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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
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Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
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Banning the words bias(es) and barriers from funding a scientific grant can lead to bad science. I can think of several types of hard science/mathmatical research where these are scientific terms and not DEI BS.
…can lead to bad science.
With the inclusion of these words, where d’ya s’pose we are right now?
Show me where in the US Constitution the federal government has the authority to be funding any scientific research at all.
Does “flag” mean ban? Flag to me means stop and give that a check. As for bad science, as a scientist for over 4 decades I can assure you our current system guarantees mediocrity, corruption, and waste. A random lottery would likely be more productive. It would certainly cost government a lot less in bureaucracy.
Huh, quite interesting. There’s a distinct lack of “Brian Zinchuk”.
If you want to get really retarded, those are pretty essential key words.
One would think being on that email chain might be a filter set all unto itself, but who am I to think like a gamer?
Hopefully DOGE will end these grants outright, and then the Woke Filter will be irrelevant.
I have always felt a major part of Democratic corruption was spending like foreign aid being designated to a country but not given directly and instead filtered through a politically connected NGO that siphoned off their cut.
What I didn’t envision was how the tangled web of NGOs from both parties a) pass this money to each other through many NGOs, all taking their cut. Then, the much smaller amount of aid that is left is likely to b) have a lot of it wasted on pushing a political agenda through things like DEI instead of things that will help in the country where it is spent.
Especially damning is how the McCain/Romney wing of the Republican party doesn’t care about what is going on with b) as long as they get their cut from a).
” … a crisis for academic freedom & science.:
What a funny way to say “There goes our meal tickets!”
Endowments at places like Harvard are billions and billions of dollars, surely they believe in “academic freedom” enough to spend some of their own money?
Harvard could be free for it’s students and still have money left over, if it wasn’t a hedge fund who happens to run a school for the tax benefits.
Whenever I see the word “cull” I can’t help but smile.
I’m sorry Darby, but how are any of those words related to science?
global warming
tipping point
safe and effective
This is a good thing.
Flagged != banned.
Sure, some of these words do have legit uses, and that’s why papers using them get flagged, ie set apart for a closer look.
Darby is making a mountain of a molehill.
They missed a few.
Scapegoating is markedly absent. Inclusion of that one should get an author banned for life, just because of the torture to the English language.
I left her a message, explaining that she was no longer a scientist or interested in facts or truth. She is so deeply engrossed in The Cult, that she cannot see it. Maybe decades from now, she will.
Social sciences have a huge “reproducibility crisis”. If a phenomenon is real, another scientist ought to be able to follow your methods and get the same result (i.e. your results should be reproducible). But only a tiny fraction of social science studies are actually reproducible. The bulk of it is garbage.