Y2Kyoto: State Of Anorexia Envirosa

If you live in Alberta, you may have noticed we are in the midst of a provincial election campaign. Regarding the potential outcomes, all I can say is this: I’m grateful to live near some natural gas wells. I’m grateful to step outside the city and be farmers and farmland and have clean water.

Taken together, by 2050, it seems quite probable that only those living amongst such a collection will be the last people standing.

Our two main combatants in the provincial election are, to the extent I am paying attention (not really), duking it out over who has the best emissions reduction plan, and who’s the most apt to lead to net zero 2050.

You want to run towards that light?

27 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: State Of Anorexia Envirosa”

  1. Choice is simple: do you want your tax dollars to go to health care, or do you want them to go interest payments on the debt?

    Note: Notley will increase the debt in two ways:
    a) massive deficits
    b) declining resource revenues.

  2. Lots of words. None of which say, “AGW as defined by the left, is a fraud. Full Stop”

    A great example of how those who are supposedly opposed to this nonsense simply feed the fire, through the simple fact of not denouncing to what is plainly obvious.

          1. More likely we are rushing towards the foot of a glacier and not an imaginary cliff. Global climate is not controlled by carbon dioxide or by methane or by, as more recently claimed, by nitrogen. It is controlled by the sun and by its intensity and our position relative to it. We can’t change that. At the moment it looks like we are heading towards a cold spell. All the carbon taxes reallocated to the pockets of different elites and their minions will not change that. It’s their club and we ain’t in it as George Carlin said but we are affected by their club and various forms of clubs that they use on us.

    1. Of course it’s a fraud. The dead shyster Maurice Strong who defined it in 1993 told you what it was about – North/South transfers and greatly enhancing UN powers at the expense of the nation-state. It never had anything to do with climate.

      1. Mo Strong was evil and Pierre Trudeau was an acolyte whose spawn is seeing that the fruit of men’s labours wither on the vine. A pox on them all.

  3. Great Post.
    “First World Problems”.
    Worrying and panicking over a supposition,treating illogical speculation as fact.
    As pointed out,if we continue down this road,soon enough “Real World Problems” will come to our reality.
    This luxurious lifestyle we are enjoying is built upon readily available,reliable and on demand electricity.
    Transport fuel underpins it all.
    For we live as Gods compared to our Grandparents.

    And no politician has the guts or ability to get the public’s attention over the caterwauling media nonsense,so we are reduced to imposing nonsense as a given..”But we shall manage it better”..
    Western Canadian Residents have no choice,but to separate their affairs from our eastern Comrades,as we close down our cities.

    For Urban Living causes madness.
    We have run this experiment.
    The Hive Mind,forms in every Urban Enclave, seeks to self destruct .
    “Made Stupid” is a real thing..
    Ain’t “Public Education” grand?
    When did “Merit” become an antisocial concept?

    Wait? What? Pol Pot was right?

    1. “Western Canadian Residents have no choice, but to separate their affairs from our eastern Comrades, as we close down our cities.”

      What nonsense. There’s utterly no serious indication that western Canada is likely to do anything of the sort. There are no signs that Alberta/Saskatchewan have the slightest interest in separating. And the longer you keep spouting this nonsense the further away you get from anything dealing with your real problems.

      1. “There are no signs that Alberta/Saskatchewan have the slightest interest in separating.” Do you mean to say that you haven’t seen the signs? I certainly have seen many serious signs and indications of interest as have all the people I have queried about it. I think you should look into the subject more deeply because you might just be surprised at the level of serious interest in breaking the bonds.

        1. I have. It’s rubbish. There are absolutely no indications that Alberta/Saskatchewan are taking over their own provincial police forces. Armed force matters, not signs and tealeaves. Until that happens, all of this western separation talk is just hot air.

      2. The more we talk about our real problem, the further we get from dealing with our real problems? Food for thought, indeed.

  4. I have to wonder, are NDP supporters going around and lighting these fires?

    1. The green socialists were doing that a few years ago during Australia’s wildfire season. There were at least 200 arrested and charged for setting fires in 2019-20 in the country.

    2. It has crossed my mind that the very serious fire situation in Alberta will tend to frighten the uninformed about climate change and nudge their votes toward the NDP.

      NDP supporters know that too, so it wouldn’t surprise me.

  5. “The biggest problem with activists in charge is their disdain for the existing fuel system, and the fact that they want it gone.”
    That and humans in general. Once you realize AGW is really a vehicle for anti-human elites…things get infinitely easier. How else to explain Holland and Sri Lanka’s push to limit Nitrogen emissions which in my opinion is just reckless tampering with a nation’s food supply. They really do want you dead.

    Couldn’t help but notice an advert from LightHouse Energy Group in the link, featuring among other services, “Carbon capture”.
    And the beat goes on.

  6. Maybe, just maybe with sprinkles on top, the pols and more voters will see in time after the green agenda driven implosion of South Africa, and soon California as to the lunacy of the current political direction. And I have my farmland already with farmers around me too.

  7. As a wise man said, “Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good. In area after area – crime, education, housing, race relations – the situation has gotten worse after the bright new theories were put into operation. The amazing thing is that this history of failure and disaster has neither discouraged the social engineers nor discredited them.”

    They’re hell-bent on eliminating what works to force us into accepting what sounds good – fortunately for me, I plan on being dead before the great mass of humanity starves to death huddled shivering in the cold and the dark.

  8. Conservatives would be well advised that the left subsumed the greens thirty years ago and that they are now one and the same. IOW when conservatives parrot the climate hysteria talking points they commit political suicide. Carbon credits, carbon capture, carbon taxes, net zero, EV mandates, etc are all traps for conservatives to step into so the left can appear more sincere and believable and committed to the cause of planetary salvation. “Me too” conservatism is a loser’s game of cowering wimps afraid of the big bad media bullies calling them “deniers”.

    1. Longer than that, actually. Yuri Andropov became Brezhnev’s successor by his program, starting in the early 1970s to infiltrate and start funding various green groups around the world. There was a particular emphasis on Germany. The purpose of this program was to turn all the environmentalists against nuclear power, because the only product the USSR had that anyone wanted was oil and gas. So aside from Greenpeace and various other groups like Amnesty International, Andropov targeted all of the emerging “green” political parties in Europe. Andropov’s success here was the reason why he was the first head of the NKVD/KGB to become the head of the Soviet state.

      The reason for all this was that the Soviets were aware that they could not stand up to NATO in any kind of armed conflict. So they tried subversion. Reagan pointed out the dangers, but the Germans preferred to elect outright traitors such as Gerhard Schroeder.

  9. Alberta – where citizens get to choose between the controlled fake-right and communism.

    What a time to be alive.

    1. Watto

      You can choose Notley, choose Smith, or note vote.

      The strength of the left? If they want 10 things, but the candidate running will give them only one, they’ll vote for that candidate.

      The weakness of the right? Many won’t vote unless the candidate will give them all 10 things. So they’ll stay home and then have to live with the leftists who will give them the exact opposite of what they want.

      1. You know Joe,does being betrayed,time after time,make you vote even harder for our Uni-Party stooges with Blue Ties?
        The Pseudo Conservatives have not been able to deliver even one thing,like personal autonomy or property rights..
        Just one conservative policy kept,is too much to ask..right?

      2. The weakness of the right? Having their party infiltrated and taken over by the left.

        Like the UCP.

        The UCP is NOT a conservative party. It is yet another leftist party that convinces low IQ reflexive Conservative voters to support them. They NEVER advance ANY conservative principle. They capitulate on EVERY issue of substance, and that’s when they even bother attempting to fight.

        And they always join forces with the overt leftist parties when an actual party appears on the right.

        Remember socialist POS Joe Clark, and how he continued to split the vote so that Reform didn’t rise to power?

        Remember homosexual Jesuit POS Jason Kenney, and how he continued to split the vote so that the Wildrose didn’t rise to power?

        The fake conservatives are FAR WORSE than the overt communists of the NDP b/c they prevent actual conservatives from having any power.

  10. I figured Smith was a phony when she praised comrade Kenney for his progress on ESGs.
