18 Replies to “Temporarily Unexpected”

  1. Hamhocks: “What does interbank rate even mean??” Trudeau: “Something like intercourse with anything you like on the side of a river” Hamhocks: “Ouch, some things hurt”.

  2. Oh dear! She already had to drop Disney+ to make the her world affordable. Now she might have to drop Netflix too!

  3. There is a high probability there is a world of hurt coming . The timing and method is uncertain. Collapsing asset values or currency ? The same people who believed printing money was different this time don’t believe the value of their house can crash. Lower for longer, right?

  4. Freerange adjusted: “It is an issue that doesn’t worry me a bit – everything is going as planned.”

    1. Or perhaps it’s her mortgage that is being affected. Remember she had to involve her parents as she and her spouse couldn’t swing the original mortgage themselves.

  5. Me to AI – “What’s likely to happen when a drama teacher and a journalist are put in charge of a country’s economy?”
    AI – “Canada”

  6. But seriously – how do you fight inflation when you keep automatically increasing the cost of everything with a carbon tax increase?

    1. And when so much money is being printed you have to pay that increase in carbon tax with an ever shrinking dollar…


  7. Apparently mortgage payments factor into inflation calculations? If that’s the case isn’t this a death spiral?

    1. They remove housing and food costs because they are too “volatile”. Therefore, inflation is dropping rapidly due to the decreases in gasoline and diesel prices. I won’t use the /s tag but a question mark would work. You couldn’t ask for a dumber group of people to run the government.

      1. Steve – 6,8% inflation in 2022 my arse. Apples went up 50% at the Superstore.
        Freeland studied Russian history in university. She should have studied Zimbabwe or German history. Hyperinflation was devastating for both.

        1. Where the hell was everybody when mortgages were at 8.5% and then went up from there to 15.% and then to over 19 %. I never had a damn mortgage under 8.5% and I bought 8 houses and one apartment building. Stop crying and fix the government.
          I am sick of stupid people.

          1. I bought a new house in Newmarket in 1980 with a 14% mortgage. The house cost $85,000 and the carrying cost was $1000 per month. It’s a sliding scale; rates go up, prices come down. It’s immutable.
