WRONG.(again)
