11 Replies to “Here Comes The Sun”

  1. FFS! What is wrong with people?
    Scared of sunlight now.
    The west is totally pooched.

  2. l just had 6 abcesses show up on my chest and back.
    2 and 2 and 2 and 3 courses of antibiotics.
    l basked 4 hours in the sun yesterday feeling it kill the staph gems on my skin.

    1. I have a similar, but not sun-related, experience with chronic sinusitis. I’ve had it for over a decade, flares up 1-2 times a year. Antibiotics + pain-killers would deal with it in a a few days. Asked a doc for both oral and nasal anti-biotics at the same time, to hit it from both sides, he told me to eff off, just prescribed pills as usual. Did some research, distilled water and a few drops of apple cider vinegar in a Dristan bottle, now 2 years since my last flare up.

      1. If antifa comes looking, substitute hydrogen peroxide for a nice eye cleanse.. bear stopper.

  3. Meh, I tan every Year…and strangely enough, never at night.

    Rarely if ever use sun screen.
    Still here – walkin – talkin – workin.
    BP: 120 over 65 on avg

    1. Congrats, Steakman, I’m 70 and even better blood pressure but the MoFos will not employ me. And obviously I am very experienced and capable.

    2. Skin cancer from sun exposure is no joke. I have had multiple rounds of surgery to deal with problem areas. I do think susceptibility is strongly genetic, with some people being much more likely to have issues. I have a lot of blondes and redheads in my ancestry, and have always burned easily rather than tanning. If you tan easily, consider yourself fortunate.

  4. Thanks for posting this Francisco. Both Dr. Paul Mason and Dr. Anthony Chafee have superb YouTube channels with amazing and revolutionary information.

  5. The Sun is the miraculous giver and preserver of life on this miraculously positioned planet.
    Thank you, God.

  6. I have Mycosis Fungoides a form of Skin Cancer. It manifests itself in a mild rash that thankfully is not itchy and it presents itself where I normally don’t expose the area to the sun.

    My Dermatologist said that I should sit in the sun fully exposed for at least a half hour per day. Go Figure.

  7. Sitting in full sun at 12 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. is a huge difference. A lot of sun at lower strength is preferential to the noon day sun. Like everything else, moderation, and intensity levels. Do not listen to 20/30/40 years olds telling you how to live forever. Listen to the 80 year old who still works for a living.
