40 Replies to “Circling The Drain”

  1. It’s a good thing we have so much extra money to hand out to the rest of the world or we’d be in trouble!

  2. What Drama Teaching 101 didn’t explain, is that if you want to keep the per capita GDP numbers down like in the US you need the millions of Neurosurgeons & Space Engineers flooding your country invisible as “Undocumented” – that fixes those pesky numbers faster than you can say Mara Salvatrucha three times after a crack pipe hit.

  3. It would be useful if they compared that to a plot of added government jobs and a plot of immigration.

  4. And it’s all deliberate.
    The Turd’s policies aren’t because of incompetence, or that they’re simply misguided. They know what they are doing and that their policies are producing these effects. Public outcry and tanking polling numbers would have caused any previous government to reconsider and backtrack. But not this government. They are on a very purposeful mission to destroy the country and seem unconcerned about their electoral fate. Now why would that be?

    1. They are on a very purposeful mission to destroy the country and seem unconcerned about their electoral fate.

      Yeah, that’s weird isn’t it? Something I’ve wondered about from time to time. I’m not getting a sense of urgency or panic. Almost like they know something we don’t.

    2. That was a mistake of Harper CPC, “Trudeau, he’s just not ready”. Imagine if that commie was ready! Better slogan, “Trudeau, he’s a commie that will have you living in a pod eating bugs.”

    3. Canada has been broken for some time now. It is finally showing, too much government and socialism are slow killers but killers they are, productivity, culture, society, freedom all eventually die under socialism/communism.

  5. The curious thing is, why do the plebeians want more of it?
    As is often said, it is the elections that settle the argument.

    1. Because an election would solve something…

      If the perceived “right” government was elected, even with a majority, it would simply find ways to waste money in ways more approved by those who identify as on “the right”. They’d do what Alberta does – talk the talk, but never walk the walk on any issue of substance.

      The supposedly conservative gov’t in Alberta doesn’t reverse anything the previous communist gov’t did, but instead starts new conversations about spending billions on trains between cities. Something no one talked about as an election item, and that is neither a necessity nor on anyone’s wish list.

      It is for reasons such as this that I believe all political parties to be controlled, with at least specific elections fixed. This way regardless which party is declared the victor only determines which part of the lower agenda items gets carried out first. But the high priority ones will happen no matter what.

      We are all having our remaining wealth and freedoms bled away year after year – likely at the fastest pace our rulers can move based on the conditions of the day. And it is the delusion of freedom that keeps us as slaves.

    2. Put bluntly, people will elect a pile of excrement as long as it carries the banner of their preferred political party. They will not do their own research.

  6. In the Post, Trudeau in an American interview, reveals his inner communistic vision when he deplores “individualism that I think is counterproductive to the kind of world we need to build”. Sunny ways and jack boots. The banality and blandness of evil. The arrogance of the small mind.

    1. @Robert: Take it with a grain of salt. PM ShinyPony is a narcissist above all else. Narcissism is individualism. So he’s BSing like he always does. To be a true Communist, one needs to have persistence/focus on the ideology part. Or the guy is an idiot/he can’t comprehend fully any ideology + he has the focus of a squirrel.

  7. “….the kind of world we need to build”

    He had one job to do, keep the wheels of the economy running while maintaining diplomatic foreign trade relations.

    We ended up with a broken divided country and legalized weed on every corner to help dull the senses.

  8. I know a little about forecasting, if I was ever that wrong on a consistent basis, I’d no longer have a job. Ain’t the new rules great?

  9. Well I don’t want to live in a world the left built, we can witness their incompetence and financial illiteracy daily. If the left could they’d take all we’ve built and earned and spend it on their twisted ideology.

  10. Everything that is wrong with Canada is embodied in Trudeau. His run has been based on his genetic predisposition to vandalizing the economy: “the economy is not the be all and end all” – P.E Trudeau. This is coming around to haunt him as he’s tried every form of deflection and distraction from this fact and that is now increasingly felt by the majority. Being a self-confessed economic illiterate has been the ticket for a mindless and frightened electorate but a resulting cold and hungry electorate has had enough. Whether any resulting change in government will have the spine to sufficiently liberate the economy and culture is another mater.

  11. Canadian $ is undergoing a sharp drop vis-a-vis the U.S. $ as we speak. Not surprising.

  12. Interesting that the budget was just tabled in Parliament and the capital gains changes were missing.

  13. Canada isnt broken, its dead…. Has been for years.

    The good news is that almost every politician in this “Post Nation State” shithole rewarded themselves with huge pay raises and continue to collect grotesque taxpayer funded pension schemes.

    The criminals always reward themselves.
    Juthtin the Turdhole will come out of this a very rich tranny and so will Jagderp.
    Perverse doesnt cover it.

  14. So glad our kids escaped the country to work elsewhere as engineers. Double the pay, pay less taxes (despite making double the pay), and they’ve got interesting jobs not available in Canada.

    Canada used to be the envy of the world. Now we’re the butt of tyrannical government jokes.

    As we still ranked in the G20?

  15. Gradually ,then all at once.
    Dear Leader is not the problem.
    Those citizens who continue to support Dear Leader and the Kleptocracy..these are my enemies.
    These are people so stupid,that they qualify as evil.
    Evil = Compound Stupidity.
    And no amount of adjusting the leadership can compensate for the damage these idiots do to us.
    Banishing all Progressive Comrades is the only hope for civil society.
    Stupidity such as theirs cannot be coexisted with.
    Interest payments alone will soon exceed government income.
    Can Ahh Duh is “DUH”.

    1. Yup.
      It should be legal to beat the living shit out of them, such is the assault and battery they’ve dealt their neighbors, friends and the children of everyone.

    2. John, i agree with most of that, but there are some behind dear leader that are not stupid, they are evil. They want to destroy the middle class, the bedrock of all that made the west great once. i reserve hatred for them, and nothing short of execution is fitting.

  16. Is Andrew Coyne unemployed yet? Or is he waiting for his senate seat?

  17. I want to take this post seriously, I’m certainly no fan of Trudeau’s fiscal performance, but then I see the hyperbolic “Venezuela” tag and decide to take a pass. I’ve been to Caracas in the last five years. Canada is nowhere comparable to the dire state of Venezuela and making such an association does a disservice to whatever point you’re trying to make. It would be more appropriate to say Canada is comparable to previously bad epochs in its governance, or those of other western nations who also go through periods of productive and counterproductive governance like we are now.

    The sky will always be falling for a certain part of the electorate when their guy isn’t in office, but that doesn’t mean we’re becoming Venezuela anytime soon. We’d all do well to try and share truth in lieu of hyper partisan silliness.

    1. “but then I see the hyperbolic “Venezuela” tag and decide to take a pass. ”
      Where you finding this?
      I read the links twice and still can’t see it.
      Could be selective blindness or something about you..which?

  18. If you’ve even seen a raccoon with a bad case of distemper , you’ll know what a country’s like with a bad case of Modern Liberalism. I don’t think we’re quite there yet. And I’m not suggesting the “cure” 🙂
