When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Yet Christopher Wray is still not in jail.

“The defendant’s laptop is real.” With those words and pictures like this one of Biden using crack, the Justice Department introduced the Hunter Biden laptop as evidence in his upcoming trial over federal gun violations. The federal prosecutors went on to denounce suggestions of Russian disinformation, long peddled by the Bidens, the media and former intelligence officials, as nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.”

The media eagerly spread the claim of Russian disinformation before the presidential election. Twitter and others suppressed the story. This was done through one of the most skillful disinformation campaigns in history.

It later came out that associates of the Biden campaign (including now Secretary of State Antony Blinken) pushed a long effort to get former intelligence officials to sign a letter making the claim, knowing that an ever-accommodating media would accept the claim without question or further inquiry.

12 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. is anybody putting 2 and 2 together the severely damning evidence like this the SON of the POTUS kissing a crack pipe vs a plethora of unprecedented court room attacks on a frontrunner, aiming to stymy and thwart the wishes of TENS OF MILLIONS of legitimate American voters?


  2. None of the “Russian Collusion”/”Russian Disinformation” scam will pay any price for their perfidy. They will continue to be employed, and called upon for the latest juicy “gossip” and “leaks” by the press.

    1. “None of the “Russian Collusion”/”Russian Disinformation” scam will pay any price for their perfidy. They will continue to be employed, and called upon for the latest juicy “gossip” and “leaks” by the press.”
      They might if Trump wins. To paraphrase Kate, Trump didn’t make the new rules, but these are the new rules.

  3. Wray is not in prison, and neither is Milley, Strzok, or dozens of others. But Peter Navarro is.

  4. i think we have to remember that the average American voter is as dumb as a box of rocks

    1. Absolutely true.
      Trudope should be on the dust heap of history
      Many moons ago .

  5. My favorite part of that whole laptop thing is when the FBI came and took the hard drive. Mac Isaac (the computer store guy) told them he was a little concerned for his safety due to the nature of the content on the computer. The FBI responded “Nothing happens to people that don’t talk.”

  6. Chris Wray is not in jail because he is a white hat. Hunter most likely flipped several years ago, the bad guys will be held accountable.
