“Reduced to Zero Overnight”

Jordan Schneider- The US government’s new export controls are wreaking havoc on China’s chip industry.

To put it simply, Biden has forced all Americans working in China to pick between quitting their jobs and losing American citizenship.

Every American executive and engineer working in China’s semiconductor manufacturing industry resigned yesterday, paralyzing Chinese manufacturing overnight. One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump.

68 Replies to ““Reduced to Zero Overnight””

    1. The US gov’t does not have the right to cancel citizenship, period! The constitution doesn’t allow it and many int’l treaties forbid it. You can’t intentionally make people stateless.
      You can do whatever heinous crimes you want, you won’t lose citizenship. No Judge, no matter how far left, would ever support that and no circuit court or supreme court would ever uphold it. The democrats themselves would never support this, as it would set a precedent that they really, really don’t want.

      You can only renounce it. It can’t be taken.
      If you lied during your naturalization, that is a different matter. However, we are not talking about that here.

    1. Citing Business Insider doesn’t help your case, however I do see where you’re coming from. I also thought “about friggin time,” but then I realized that we are in the midst of a chip shortage, and now I’m wondering how that will impact our already mortally wounded economy. Seems to me I recall a recent sanction against Russia that also backfired, and bit us all in the royal butt.

      1. It seems to me China makes the chips, either in China or in Taiwan. Taiwan belongs to China. If you disagree, you are ignoring the one China policy. If you believe Americans will be receiving chips while the Chinese won’t be able to produce them you also probably believe Ukraine is winning and the Russians are using chips from dishwashers.
        I love how the ignorance of those in the west blinds them to the reality that all they are doing is castrating themselves with a dull rusty spoon.
        And the only reason the BI link is the stat on American chip production or should I say lack of.
        It will be humorous to watch Americans grovelling for chips, the way they grovell for oil in the past few months.
        Friggin priceless.

          1. Taiwan also has some serious plans in place to destroy all those Taiwanese chip factories if the People’s Navy shows up on their beaches.

            Then you’re going to see a -shortage- baby.

          2. “Taiwan doesn’t agree that they belong to China.”

            Taiwan has always agreed that they belong to China. They disagree over what government of China is legitimate, with the Kuomintang having seniority and the CCP being rebels trying to overthrow it.

            Two governments, but only one China. It’s a civil war currently in a cold phase.

        1. ” Taiwan belongs to China. If you disagree, you are ignoring the one China policy. ”

          I disagree. So does the entire nation of Taiwan, most of whom actually believe that China belongs to them.

        2. US is the world’s Number one oil producer, and number one energy producer, with out really trying.

          Of the world’s top ten oil service, management and engineering companies, US accounts for eight.

    2. You should listen to Serpentza. Remember mainland China is communist and the place is run by government and party bureaucrats. In real China, currently limited to Taiwan, they have a strong and vibrant electronics industry. The civil war is still going on in China, throw out the Red Dynasty.

  1. “Forcing China to rely on foreign production and BIS’ goodwill for the latest and greatest chips plays exactly into Xi’s fear of “technological vassaldom.” These regulations hit directly at a CCP neuralgic point.”

    This is fine.

    Should work out almost as well as financial sanctions against Russia.

    1. Because A) they were paid fantastic amounts of money, and B) because even dorky American geeks can get laid in Beijing, baby. She love you long time.

      Always remember, there are some things available in China that you can’t buy in the USA, not for any money. See Jeffrey Epstein for further elucidation.

  2. The question no one is asking: Does the U.S. currently have the capacity to meet all of it’s needs?
    What’s worse than Chinese manufactured chips? No chips at all.
    First priority should be all defense and intelligence related chips.

    1. One of the biggest chip manufacturers is TSMC Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, a good capitalist enterprize. It’s not about race, but liberty and culture versus communism and statism. And Taiwan maintains traditional Chinese culture, no revolutions and giant leaps forward to year zero.

  3. China will buy chips from other countries. Bidenites (liked Hunter) will facilitate the purchases for a consulting fee.

  4. Regarding shortages, chips or otherwise.

    When there isn’t enough wheat in the field to feed the people, is it best to set fire to the wheat field?

      1. We know who you are and where you live. We also advise that you don’t wear the coyote furry outfit to try to fool us next time – we’ve set the varmint turret guns to AI controlled auto fire.

  5. Gee. I wonder where China could get some chips asap to make up the shortfall?
    Xi is going to be crowned emperor today with ultimate power.

    Power to take over Taiwan. Now Obama has given him an excuse.

  6. Excellent.

    If Trump has done it, all the trained seals would be clapping in perfect harmony.

  7. Interesting. The US has a lot of allies outside China that manufacture advanced chips. Taiwan and Korea come to mind. I’m not sure if China has any home grown chip manufacturers but if they don’t, and this story is true, they’re going to find themselves between a rock and a hard place

    1. “I’m not sure if China has any home grown chip manufacturers . . .”

      28nm (same as Raspberry Pi 4) all day, 14nm (same as Intel Core 10th Gen) ramping up and 12nm predicted shortly.
      They don’t have EUV, so 12nm is the current limit, but the fundamental technology has been in heavy state sponsored research for a couple of years and from what little I can gather appears to be making good progress, with techniques that are not the same as ASML’s.

      1. I’d like to know which company has tha. They also nbow cannot service the manufacturing equipment and do not have a design industry.

        1. SMEE (Shanghai Microelectronics Company) says they can now make 28 and 14nm lithography machines from scratch. No imported bits, no imported engineers.

          The news of China’s microchip industry death has been greatly exaggerated.

  8. I can’t find this story. Lots about Biden restricting China’s access to advanced American chip technology but nothing about a threat to revoke American citizenship from what I’m assuming is Chinese-American high-tech workers in China.

    1. More likely the article was implying that the only way Americans would be able to continue working for the Chinese is to give up their American citizenship. “ASML US employees – including US citizens, green card holders, … are prohibited from providing certain services to advanced fabs in China.”

      Kinda sucks as there is no work for them to do in the US. Even if they broke ground on a new fab tomorrow it would be years before they needed these guys and by then their skill set will be outdated.

  9. Tinfoil hat firmly in place here but didn’t Nanzi Piglosi and son recently make a trip to Taiwan for some unknown reason…?

  10. Could it be that the DemocRats have finally awoken to the danger that nuclear-armed China is? And China with a very big and very modern brand new navy? And China armed with lots of drones that even the USA isn’t working on right now?

    Or is it more likely that the Big Guy didn’t get his 10% check this month, and this is a shakedown?

    Pretty bad that these are the questions we’re asking.

  11. If the state told me to quit my job or lose my citizenship, it would be a pretty easy choice.
    Also, Joe doesn’t have the authority to do this, but the neocons don’t care.

    1. Nonsense. We care, I rejoice seeing your tears when you’re getting spit-roasted between Pootin and xi.

        1. Enemies of civilization, both foreign and domestic, I have no pity for either. Keep crying while Pootin and Xi are taking their turns. Also, you don’t qualify as people Hobot.

          1. Look in the mirror. YOU are the biggest enemy of civilization posting here. You make UnMe, etc, look like pikers.
            You are sickened, murderous freak.

          2. Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

            Tu Quoque (“Appeal to Hypocrisy”) – A fallacy of distraction that attempts to discredit an opponent’s conclusion by irrelevantly appealing to supposed hypocrisy between argument and actions.

      1. Also, you and your ilk like to suborn what it is to be a citizen in order to serve your political ends. You, Adolph, all the same.

        1. Bitch please, you would embrace Hitler (just like you embrace Xi and Pootin) a minute after he denounced western decadence.

          1. Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

          2. Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

            Tu Quoque (“Appeal to Hypocrisy”) – A fallacy of distraction that attempts to discredit an opponent’s conclusion by irrelevantly appealing to supposed hypocrisy between argument and actions.

            Straw Man (“Misrepresentation”, “Puppet beating”) – a fallacy of distraction that misrepresents or hyperbolizes an opponent’s position to make it much easier to defeat

          3. And the bot glitched, that’s the consequence of using Chicom made chips. Maybe when Pootin and Xi switch places the bot will reset?

          4. I have all the phantom compassion I can muster for those who suffered form phantom honking, they are willing collaborators complicit in state’s atrocities.

            Self-awareness level zero.

            Ad Hominem (“Poisoning the Well”, “Pit Spitting”) – A fallacy of distraction that attacks an opponent’s character when character is irrelevant to the argument.

          5. More mangled code, irrelevant bits from other threads, generic accusations, glitches and resets. Predictable.

    2. Considering how difficult it is to “renounce” your US citizenship, this might actually be a welcome event for a few folk, especially the ones who want to get out from under the thumb of the IRS and keep a lot more of the money they earn.

  12. Could it be that the population is brainwashed enough to let the gov’t strip citizens of their citizenship on a whim?
    Of course not, after all, Dark Brandon is doing it.
    Idiots, idiots everywhere.

    1. That’s what makes me think they’re Chinese-Americans. Sort of like the American citizens that were stranded in Afghanistan when the Americans fled. I suspect they were Afghni-Americans.

  13. Has Frito-Lay issued a statement on Biden cutting off China’s access to chips? I guess they’ve got the US market for both potato and corn chips sewn up, but China is a huge market to just give up.

  14. If this story is true?

    This is a Major Flaming Provocation to Communist China, and Chairman XI personally. President XI is taking his victory lap at the 20th Chinese Communist Party Congress this week. He has just been appointed as President for Life, and has accumulated more PERSONAL Power than any Chinese Leader since Mao. He will look at anything that detracts from his triumph as a personal insult.

    Another Fine Diplomatic Victory for F. Joe Biden.

  15. I will give this one,the three week treatment.
    Sounds like pure BS.
    Let us see what the narrative is 3 weeks from now..
    Biden doing anything to offend his bankrollers?
    Yah Right.

  16. This is, if true, another blunder by FJB.
    Looks like the resident in the WH is trying to undermine the US and create shortages on purpose.

  17. The president doesn’t have that power. And the Chinese chip industry can certainly stand on its own (they steal everything anyway). Total BS.

    1. Dr.D,

      The US Congress recently passed the “Chips Act.” It may be part of that?
      I agree, the President should not have that unilateral power.

  18. A lot of Taiwan talk here that sounds like the Ukraine talk. A lot of Rah Rah as well that seems to ignore a couple of possibilities: this article might be compete bullshit, If it isn’t then the Chinese will respond. Hard. I would be worried if I lived in Taiwan.
    But hey, don’t let me get in the way of the chest thumping. I did notice that the chairman wasn’t deposed in a coup after all.
