The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire


The Pentagon admitted this week, that none of the aid, unloaded from US Navy pier off the coast of Gaza, has made it to the Palestinian people.

We spent $320 million building the pier and it is already having issues. Boats running aground.

22 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. 320 million for temporary dock. That’s enough money to build a freakin’ skyscraper.

    1. They coulda built a tunnel.. Now they are saying there are 50 tunnels open, running into Egypt. So Egytians lying all the time…Apparently there were 700 tunnels found.

      1. The pier is all eyewash, and a kick in Netanyahu’s nut sack … pure political posturing … if not an unofficial funding of Hamas by gifting them Relief Supplies to sell.

  2. Hey, but at least we’re investing in electric tanks and now using personal pronouns! Peace Through Wokeness! Take that Pooty-Poot!

  3. Bias by omission. None of the “major media outlets” in the US are covering this. In fact, they are staying away from the issue entirely because of all the step by step failures. Only ABC mentions it in the last week, and its assessment is that “it’s off to a slow start.”

    The only way to obtain recent and accurate information is through the Israeli media (Al Mayadeen). A good portion of that overpriced pier is currently approaching the shore of Asdod. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the plan, but expect for the White House to praise their new Fairy system.

  4. And the Murican foreign policy disasters continue. What with Winkin Blinken in charge, working under Dementia Joe, what could possibly go right?

  5. Yeah, they build a pier that couldn’t even stay in place in heavy surf, and enriched Hamas by giving them aid to sell to the palestinians.

    1. Funny … the man who said that is Biden’s puppet master. Seems everything Obama touches turns to shit too …

  6. It does rather bring to mind the failed hostage rescue attempt in the closing days of the Carter Presidency. Which led to the Reagan Presidency and the end of the Cold War. One can only hope!

  7. It appears that the entire U.S. government is incompetent. It is taking after Joe Biden. What a gong show.

  8. “On the Beach” by Nevil Shute
    I read the book, saw the movie.

    Now I’m watching the 2024 cartoon version on the Interweb. It’s been dumbed down to suit the times.
