The Bubble Chamber of the “Intellectual” Left

Canadian author Guy Lawson thinks that Chrystia Freeland is really swell. He thinks she is the perfect person to deal with the Americans in all trade talks. Why? Because she knows “all the right people” amongst the New York elite. One problem though: Freeland and all of her NYC BFFs completely reside in the Leftist bubble chamber. It’s not clear that she yet fully understands that a Republican Administration is currently in charge.

In a recent interview with John Batchelor, Lawson expounds on his strictly Leftist mindset.

42 Replies to “The Bubble Chamber of the “Intellectual” Left”

  1. When I listened to that item on Batchelor’s show, I tried hard not to laugh, thinking “Just who is twit trying to kid?”

  2. Actually, from the perspective of the current White House, she knows all the wrong people.

    Lawson is similar to most Canadian politicians today. He sees the world through his feelings rather than cold, abstract facts, so because he likes Freeland and other people like her then they must all be right.

    But Trump, Ross, Navarro and other US officials come from a business world where feelings are usually a distraction to making sound decisions. They look at Trudeau and Freeland, perceive fools and – as has become white transparent – have complete contempt for their positions.

    Adults versus children.

  3. Trudeau and company are playing into Trump hands. One must be equal imbecile to not see this game. Good bye automotive sector, good night Ontario. Who knows what the hell will happen to post-national Canada?

    1. Every anti-Trumper is playing into his hands, and they STILL don’t understand it, but keep bellyaching, whining, snivelling and poo-poo over everything he does, while continuing to fail in their opposition.
      So, sure, go ahead Trudy and his JV team, continue this pathetic act of faux patriotism, all the while putting much of the Ontario and Quebec economies at risk. Stupid is as stupid does, Juthtin is the epitome of that Gumpism.

  4. Yes this explains Canada’s complete lack of understanding of what’s going on.

    1. Trump said he will end NAFTA. Canada insists on maintaining NAFTA
    2. Trump said only 1-on-1 trade deals. Canada insists on tri-partite NAFTA with Mexico.
    3. Trump said Sunset clause. Canada insists on no sunset clause.

    These three responses alone deserve Trump’s punching of Canada (at least their government) on the nose.; what part of what he said did the Canadian government not understand? Truth is, the smart set in NY and Ottawa did not take Trump seriously. Instead, Canada should have been working on a 1-on-1 deal, including S/W lumber, auto pact, and “feed-through” from other trade treaty partners (true or not, they could go through the motions). I’m sure that if he sees the panic in Canada, the nailing of the flag to the mast, over the small dairy issue, he will move on to autos, financial services and telecomms.

    I don’t say this with joy, I am Canadian and live in Canada, but I cannot help but notice the total misplay by our federal government.

    It was said during the election that Trump’s enemies take him literally, but not seriously. His supporters take him seriously but not literally.

    1. Pres Trump literally said “It’s going to cost Canadians a lot of money.” This guy doesn’t make promises he can’t keep. We are screwed…I just hope Quebec goes down really hard and along with them the Laurentian Elite and everybody associated with them.

        1. At least it will also destroy any planned legacy of Juthtin the Turd.

          Will the Americans charge a head tax to enter the US?
          Will they just relocate the auto industry to the US? Possible, will take some time to do, but the Americans have everything to gain by that.
          The Americans have all kinds of leverage to hurt the Canuck economy, but Juthtin is too stupid or arrogant, to have a clue until it’s too late.

    2. “….what part of what he said did the Canadian government not understand?”

      Understand? They are even not listening , cause they see themselves more superior to “the accidental POTUS”.

      There are only two option now: 1. total synchronization between the economies 2. scorched earth

      I am afraid – because personal pride over the country – they will take the latter.

      1. Maybe, but many of the Liberal supporters also have a keen interest in keeping the economy strong, especially the wealthy doners. Hopefully, they will not support a government that allows a major economic screw-up, which is what this is beginning to look like. My hope is that the bigger Liberal honchos will step in and keep the boat from sinking. They recognize the importance of the US to the Canadian economy, and if need be, they can oust Trudeau and put someone in who will be more conciliatory to the US.

        1. They’ll just blame the economic collapse on donald blumpf and ratchet up the anti-americanism that liberals always do. They could even win the next election on anti-blumpf rhetoric alone.

        2. Remember, how astute Trudy is, the budget will balance itself.

          Any Liberal at the trough owes their gluttony to Juthtin. They will not rain on the parade, even while the Titanic breaks in half, it won’t matter, it’s about how much they can scam before the ride ends. Break the economy? Who cares……as long as Liberals get their little brown bags.

      2. Yes, they are deaf to the words of the “Accidental President” as you so well put it.

    3. Interesting post Robert. I think you’ve said in a short post more than Guy Lawson said in his short novella (maybe he is paid by the word?).
      And yes Kate, he absolutely thinks she’s swell or maybe even “wonderful” ’cause, you know, she knows the right people.

  5. See, Freeland knows all the right people. And she knows Lawson. I assume we are meant to infer just how important he is.

  6. Only a journalist could believe that the contacts of another journalist qualified them to negotiate a trade deal.

    That right there is the problem with most governments; they are incapable of building something as simple as a skating rink without it costing 10x what a local community service organization could build it for.

  7. Naturally, Lawson failed to mention that Chrystia’s grandfather was a “Ukrainian” Nazi who would have happily seen the Grey Lady’s readers of Jewish ancestry gassed.

    Michael Chomiak, sometime editor of a pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic newspaper in Nazi-occupied Russian territory, fled to Canada as a bogus refugee one step ahead of the Red Army, the woman he had impregnated in tow, and died unrepentant and unpunished.

    Meanwhile, the brat, who by rights should have died with her mother in the gulag, grew up to marry a Canadian and give birth to Chrystia, finding time to become a lawyer—her very existence being a mockery of any human law—and run for Parliament on the NDP ticket (obviously).

    It is an insult to the memory of every Canadian and every Russian who died fighting Nazism—never mind the Six Million—that Chrystia Freeland was ever born.

    As it is, I hope whoever replaces Justin Trudeau has the presence of mind to strip Chrystia of her fraudulent Canadian citizenship and deport her to Russia, to stand trial for giving aid and comfort to enemies of the Russian people.

    1. You give the impression of being an unpleasant person.

      I have little time for Freeland or the silly children’s crusade in Ottawa that she represents. However, my dislike doesn’t extend to wishing her death.

      Tell me, how does this make you much different from Shachi Kurl tweeting about Kudlow’s heart attack?

      1. How far has being pleasant gotten us?

        I want the Libranos imprisoned, with the keys thrown away, and I want all the bogus refugees in Canada breeding the next generation of Chrystia Freelands returned to their shitholes. That won’t be accomplished by being pleasant.

  8. The Canadian ministers are about optics. PM Dressup appointed “peoplekinds” based on sex and skin colour and of course their willingness to tax, spend, signal, preach and lecture … and toe the LPoC’s line. Where they have substance is how firm they stand in their resolve to transform the country into a neo-Marxist sh!thole.

    1. Canada is headed to a place that will not be good. A lack of critical thinking skills is propelling the country along at an incredible rate. The country and the economy are on the way to a socialist hell.

  9. Chrystia freeland is no tall forehead. She’s been a journalist all her life. What does that qualify you for? Your paid to give your opinions? She has no particular expertise in anything.
    We see vacant journos spouting opinions every day only to be proven wrong the next. That is chrystia.

  10. The problem with the current Liberal government in Ottawa is this: it was elected under the blithe assumption that it would operate in a world where the POTUS was going to be Hillary Clinton and all would roll along nicely.

    Our Dear Leader and his student council of a cabinet have effectively been “mugged by reality”. As an authentic leader – Abraham Lincoln – said during the second year of the Civil War:

    “The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves…”

    It is time to ditch the climate change nonsense and the gender pieties and get down to business.

    (I have no great confidence that they can though.)

    1. Agreed. They have to dump Gerald Butts and George Soros, and that will not happen as they call the shots.

  11. Prime Minister Trudeau and Minister Freeland should understand something clearly.

    They F’d Up Bigtime!

    Trump is dealing with Chairman Kim Jong Un of North Korea and nuclear weapons. He wants that agreement to work. He is very willing to be nice and friendly and offer lots of carrots to North Korea in return for the elimination of its nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. What President Trump needs right now is someone to make an example of, to show Chairman Kim what the stick looks like, what “or else,” means.

    Congratulations Prime Minister, YOU personally and Canada are about to become the Negative Example!

    1. ….fraid so

      Other than trying to act charming…..has Trudeau ever actually done anything?

  12. Ah ha! Now I “get it” … Freeland doesn’t own a car. She tricycles her way to work each morning (yeah, right). So she doesn’t give a crap aboot Canadian Automobile manufacturing. Good to know … so she will hardly notice when Canadian auto exports shrink to ZERO. Thanks Canada!!

  13. “It’s not clear that she yet fully understands that a Republican Administration is currently in charge.”

    It’s a republican admin headed by a NY democrat his links to various NY leftists. So yeah that’s actually a feather for Freeland.

    1. It’s a Republican administration in name only that understands that the Deplorables in Flyover country got them there.

      Big difference.

      Chrystia is everything the Deplorables abhor in one, neat, tidy package.
      She’ll make great rally fodder.

      1. But the deplorables didn’t get them there. Not being Hillary Clinton did. The Deps are dying off and will be insufficient to win next time. Sucking up to them just alienates New America ie cities, the young, etc

        1. You obviously live in the same bubble as Freeland et al.

          Why don’t you refer to the over-sampled (D) “polls” the NYT crowd so desperately clings to?

          Hillary, and the Prog agenda, could not attract youth. Young people have left the Democratic plantation. Where they end up is a coin toss, but it won’t be in Hillary Clinton/Valerie Jarrett/Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s cabal.

      2. It sounds as though she grew up a deplorable … but hated herself … so she checked-in to Harvard as a mental patient. Now she gets to play with all her imaginary friends in the US

  14. Chrystia is a liability, not an asset.
    She lives in the Hillary Clinton – Harvard – Yale – Upper East/West Side Progressive bubble, where all who reside there think the NY Times still hold sway and its pronouncements are meaningful.
    The reality is that Chrystia knows all the “wrong people” and has all the “wrong connections” and her insistence on “social justice” issues over brass tacks economics has set her, and the Canadians, up for failure.
    Deplorable Radio here in the US has wasted no time mocking both Chrystia and Justine and their concerns about “hurt feelings”.
    In many quarters, Canadian smugness and virtue signalling is stale dated. I agree with the other commentator, Justine made himself the nail that sticks up and will be the example of “stick” vs. “carrot”.
    Canadians also need to be aware that in many quarters, aside from the steel industry being a vital national security asset for the US, their indulgence in admission on unvetted refugees, etc has made them in many quarters a national security concern, not an ally. That Scott Walker openly admitted perhaps a wall on the northern border is not an unreasonable assumption should speak volumes to the tone deaf high school cheerleader pep squad in Ottawa. Justine’s soapbox statements about prior military joint commitments only underscores that many feel that Canada has been a freeloader on the National Defense front, and has relied upon the US to carry the majority of the costs. Another Trump hot button.

    I state this as a Canadian citizen who is married to a US national involved in national security/military arenas, and I have lived in the US now for 27 years. The times they have changed, and Canadian smugness is not a strong seller. The US would rather open up markets to others than reward the virtue signalling. What part of “put an end to political correctness” that Trump repeatedly touts in his rallies did they miss?

    1. “What part of “put an end to political correctness” that Trump repeatedly touts in his rallies did they miss?”

      His plan to do so. The President does not have the power to end ‘PC’, which has become meaningless anyways.

      1. The President has done a lot to end the “PC” culture mostly by leading by example and emboldening others to speak out and reject badthink policing.

        Team Canada’s approach to pander/appeal to “social justice” issues was really astonishing in its idiocy. Look at who Trump has surrounded himself with in his cabinet, and those taking point on trade/economic issues? Do they look like SJW issues keep them up at night?

        Trump will now delight in pointing out, repeatedly, that Justine will sacrifice the rest of the Canadian economy simply to pander to Quebec dairy farmers, the ultimate “special interest group”.

        1. talking to Undork is less productive on an intellectual level than talking to a fence post. The Undork is totally clueless

  15. She was actually a decent journalist, but ever since seeing her get taken to school by Bill Maher on the Islamic nature of contemporary terrorism a couple of years ago I’ve had my doubts about her as a politician. She seemed like she herself didn’t believe the points she was trying to argue for.
