Category: Climate Cult

Y2Kyoto: Uncredible Journey


A car made from waste plastic has been forced to abort its mission to the South Pole because of bad weather.
Solar Voyager was set to be the first solar-powered expedition to reach the world’s most southernmost point.
But despite it being Antarctica’s summer, unexpected heavy snow has meant progress has been slow, and now the team have had to turn around.

Showing Up To Riot

Kurt Schlichter;

Now, the protesting Parisians aren’t conservatives in the American sense – lots of their demands have a lefty vibe. But what they do share with us is how the abuse les deplorables have suffered mirrors the abuse America’s increasingly militant Normals have put up with. The French elite has kept dumping on them for decades, impoverishing them through economic mismanagement, cronyism, and corruption, changing their culture without bothering to ask permission through unlimited Third World immigration, and taxing them to increase elite wealth while stripping them of a say in their own government.
Sound familiar?

Macron has promised to come out of hiding sometime today.

Update: Macron promises to give out other peoples’ money.

Showing Up To Riot

Paris Discord;

French President Emmanuel Macron has scrapped a fuel tax rise amid fears of new violence, after weeks of nationwide protests and the worst rioting in Paris in decades.
An official with the Elysee palace told The Associated Press on Wednesday that the president decided to get rid of the tax.
Philippe told lawmakers that “the tax is now abandoned” in the 2019 budget, and the government is “ready for dialogue.” The budget can be adjusted or renegotiated through the course of the year.
Three weeks of protests have left four people dead and were a massive challenge to Macron.


Macron is hardly alone in his frustration. Leaders in the United States, Canada, Australia and elsewhere have found their carbon pricing efforts running into fierce opposition. But the French reversal was particularly disheartening for climate-policy experts, because it came just as delegates from around the world were gathering in Katowice, Poland, for a major conference designed to advance climate measures.

Be disheartened. It’s better than disheaded.

Showing Up To Riot


With his popularity rating at record lows (recent polls put it at around 26%, on par with Hollande), his capital city burning and the populists he defeated during his stunning electoral victory last year making serious electoral inroads, French President Emmanuel Macron finally caved, and on Tuesday ordered a six month suspension of planned ‘fuel taxes’ which spurred widespread and destructive protests across France over the past three weeks.
After reportedly weighing declaring a state of emergency that would have cleared the way for an unprecedented crackdown on dissent, Macron decided that such measures would only intensify the popular opposition to his government. And according to Reuters, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has declared a suspension of the staggeringly unpopular tax.

h/t Robert of Ottawa

Y2Kyoto: They Were Promised There Would Be No Math


Puzzled by this reporting, I did a rough calculation in my initial reporting on the NCA4. Today’s $20 trillion GDP, growing at a 3 percent rate, would rise to $226 trillion by 2100. With climate change, it would instead rise to only $203 trillion. Americans living at the end of this century would be about 10 times richer on average than we are now, albeit in a much warmer world.

Les Déplorables


No Pasaran;

It is not wrong to say that the demonstrations were caused by the government’s decision to raise gas prices. What is missing is that this is just one of several draconian measures dating back half a year, i.e., ‘tis the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.


For the past four to five months, the French government has done nothing but double down on bringing more and more gratuitous oppression and more and more unwarranted persecution measures down on the necks the nation’s drivers and motorcycle riders.


In fact, the imposition of ever harsher rules has been going on for the past decade and a half or so — whether the government was on the right or on the left …/…


…/… What has been most irksome for les Français since the turn of the century has been the ubiquitous radars, which, like red-light cameras in the United States, are accused of having (far) more to do with bringing revenue to the state than with road safety.


And just like the arms industry in the Soviet Union, if there was one area of France where the technology was always moving forward, it was the radar business.


Over the years, the radars have become evermore stealthy and insidious. …/… What has happened since shows the Deep State at work in Europe just as much as, if not more than, in North America — and this leftist statism is the kind of news that has been ignored by the mainstream media, in France itself as much as abroad. …/…

Showing Up To Riot

Now Brussels;

Protesters descended on the European Commission’s Berlaymont headquarters, the heart of EU decision-making, as they created Belgium’s own ‘yellow jacket’ campaign against rising fuel prices and the cost of living. The EU Commission was forced to temporarily shut its doors as the building’s security guards refused to let anyone in or out while protesters marched passed. […]

At least two police vans were destroyed in what started as a peaceful but unauthorised demonstration descended into violence.

Blowout 256

An eclectic mix of energy and climate news stories from around the world compiled by Roger Andrews.

This week’s lead story features the growing number of cracks in Scotland’s Hunterston reactor, which according to some requires an immediate shutdown to avoid a second Chernobyl. Then on to our usual mix of energy and energy-related stories: Low oil prices to mandate an OPEC production cut; the Turk Stream gas pipeline: coal in Germany, Hungary, Japan and China; nuclear in Poland, France, Spain and the EU; renewables in Australia and Puerto Rico; batteries in California; tidal power in France; Solheim quits; hydrogen; foldable capacitors for energy storage and how Houston’s high-rises halted Hurricane Harvey.

Note that there is some informed commentary on the gravity of the Huntertson situation. If you don’t hear from me again it will be because I’ve been vaporised 🙁

Blowout 256

They Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

The fossil-defueling of the planet has been postponed indefinitely;

The Kobe project is one of more than 30 new power stations being planned or built by Japan that burn coal — the dirtiest and most polluting fossil fuel and one which is being phased out by some 30 governments around the world. [..]
Japanese government officials justify their reliance on coal by citing cost, security of supply concerns and the need for a diverse energy mix. Coal power plants are “necessary” because “the resource is cheap and more economical with scale,” Shogo Tanaka, director of the Energy Strategy Office at METI, told the Nikkei Asian Review.

They’re acting as though they want the lights to stay on.

Another Day, Another Dire Climate Prediction

David Wallace-Wells has written a new piece of “Climate Disaster Porn” : UN Says Climate Genocide Is Coming. It’s Actually Worse Than That.

This isn’t the first time.

One of the comments to his newest piece is priceless:

I love the certainty with which the author makes these pronouncements. There “will” be a tipping point. Killer heat waves “will” kill millions. Rising seas “will” swallow cities. You guys have been making these scary predictions for 30 years, with zero results. Why should we believe you now?

“Um, because now we really, really, really–better add a couple more–really, really mean it. Don’t make us BREAK OUT THE ALL CAPS!”

Atmospheric CO2 is a minor, very minor, player in the overall climate. It’s modest effect as a greenhouse gas, a fraction of water vapor, diminishes rapidly with increasing concentration. The current 400 ppm provides a very, very slight increase in warming over the Pleistocene average of 280 ppm, which is extremely low by long-term averages anyway. Furthermore, the human contribution of CO2 is less than 5 percent of the total.

Yes, the climate was warmed by a degree or so over the last 150 years or so. So what? Be thankful. One hundred fifty years ago, the planet was still recovering from the effects of the Little Ice Age, the coldest period in about 10,000 years. Since that time we have rebounded to the Holocene average and a trifle extra. Big. Freaking. Deal.

The Sound Of Settled Science


There are too many polar bears in parts of Nunavut and climate change hasn’t yet affected any of them, says a draft management plan from the territorial government that contradicts much of conventional scientific thinking.


The proposed plan — which is to go to public hearings in Iqaluit on Tuesday — says that growing bear numbers are increasingly jeopardizing public safety and it’s time Inuit knowledge drove management policy.


“Inuit believe there are now so many bears that public safety has become a major concern,” says the document, the result of four years of study and public consultation.

