14 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe”

  1. But the economy is doing great! We only have to borrow a trillion dollars a quarter to keep it humming, but we can do that indefinitely right? We will never run out of paper or ink or ones and zeros to write in computer memory?

    Right? Just type a command on a computer at the Fed, right?

  2. Biden inherited 9% inflation? Yeah … after the economy was completely shut down by COVID … and the government gave away $Trillions in “FREE” money to every scammer across the globe. Supply chain (read: all fabrication- completely shut down) … problems (materials and goods in short supply).

    Yeah Joe … that might be the reason for 9% inflation … the government did it. By entirely overreacting to COVID … as an opportunity for a “reset”. We’re STILL paying for that reset. And the end is nowhere in sight.

    PS Joe … my primary insurer, Travelers … who carry my homeowners and auto insurance just announced a 22% (and higher) price increase next year. 9% my ass. And these are BIG payments already

    1. When Biden took office, the inflation rate was 1.4%. In June 2022, 17 months after he took office, it was 9.1%.

      I don’t really blame Biden for that inflation given the pandemic, but his “facts” were totally off. Whether that was due to his dementia or because he’s always struggled with the truth is anyone’s guess. Maybe some of both.

    1. That’s what struck me. Could it have been thoroughly rehearsed and the performance then carefully timed for a dose of whatever meds they are using on him?

        1. Absolutely. It was a contrivance that was supposed to appear as an attack. Joe Depends new exactly what was coming. He let her deliver without one of his usual interruptions and then followed his lines.

  3. And Ole Joe’s wife, “Dr” Jill, wants to remain firmly entrenched in the White House. She won’t go without a fight.

  4. The fix is in (or maybe not). Maybe they just keep him in there, as unpopular as he is, so they can – (once again) – just blatantly steal the election, as a giant, in-your-face, FU to the country – so that we get the message – good and hard – that “We’re in charge for evermore and there’s nothing you can do about it normies! Your votes no longer count. THE COUNTRY IS OVER. Now get in the pods and eat the bugs!”

  5. Pre-planned questions, pre-planned answers. Just so it looks like the media is tough on Joe. No question about his justice department and collusion with the white house?

    1. Exactly so, Pappy. Interviews with anyone as important as a President are all scripted well in advance with the questions known in advance and identified. Nothing is spontaneous.

  6. Joe thinks he’s in California, where people will believe any sort of BS.

  7. Gaslighter in Chief. Just lie and lie and lie. I filled my gas tank today, Joe. Explain how it was actually cheaper than four years ago.
