107 Replies to “May 27, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. Yeah Well – 9 M empty homes is an inedible number. They are probably built to last like Japanese cars. Canada needs 1M new homes over the next few years. Maybe we could export some folks to Japan.

        1. Japan’s population dropped from a peak of 128,105,431 in 2010 to 122,631,432 in 2024 , a drop of 5,472,999.
          So, unless there were already 3 million empty homes in 2010, AND every single one of the 5 472 999 lived alone, the Guardian is obviously lying, as is their wont.

    1. As I said on another site, as the population deceases there will be more nothing for everyone.

      1. VOWG
        Volume, drives innovation and advances in all fields , something the “elite” fail to grasp.

    2. But I thought that is what the Left wants – fewer people. What they actually mean is fewer poor people. They still want their nice lifestyles to continue.

        1. Given the devastating effect the intervention by Greenpeace will have on the Asian population, they should be charged with wilful homicide.

    3. “They have no children so they have no future:”

      Sorry Paul but that is nonsense. They are getting richer and live longer lives than ever. What is happening in Japan actually proves that a civilized modern country does not need mass immigration to sustain itself even if they are breeding well below replacement rates.

      Let’s see how many links can I put in one post…

      1. They have a mental health crisis. Having more money and better health care doesn’t matter if there is no meaning in life.

        I grew up in a dying small town in rural America with an aging population. It’s depressing.

        1. Separate point entirely. Economically it is perfectly sustainable.
          Also, most families with a single child suffer no crisis.

      2. thee COLON agin immures in a topic he/she/it is totally ignorant of. When my friend went back to Japan , she was shocked at all the foreigners she encountered.

    1. So their bases have security holes, and lots of them, when people can just waltz right in.

    2. Road dog….no Surprise to this whatsoever.
      I watched a Tucker Segment a few weeks ago, when he had Brett Weinstien from the Dark Horse podcast on his show. Seems Brett and his wife travelled to Panama and checked out those who made it safely across that Dangerous pass aka the Darian Gap.

      While in Panama he went to numerous relocation kamps…one of which was isolated from all the others, a Fully Fenced in w/barbed wire Compound. The only folks within were Chinese Military aged men. Hundreds of them.

      The US & Canada are being invaded DAILY by foreign nationals & they have the Tacit blessing of both Trudeau and Biden this shit is 100% on purpose.

      1. No Empire in history survived leaving the Castle gates open to it’s enemies for long.

        That is why it’s mind blowing that self proclaimed “conservatives” throw all of their energies into protecting other peoples borders thousands of miles away while leaving our own castle gates wide open.

        1. False dichotomy from a demagogue who has never seen a turd worlder he did not like and has 47 passports to prove it (sure you do).

          1. Ah here comes the troll who has never made a prediction that came true on SDA.

          2. Let’s see:
            I predicted Maxipads will win zero seats. I was right.
            I predicted Maxipads will never learn and again support Potato. I was right.
            I predicted that demagogues will cheer genocide russians are committing. I was right.
            I also stated a simple fact (some limited IQ scumbags confuse it as prediction) that russia has already lost in Ukraine. Clearly I was right as there is nothing orks can potentially gain that would even remotely match the looses they sustained already. That was true more than a year ago and is even more obvious now.
            Finally, I predicted that Pootin’s whores will continue defeating strawmen and twisting the words of their betters out of context. I was right time and time again.

          3. Also your statement is still a bullshit false dichotomy. I predict you will continue consciously using it, as you are a whore (and a cheap one at that), a demagogue and a traitor.

          4. LOL – you predicted “Maxipads” wouldn’t win any seats?? Holy f*cking Nostradamus Batman, you really must not be the mentally ill village idiot we all have come to know so well. Heh.

            Your Ukraine talking points are straight off MSNBC and the Biden WH Press Briefing Room. Nothing more.

          5. F-O-R-C-E Russia to make peace, Zelensky urges West:


            In your dreams, little guy…the sooner you drop the ridiculous “Russia must totally withdraw from all Ukrainian territory before we will even talk to them!”, the sooner you can end the useless slaughter of your people. Russia ISN’T GOING ANYWHERE until they feel like doing so, and no one can make them.

            Do the right thing: stop sacrificing Ukrainian lives for no purpose and start negotiating an end to this farce. It’s your only *real* option, and you know it.

            (…oh, and the ‘banned word’ that starts this post? I deduced that we can thank Colon/Surfer for that. Notice the three letters in the center?…)

          6. @Fred from BC – “It’s your only *real* option, and you know it.”

            Hateful bigots don’t use logic or reason. They simply troll anyone who disagrees when it goes against their prescribed narrative.

            They literally have no skin in the game, the very definition of the no moral subhuman.

          7. “(…oh, and the ‘banned word’ that starts this post? I deduced that we can thank Colon/Surfer for that. Notice the three letters in the center?…)”

            No Shit Sherlock.

            “Ork” still works though.

            Keep cheering Pootin’s genocide why pretending to pearl clutch and shed crocodile tears, pathetic hypocrite.

  1. Jimmy Stewart starred in the movie featured in yesterday’s reader tips. He was 6’3″ and 145 pounds. Actors were tall in those days:
    John Wayne was 6′ 4″, Clint Eastwood is also 6′ 4″. Cary Grant was 6′ 2″.
    Democrat supporter Robert Redford is 5′ 10″

    Ask Google.

    1. You might be on to something. Quite a few short liberal actors. Sean Penn, Dustin Hoffman, DeNiro -Mental midgets if not actual little people.

    2. I saw Arnie’s outfit from The Terminator at the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle. (now Museum of Pop Culture?) The guy is a dwarf – like 5ft 11 in.

    3. Sylvester Stallone: 5′ 10″
      Bruce Willis: 5′ 11″
      Mel Gibson: 5′ 10″
      Chuck Norris: 5′ 8″

      Nice theory though.

    4. “Democrat supporter Robert Redford is 5′ 10″”

      Redford’s real height has long been disputed. Many say he is 5’7″ or so. I remember reading that back in the days of The Sting.

    1. Why people keep attributing things to Biden is beyond me. Why will they not tell the truth? Biden does nothing he is mentally incompetent.

    1. I’ve not once thought in all my 71 yrs that adding Ink to any part of my largest organ was a “good” idea.

      Not trashing those who do, but it ain’t for me – never was.

      1. @Steakman

        It’s like slapping a bumper sticker on a Ferrari.

        I suppose if people view their body as a 70’s Datsun and paint it pink and blue, other than self mutilation then enjoy.

        1. Dude I’ll take a Datsun 240/260/280 any old day of the week.

          Now a B210…another story.

      2. It is a big commitment, what if 30 years later you decide that you no longer like Kiss and that disco sounds kinda coo? Hasn’t happened yet but who knows?

    1. Seattle eh…100% Infested with yer Typical screaming pro Hamas, pro Gendr Bent beyond F’d up Screaming Raging LEFTISTS.

      Much Like both VANCOUVERs, Portland, San Fran, LA etc.

      1. “‘What is happening in Palestine directly reflects violent colonization and imperialism that has and continues to impact Asian American, Native American and Pacific Islander (AA/NHP) diaspora for generations,’ the disgruntled workers wrote online. The group raised concerns that the exhibit’s portrayal of Zionism contradicts the museum’s purpose of addressing the impacts of colonization and imperialism on AA/NHPI diaspora communities.”

        Seattle is lost.

    1. Right now, race relations in BC are a powderkeg, and the bloody NDP is lighting matches as fast as it can. That’s because Eby is determined to hand the province over to the natives before he’s thrown out of office in the next election.

      Be prepared for violence, because it WILL come to that, absent a complete backdown by this criminally incompetent “gov’t”.

      1. “Right now, race relations in BC are a powderkeg, and the bloody NDP is lighting matches as fast as it can. That’s because Eby is determined to hand the province over to the natives before he’s thrown out of office in the next election.”

        Ironically, he is just finishing what Gordon Campbell started.

        The natives, back when Campbell was in power, had actually claimed 130% of the province as their ‘traditional territory’.

  2. Any suggestions on the Top 10 non fiction books about Canada. The Great Lone Land? Lament For A Nation?

    1. Pierre Burton had some good ones. The Last Spike and my favorite, The Great Depression. If he was still alive his next book would be WTF Canada?

  3. Murderer escapes from Quebec minimum-security prison and remains at large

    A convicted murderer sentenced to a minimum-security prison has escaped and remains on the run in Quebec.

    Authorities are on high alert after they discovered that Yacine Zouaoui, 32, escaped from the Federal Training Centre in Laval on Thursday night. The Federal Training Centre has both minimum and medium security sections.

    Zouaoui is currently serving an indeterminate sentence for Assault Causing Bodily Injury and Second Degree Murder. He was sentenced after turning himself in to police for killing a man by stabbing him in the back with a sword in 2011…

  4. Chandni Desai – University of Toronto

    … As of May 2024, Desai served on the steering committee for the “Hearing Palestine” initiative at U of T, where she is an assistant professor of “Academic Programs in Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity.”…

    WTF is “Academic Programs in Critical Studies in Equity and Solidarity”?

  5. I’ve not once thought in all my 71 yrs that adding Ink to any part of my largest organ was a “good” idea.

    Not trashing those who do, but it ain’t for me – never was.

    1. “I’ve not once thought in all my 71 yrs that adding Ink to any part of my largest organ was a “good” idea.

      Not trashing those who do, but it ain’t for me – never was.”

      Likewise. I’ve always thought of it as “look at me look at me LOOK AT ME!” type stuff. Not my thing…muscles got me enough attention.

  6. Farage: Migrant Crisis a ‘National Emergency’ Putting Britain at Risk of Further Terrorism

    Farage Sparks Leftist Meltdown After Stating Growing Number of Muslims ‘Loathe’ British Values

  7. Walmart Skewered for Pride Collection Unveil: ‘You Glorify Everything in This World Except What God’ Established

    Meanwhile at Disney…
    Disney’s Hulu to Stream Gay Dating Reality Show ‘I Kissed a Boy’ for Pride Month

  8. Our future in a post-national multicultural Canada, though I guess we already saw it with all the Eritrean clashes here.

    Woodburn road in Sheffield, hundreds beating each other half to death with weapons.

    Sheffield’s shameless brawl: 22 in hospital and 25 arrested following huge fight in broad daylight – as police appeal for witnesses

  9. “Whatever issue you think is more important than immigration you’re wrong. Immigration will decide every other issue.”

    Ann Coulter

    1. Sorry, Sooke, that wasn’t directed specifically to you. I messed up and hit Reply.
