The Rights of Young Women vs. Woke School Board Members

There are very strange happenings in Vermont. Much more here:

Two Vermont high school girls did what few of their peers have dared: When a biological boy who identifies as a transgender girl entered their locker room, they asked that student to leave.

The Randolph, Vermont-based Randolph Union High School told the community in a Sept. 23 email that it is “launching a harassment investigation” —apparently into the girls’ conduct rather than the 14-year-old trans-identify student’s behavior, parents suggested. The Daily Signal has chosen not to name these students due to their youth, though local outlets have reported some of their names.

Since then, The Daily Signal has spoken with a number of parents who are outraged that the school and Orange Southwest School District allowed such an incident to occur. These parents do not want biological boys in their daughters’ locker rooms, and they are bewildered as to why the school system apparently prioritizes the needs of students who identify as transgender over the needs of their daughters.

40 Replies to “The Rights of Young Women vs. Woke School Board Members”

  1. For the trans-activists, I guess “no” doesn’t mean no anymore. The girls don’t accept chicks with dicks anymore than the boys do. The institutional cover offered for this form of social engineering is more deranged than the messed up teen being encouraged to act prematurely on his confusion.

    1. The institutions are run by Ben Levin and the like, they just haven’t been caught yet. At any point will an actual teacher stand up and call them out? I guess morals are no match for a cushy pension and a 6 hour work day (Onterrible).

    2. I’ve told my daughter to kick em in the nuts if that ever happens, if a girl it will hurt but not nearly to same extent.
      If a boy, will that should make sure they don’t get any joy out of the situation and help prevent a repeat.

      Just following the science……

  2. Ironic isn’t it? That a public bureaucracy IGNORES two girls LEGITIMATE complaints about feeling … uncomfortable … with a biological male in their locker room … and does nothing. Isn’t it the HIGHEST CALLING of these government bureaucracies to ensure ALL are … “c-o-m-f-ter-ble” … in a “wel-com-ing” environment? These girls were neither comfortable nor felt welcomed when they were FORCED to undress next to a strange male.

  3. I kind of feel the same way when a committed WEF-bootlick leftist warmonger comes here to the comments pretending he’s a conservative.

    But just like the pervert in the girls locker room, all anyone will say is “it’s fine.”

    1. That’s because he doesn’t sh*t up every thread multiple times with creepy stalker BS that has nothing to do with the topic.

      What, precisely, the hell is wrong with you?

      1. Pointing out hypocrites (like you and your sock puppet here) is an “unacceptable view from a fringe minority” now? You (and your sock puppet) are EXACTLY like that pervert boy standing in the girl’s locker room saying “everything is fine.” Just another contribution to the vast “empire of lies.” Both of you need to get your sixth booster and go jogging for a few miles.

  4. Hatpins.
    The answer is hatpins.
    The Gals need to stab these posers and perverts right through the ball sack.
    It cannot be called assault,because these creatures insist they are women..
    So bleeding testicles are an impossibility..
    Cannot be happening..
    Same if any of their fathers decide to remove the male parts from any pervert they find near their daughters..cannot be a crime because the “victim” insisted they were not male..
    As for those who enable such abuse toward young women…hanging is my preferred solution to cure their stupidity and malice.
    On the bright side,having all who support these perversions proudly self identify..? Always a good thing.

    1. Is Vermont one of those places where gays go to die from AIDS? Here in the SF Bay Area … that place is called The Russian River …

  5. Public schools are run by perverts and race hustlers. Might as well send your kids back into the mines, they’d be safer.

  6. The Canadian caste system.. Liberals and leftists believe the women vote is so deep in the bag it can never be lost.. Prove them wrong.. The moment they smell power $$$ slipping away is the moment they will change their tune..

    1. Better still, baseball bats reserved for use on the Board of Education who sanctioned this misery. This isn’t really about the alphabet people; it’s about the disgusting edu-bureaucracy that enables and weaponizes them.

  7. Do remember when the policy of “use the change room you identify with” came out and was discussed at a family gathering. All the adult males instantly had the look which we women knew to be “wouldn’t that have been fun, back in the day”. Sanity ruled, but their reactions reinforced our belief that – forget how rough it would be on young females to have young trans-women amongst them complete with a twig and two berries – how it could be abused by teen males just wanting to check out the opposite sex and have some fun.

  8. And the “local outlets” who are naming the girls also deserve a dunking in a barrel of ink…

    Addendum: perhaps it’s time for the girls to quit playing volleyball with the creeper?

  9. That this to be considered Normal…??

    Not ever happening around me while I breathe and talk. I’m not a religious guy, but this shit right here is Pure SATANIC…All part n parcel of the ongoing terror campaign designed to destroy Western Hemisphere Civilization

  10. BC held the school board elections yesterday.

    SOGI, on the recommendation of the BC-NDP Education Ministry, pretty much won. ALL of my local candidates were for it – there was no one else to vote for.

    1. I lost a conservative mayor to an ex T-holer,and his libscum crew of council.. they are running in various BC cities.

  11. A biological boy entering a girl’s locker room?? There is a way of dealing with that!! It’s called a kick in the knutts!!

    Assuming they’re real!!

  12. “biological boys” otherwise known as ‘boys’. No need for the qualifier. No need to play the stupid game.

    1. Yes, Steve.
      And by the way we should not be using the term “trans women”.
      Both words are false.
      A boy (man) pretending to be a girl (woman), does not come trippingly off the tongue, but is accurate.
      Hear (speak) that phrase a few thousand times and you’ll be thinking it’s a thing.
      Propaganda 101.

  13. Well past time to stop pussy-footing around this issue – it’s mental retardation sanctioned by the State – follow Quebec’s example of permitting euthanasia for newborns and expand on it – call it Capital Punishment or a Solution – after all, it’s only a matter of time.

  14. This erasure of real females ends when we stand together and refuse to validate the left’s imaginary females. The students need to walk out of school and not return until the biological male is removed from female spaces. Do not debate the issue, refuse to have your gender erased so pretend women can replace us.

    1. Rose:

      One suggestion: don’t use the word “gender”.
      That subtly supports the view that there’s a difference between sex and gender.

  15. It’s just…..bewildering….that these 26yo purple-haired childless socialist weirdos want to allow boys into the girls locker room!! It’s a total mystery.

  16. Easy way to stop that idiocy. The girls should get together and strip the ‘girly’, (that is, the one who is actually a boy) and throw him out into the hall, bare-assed naked. He might not want to try pulling his narcissistic put-on game again. And no real damage done.
    Much as it would be satisfying, a kick in the cojones would likely end up with a charge of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, and for *that*, he would be considered, all boy, all the time. So don’t inflict that on a teenage girl. The other is just a prank.
