Thursday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  What Democrats think of black kids.  The insanity of the Trump trial.

Blackie’s Canada:  Justin’s CBC promotes polyamorous relationships.  Trudeau rewards another one of his friends in the media.  Liberals shut down meeting on the CBC.  Where did the unmarked graves money go?

Today In Islam:  Being honest about Israel.  – Victor Davis Hanson.   Interfaith dialogue in Greece.  Pro-Hamas supporters in Ontario.

Your morning meme.   A cartoon.

25 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

    1. JD
      “Why do we need 2 Ambassadors in Rome?”
      One regular, and the other Kommunist.
      vatican=komunist schiffhole, that is anti Trump, and supported the JFK assassination, and established a liason with the CIA, when the cia was first established
      Try keeping up wood jah?

      1. One regular, one Liberal-bootlicker. She has been loyal to the -Liberals all throughout her career. Now she receives her payoff. This is how Justin’s government works. It rewards its friends. This his how our corporate media work. They expect payoffs.

    2. Perhaps it was discussed when the two of them accompanied each other to the restroom.

  1. Basically VDH’s screed could be titled “Muzzies and Muzzie acolytes remaining in (lack of) character”.

  2. If the ndp leaves, do we have to pay them?

    Can we jail them instead or better, deport them to gaza.

  3. Joyce Napier was ‘bureau chief’ from Ottawa, always at CTVNews 11pm, carrying water for Justin & Libranos. Disgusting witch, at same level with the other 2, Lisa LaFlamme and Joy Malbon. This last ‘joy’ is still employed at CTV – she is still ‘reporting’ from DC.
    Btw, shouldn’t all these people appointed in nice-cushy positions have some qualifications related to that position? For example if Vatican, some theology/philosophy? Not just ‘Journalism’?
    Wishful thinking, I know. We have as Finance Minister, journalist who doesn’t even know the difference between liability and asset.

  4. I personally don’t care what any consenting adults do in their bedrooms. There is absolutely no need for my tax money to go to promote one “lifestyle choice” over another. That being said my limited exposure to folks practicing polyamory has been a perverted person living out a selfish fantasy and dragging their partner along into it, reluctantly. And those relationships never seem to lasts. Things get all messed up with jealousy, manipulation and trying to fake it until they make it but they don’t. Also if they have kids, the example they set results in screwed up kids as partners change like the weather.

    There is a reason one man, one woman is the norm and it isn’t because it doesn’t work.

  5. The polyamoury debate is a veiled attempt to import sharia law.

    1. Interesting take because of course it would let a man have his four wives and un,imited concubines. I had not considered that angle but I think you’re right.

    2. Good thought Robert. Everything that is done always has some hidden reason or agenda.

  6. Now that’s a cushy number: Canadian Ambassador to the Vatican. 👰

  7. Polyamory further fuzzies the connection between children and biological parents. Biological mom and dad are the child’s first attachments, and children have a right to them. Sometimes it’s not in a the best interests for children to be cared for by biological parents, and other adults, like extended family or adoptive parents step in to provide what’s missing as much as possible (and adoptive families can be amazing). But to conceive a child with the intention of depriving them of their biological parents, is selfish. Even if both biological parents are part of the polyamorous relationship, calling them all parents muddies that for the child, and invalidates the child’s natural desire to know where they come from.

  8. So the government gave the Band 7.9 million to prove out the existence of the imaginary graves and it’s been unaccounted for. As far as the grievance mongers of the Band are concerned, it’s “mission accomplished”. There’s nothing unusual about this. This is how the grievance industry works. They pimp white guilt out of imaginary harm and their useful idiots of government, thanks to the drum beat of the media and “progressive” institutions, then throw tax dollars from the unborn at the scam.

    1. Well, they won’t be able to use the “secret hidden buried children’s bodies” ruse ever again. The Indians are running out of grievances they’ve been paid off for by Liberal/commie lunatics. Change of government at the provincial and federal levels will bring the gravy train to a halt, at least for the easy money.

    2. Where did the money go? Just check out what the chief and the band councillors are living in or driving around in.

  9. The Trump Trial.

    It is no exaggeration to say that this is straight out of Kafka, specifically his The Trial in which neither Joseph K nor the reader knows what is the crime he is charged with.

    I am of the view that all this egregious lawfare against Trump will collapse. And if Trump survives all this hate and wins the presidency it will be a story for the ages.

  10. Maybe Joyce can finally afford to pay for a hairdo. She better enjoy her gig, she will be another fired Liberal in November 2025
