War Of The Worlds

In Hollywood, the writers always imagine the world coming together to fight the outside threat. It makes a better story that way and we get to hear some inspiring speeches. But the example of the Bronze Age Collapse teaches us that it’s just as likely that if aliens ever arrived and begin blowing things up, some… might see that as an opportunity.

From Paul Cooper’s Fall of Civilizations, the best channel on Youtube. (1 hour)

13 Replies to “War Of The Worlds”

  1. See also: French and Indian wars or if you want an example within our lifetime: Northern Alliance versus Taliban

    1. JD, Kate et al. How timely. Has anyone here read Ray Dalio’s Principals for dealing with a changing world order? It shows that the US is on the down cycle of the curve that all countries who hold the global reserve currency reach. Ray is now saying “The Changing World Order Is Approaching Stage 6 (The War Stage)”.

      Ray has served as co-chief investment officer of the world’s largest hedge fun, and has a personal net worth of $19.1 B USD. Don’t say you weren’t warned


  2. The history of the conquest of Mexico is a good example. The myth that 30 guys with horses and muskets wiped out the Aztec Empire is just that. When the conquistadores showed up they made common cause with the Tlaxcalans, who provided most of the foot soldiers for the war. Once it looked like the conquistadores might make a go of it, the rest of the tribes stopped providing tribute to the Aztecs, depriving them of manpower and materiel support.

  3. Kate: Thank you for posting a wonderful, superbly-written and produced, educational, account of the Bronze Age collapse. Never once in all my (fairly high level) education did I learn that The Silk Road was really The Tin Road, and how rare tin was to the Bronze Age’ers.

    And in memoriam to The Sea People’s … I just can’t help myself …


  4. I’ve always been of the opinion that aliens could not exist on this planet (and your by-line for this thread is ironic). Considering that just a gallon of sea water contains 10 to the 35th power of varying viruses and bacteria, you have to assume that some of those are going to be fatal to our new arrivals without the luxury of longevity based immunity. HG Wells was on the money.

    On the flip side. Humans visiting other planets for whatever reasons will face the same consequences.

  5. So the Sea Peoples destroyed many civilizations.

    Liberal voters are trying to outdo them.

  6. A reminder that bronze is 85% copper so it was really the copper age. Great video!

    1. The copper age preceded the Bronze Age. Making an alloy is a higher level of technology than working with native copper.

  7. This excellent video demonstrates how short our time has been, while the Bronze Age lasted 2100 years.

    In some ways we’re far more primitive than they were, eating ourselves from within via extreme decadence.

    I doubt we’ll last as long as the Mediterranean civilizations and we won’t need “sea people” to destroy us. We have a different type of virus, it’s called politicians.

  8. Yeah. Like when the Huron teamed up with their cousins the Mohawk to expel whitey.

    Don’t remember that? Funny, neither do the Huron.

  9. Hollywood writers usually imagine the aliens to be a monolithic block determined to brutally conquer-enslave and/or wipe out humanity wholesale without mercy. In which case I could see longtime earthly enemies conceivably setting aside their differences for the time being -like that scene in Independence Day. However it’s more likely that aliens are smart enough to play divide and conquer like Cortes, or just be so far above us that they could crush us without any effort and no amount of human kumbaya togetherness could stop it.

  10. Yes.. The most sobering thing about leadership and control is how hopelessly outnumbered you are.. Its designed to fail and no matter what precautions you take they will come and even eat you if they are hungry enough..

    A natural disaster or economic collapse could get the ball rolling where being a pirate is a better fate than starving to death.. I’m sure they have many plans to ensure this system they have built will last forever.. The perfect storm.. The 1000 year storm.. Nobody can handle both internal collapse and a external threat at the same time.. Run to the hills and starve or join the pirates and die with a full stomach..

    Egypt survived, forever broken because nobody was left to do business with.. Not much of a win.. Everybody went down..
