20 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. I just bought a new car which came with something like this. I used to park my old car in a nook in the driveway out of the way next to some tall grass. This one would stop and refuse to drive near the grass, like a stubborn mule. It would simply freeze and refuse to move.

    1. I had to cut back my specimen azalea right next to my neighbor’s driveway, because it was locking up his new Nissan SUV’s brakes so he couldn’t reverse down his driveway. Lucky for him we’re good buddies so I just sucked it up, got out out my Felco #2’s, and got the job done. I hate technology and so does my azalea!

  2. So a word of advice: first, try the experiment with a crash test dummy, then put the boss into the second pass after a successful first pass. And make certain that all the software is in place.

  3. I’m thinking the next few years are going to be a great time to be a personal injury attorney.
    No need to sue the driver for a few measly pennies. Go straight for the automaker. Don’t worry, the taxpayer will cover it with a bailout.

  4. “Self driving cars are SAFER than human drivers”

    In theory.

    Sadly … theory is often NOT reality

    1. That “self-driving” car was certainly safer than the humans who weren’t drivers. It probably didn’t get a scratch. Wipe off the blood and set it free.

  5. “Was equipped with city safety but not pedestrian detection”. There are no pedestrians in the city?

  6. My Subaru hit the bakes HARD when a car in a lane next to me accelerated while turning and a puff of exhaust mist entered my lane(cold outside..Canada)… was almost rear ended….. another time the same car hit the bakes on me backing out of a parking spot…… car saw its shadow … self driving has a ways to go

    1. Mine is a Subaru too. It’s an EV (I have a good use case for it, and have two ICEs for when needed, plus there is an EV price war going on) Anyway, your story is scarier than mine. Had I read your post before signing the contract, I would have bought something different. What if you have to choose between causing a multi-car pileup and hitting a coyote? Well, your car makes that choice, I guess.

    2. My Toyota uses radar when in cruise control. It will slow down to keep a safe distance to the car in front. The only glitch is that if a car makes a turn in front or changes lanes and starts to slow down, the radar still tracks it and brakes my vehicle, even when the vehicle ahead has cleared the roadway. So I learned to watch for the situations and quickly cancel the cruise control and re-engage it after clearing the other car.
      There is no substitute for a human driver. You have to know how the electronics work, just as you have to know how a steering wheel works.

  7. I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my long-standing bet on self-driving cars. I’ll donate the pot to Kate to keep the server lights on.

  8. All automatic functions, like breaking, hands free driving, warning beeps and lights for approaching vehicles should all have an off or override switch. Anyone who knows how to drive and has driven millions of miles does not want or like surprises, surprises cause accidents.

  9. Pretty representative of all A.I. and human interaction with it… giant rat penis, black George Washington, get run over by self driving car.
    Ya know what we really need is some AI controlled military equipment.

    1. Bollocks! Ah well, Kate can keep the money. I haven’t donated in a while.
