12 Replies to “Green Crime Pays”

  1. Why the plurality?
    That is Gang Green.
    Thieves,Communists and environmentalists.
    Perverse incentives..
    In a Kleptocracy, people steal..Government by thieves for thieves..
    The State of Thuggery will grow until there is negative incentive to produce steal-able goods..
    Welcome to Can Ahh Duh.
    Produce only what you can protect and carry with you…the marauding hordes will take all,until starvation stops them.
    Amazing how many times this has played out.
    What cannot go on..will not.

    1. Gang Green…love it, stealing it to replace my Khmer Vert, as, well…people are dumber now that ever and its to much to explain (now that the Pallies have stolen “watermelon”).

  2. Given that the thieves are typically leftist client groups, I’m sure the people making the laws have no issues with this happening..

    In terms of the cables, I’m not sure why they haven’t moved to tinned cables, like the railways did decades ago because of the copper theft problem. The tinned cables being less expensive and worth next to nothing when it comes to the copper recyclers.

  3. You beat me to it, John.

    Thieves, Communists and environmentalists. Distinctions without a difference.

    BTW, guess who gets hit first by the “marauding hordes”? Yup. No points for guessing the GEBs (Greedy, or Globalist, or Government Evil Bastards). That’s where the loot is. They have the stash of food, generators, and fuel.

    What? Does anyone really think the parasites are going to pour out of their enclaves and loot the inner cities? Heck no! Of course it will be the other way around.

  4. Since the thieves rarely see any real punishment in cities where property crime has effectively been legalized, it’s getting worse.

    Welcome to the SF Bay Area … and IT IS getting worse. We are descending into a Mad Max dystopia faster than anyone ever contemplated. Why? … because there are too many black men incarcerated in America. Reparations will be paid by everyone. Till no one is any longer able to pay … or is dead, whichever comes first.

  5. The meme with a red light / speeding camera and the statement, “I don’t know who needs to hear this but photo enforcement cameras hold 5.5 lbs of copper”

    seems legit to me.

    1. marc…

      “..but photo enforcement cameras hold 5.5 lbs of copper…”
      No shit eh??

      I’m betting the millions of SPY CAMS govt is slowly installing everywhere would be of similar manufacture..??

      Ha, Now I See the REAL REASON why the boys in Britain who are ripping them down…LOL.!! Truly a ROBIN Hoodesque state of affairs.
      I love it.

  6. Basic progressive tactic:

    1) create fake issue to get elected by low information voters
    2) fake data to promote how bad issue is
    3) create bureaucracy to fight issue
    4) collect tax dollars
    5) scatter tax dollars to friends and family
    6) announce (and re-announce, and re-re-announce) worthless projects and goals
    7) don’t meet goals
    8) blame your enemies for failure
    9) increase size of bureaucracy and re-set goals
    10) repeat until re-elected

    1. All under the broad umbrella of redistributing wealth of the productive into the pockets of the make-believe parasites. And it’s working … the sloven class are getting wealthy as they drain our bank accounts.

  7. copper has pretty much always been a fond find for scavengers.
    my daddy in the olden days of the early and mid 60s l saw him actually do this, found a big coil of insulated copper wire at the then freely accessible landfill.
    so he set fire to it and went back same spot next weekend to salvage it. bare scorched copper far more valuable than the low grade still insulated stuff. for the ‘all and only scrap copper’ you get max price.
    our garage had buckets for copper, buckets for lead buckets for brass, and the other very popular aluminum.
    the ‘pathway’ from refining the ore, production of wire, use of the wire in devices, wearing out of the device, and salvaging the copper used to take sometimes many years.
    lucky us in 2024 the step between use of the wire in devices to ‘salvaging the copper’ is shucks, as short (pun intended) as days!!! wheeee !!!!
