9 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. The pyramid is a enormous harmonic resonator generating microwave energy! Totally plausible!

    The Egyptians had iron tools much earlier than we thought. That’s crazy talk!

    1. OMG, I just got to the part about electron harvesting. LOL SMDH, as the kids these days say.

  2. People, it seems, would rather be seen as idiots than simply say “I don’t know.”
    UFOs, the pyramids, Stonehenge, Ley lines, etc.
    Basically a bunch of grifting crackpots fleecing the gullible.

  3. I like to keep an open mind because up till now the biggest line of B.S. was that the pyramids were tombs for kings.

    1. Agreed.
      But believing folk who “They were spaceship launchers or microwave generators” while they at the same time say “we don’t have the tech to build said spaceship launcher or microwave generator” is the height of gullibility.
