18 Replies to “Trouble In Lesser Progressia”

  1. Why does the image of a May Pole celebration keep popping to mind after reading that. This one with counter rotating groups of happy idiots.

  2. It was like being in an apartment next door to a family that argues A LOT.
    Oh well, it is a normal course of events that the left side tends to break into smaller and smaller cells. Of course JC is likely more interested in power than ideology or policy, he is a Liberal after all.
    Actually I want to know what the lovely Ms Finch, his protoge (amazing JC is a svengali) thinks of all this.

  3. Kate….you should have a Dipper warning for that site. Otherwise,Jason Porniak just keeps digging deeper. I just hope nobody takes his shovel away.

  4. Cherniak.
    Big supporter of Stephane Dion.
    From the start.
    Had a post entitled “what you can expect from me during the election.”
    Well done rookie.

  5. Anyone in the Toronto area who wants to help out in the Richmond Hill riding, please call us at 905-882-7503. You’ll not only get the satisfaction of helping beat a Liberal, you get to beat Cherniak at the same time! Double your fun!

  6. Its like being asked to choose between death by firing squad and death by hanging.
    Is there a “none of the above” option?

  7. Unfortunately, but perhaps to a lesser extent, it’s the same thing that’s been going on here.
    Their, “I’m more of a progressive than you are,” hissy fit is the same as, “I’m more of a Conservative than you are,” preposterous and childish assumption being made on many threads here.
    Nonetheless, the term, ‘progressive,’ at least in their parlance, continues to lose beneficial meaning.

  8. Who doesn’t enjoy a good pissing match?
    But progressivebloggers.ca always did have the potential for conflict, having NDP, Green, and Liberal partisans.
    I’ve never understood why people think that parties which are close to each other in philosophy should get along.
    Quite the opposite! Such parties are in direct competition for the same voters, and thus there is more potential for acrimony than between NDP and Conservative, for example. Family battles are the most bitter.

  9. I love watching a good slap-fight.
    Ha! Thanks for reminding me of that scene in ‘Night at the Museum’! [Ben Stiller trades face slaps with monkey – sorry, no YouTube link]
    Relevant to our current story comments? Possibly. Hilarious? Definitely.

  10. If these bloggers were really progressive there’d be no need to call themselves ”progressive”. They slip that adjective in just like the leaders of North Korea and East Germany slipped “Democratic” into their county’s names.
    They are reactionary and regressive. They are only progressive if one believes that taking away rights from individuals is progress.
    They are also dead boring compared the characters down in Dingly Dell
    Hello, Children, hello.
    Here is this morning’s story. Are you ready? Then we’ll begin.
    One day Ricky the magic Pixie went to visit Daisy Bumble in her tumbledown cottage. He found her in the bedroom. Roughly he gabbed her heavy shoulders pulling her down on to the bed and ripping off her…;
    Old Nick the Sea Captain was a rough tough jolly sort of fellow. He loved the life of the sea and he loved to hang out down by the pier where the men dressed as ladies…’
    Rumpletweezer ran the Dinky Tinky shop in the foot of the magic oak tree by the wobbly dumdum bush in the shade of the magic glade down in Dingly Dell. Here he sold contraceptives and …

  11. These idiots have a “formal complaint” procedure. For a blogroll. Dippers to the core, this lot.
    A four year old of my acquaintance has coined the perfect term for these people: “poogressive”.

  12. Pity the elfin one . . . his great white Knight is bruised, battered, tarnished and done like dinner.
    Hard days to be an elf.

  13. Sean probably (secretly) loves it when Kate links to his site. It makes his stats go up signifigantly.

  14. Of all the commentators,James Bowie hit it right on the head!It is all on public record,the dippers are infested with troofers including sitting Mp’s.Jason should be congratulated for pursuing the truth about Jacks collection of misfits.

  15. Texas Canuck, I’m always impressed by the shear volume of people who click over from SDA when Kate does link it. To be honest it really screws with my site stats, as my usual 100 visitors or so a day get swamped out in the nearly 1,800 from SDA on this particular post

  16. Well Sean, good on ya for giving Kate props.
    The truth is we SDA Katonians are massive in numbers, mighty in our reasoning, and damn good lookin’ too
    Join us on the dark side.
