Thursday On Turtle Island

Neil Oliver:  Diets and food.

Woke Britain:  Eco-terrorists vandalize cars.  Dressing kids up in drag.  Fighting for real conservatism.

Biden’s America:  The corrupt FBI.  Biden radical pushes reparations.  The evil Margaret Sanger.  Protecting Biden family corruption.  Library hosts Satan story hour.  The Howard Zinn industry. Your morning meme.  Bonus meme.

Trudeau’s Canada:  Apparently white supremacists are still committing genocide in Canada (CBC).  Hans Gruber can’t ramp up global warming scams, because of evil Conservatives.  Your tax dollars at work.  The summer vandalism season is here.  The wildfire crisis must be over. Today Trudeau burns jet fuel to Toronto. There he will explain to young people and gays on how wonderful he is.  The Liberal Party lapdogs.  A government grounded in science (politics).

Today In Islam:  Leftist magazine wants you to love Islam (JW).  More Muslim outreach in Europe (JW).  UPDATE: Syrian refugee stabs children.


14 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. Guilbeault longs for the tyranny of a Basic Dictatorship, just like Trudeau.

    1. Bring on ‘Mad Max’…unfortunately we may be experiencing it in real life.
      With these nutbars in government.

  2. Metis complaining about colonization is hypocrotical given they are a mix of native and french colonists.

    1. Ventilate the Syrian “migrant” and string him up for the others to see.

        1. Is he really CNB? I know the reports are that he is Christian, but faking conversion is an acknowledged way for Middle Easterners to try to gain refugee status. There are a lot of questions to be answered about this man and his motives.

  3. Re Guibeault’s remark on the PBO assessment, since Canada can do nothing to seriously impact CO2 levels in the atmosphere, ( we are too small an emitter and human contribution is miniscule anyway), there is no point in ” factoring in” climate change impacts as part of the cost. We will get exactly the same result if we do nothing as if we kill ourselves attempting to reduce CO2 emissions. Canadians have no impact on the climate.

    1. Being responsible governance by our current politicians really has generated such a basket case of immoral and irresponsible policies in purchasing an infrastructure that’s impossible to generate or achieve.
      Rather than reassess it’s purchases and failing investments to go about into a different direction.
      So, our bought politicians fail…and still using guesstimates and decades old data to hype up their current positions on global warming and buying failed infrastructure.
      We have all this magnificent technology being wasted by not using it to our advantage before the system collapses.
      Helicopters and drones to generate actual mapping of the Canadian Resources and it’s many lakes full of fish and much never been explored….age old exploration was by roads, lakes and river systems which gave limited data.
      Doing a proper inventory of our resources will never come from the lips of our current mainstream media and politicians as they have too much vested interest in the corruption for money, money, money…

  4. The actions of Barr cause me to wonder on what list he may be. It seems the agencies spend a lot of time exploiting the weakness of powerful individuals for later leverage.

  5. Big Chief Gay Eagle With No Balls, will be raising the Gay Sex Flag on parliament hill, before burning jet fuel to Toronto. Expect his bought and paid for media to give it extensive coverage.

  6. And just like that, Trudeau’s 2 point advantage over the Cons reverts in a couple of days to an 8 point lead for the Cons over the Trudeau Libs. A ten point swing if one believes that polls are in any way accurate representations of public opinion.

    As has been said on here before, there is no accountability for pollsters and there is little “science” in their voodoo forecasts. They are no better than paid propagandists. Will the latest Angus Reid poll get equal treatment from paid mouthpieces like Brian Lilley, who took the Trudeau-leading Leger poll with such seriousness and significance? BS.

    In the recent Alberta election, a much smaller population to survey, only one polling organization got the actual popular vote accurately, and that was Janet Brown OR. Her last poll before the election indicated there was a 9 point difference between the UC and the NDP; the actual result was 53% for the UC and 44% for the NDP. The other polling organizations had it much tighter, with one or two even claiming that the NDP were ahead. BS.

  7. “Leftist magazine wants you to love Islam.”

    Wait until they find out the Muslims in Montgomery County MD are the ones fighting the LGBTQ+ nonsense in the local public schools. A lot of those Leftists may end up taking a walk off of the top of a tall building.

  8. “This is backed by distressing and irrefutable evidence that Indigenous women experience violence at much higher rates than non-Indigenous people — which directly stems from unchecked racism and misogyny.” What a load of crap; the inquiry found what, 77% of cases were Indigenous-on-Indigenous violence, but it’s clearly racism? Our media in North America are actively trying to create racial division to distract from the kleptocracy removing wealth from the middle class.
