“Safe and Effective”

Keep on jabbin’.

Wightman was diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a rare condition that affects the nervous system, just days after his first and only dose of the vaccine. The condition can cause paralysis, muscle weakness, and even death.

Wightman, who worked as a pilot and real estate agent prior to his diagnosis, has spent the last year unable to work. He can’t travel far on his own. But the hardest thing is sitting on the sidelines, unable to do physical activities with his kids, he says.

“Playing soccer with the kids in the yard. My oldest is big into baseball, and one of my favourite things to do is just play catch in the yard, and I can’t do that. That’s hard,” he said.

24 Replies to ““Safe and Effective””

  1. “More than 11.7 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in B.C., with health experts noting the risks associated with coronavirus infection far outweigh the risks of vaccination.”


    Behold…the shifting narrative. I’m old enough to remember when mention of any risks associated with the “vaccine” were a conspiracy theory. Of course, we’re all old enough to remember since it was months ago. The guy in the article is one of 10 diagnosed with GBS within 30 days of acquiring the “vaccine” (that was recorded).

    Bottom line. They don’t know whether the risks of Covid outweigh the risks of the “vaccine”. And, yet they are making that definitive statement. Were I to challenge it by stating that we have yet to quantify all the risks associated with the “vaccine”…I would be accused of another conspiracy theory (until they shift the narrative once again).

    1. “How DARE you not believe in the EXPERTS?”
      (attribute to Saint Gretta of Stockholm)
      /sarc off

    2. It is known beyond doubt that the risks of the “vaccines” far outweigh the risks of Covid. And the “health experts” know it too.

      1. Both the virus and the vaccines produce the same toxic element, the spike protein. The injected vaccine floods the body with spike producing mRNA. It does not stay local to the injection site. The spike producing mRNA was alleged to degrade within hours and yet we can find the spike protein in the liver up to 60 days post vaccination.
        An old work colleague seemingly healthy died post vaccination from a “mysterious” rapidly progressing neurological condition. Sounds like GBS or a similar affliction to me. Do I trust the medical establishment to link this man’ death to the vaccine if such were the case? Not on your life.

    3. Well since I had the virus in it’s first incarnation back in August, 2020, the virus poses no risk to me. Yet the health authorities still demand I get vaccinated, they do not recognize natural immunity.

      The vaccine does pose a risk to me, a slight risk perhaps but potentially very serious.

      So why would I even consider getting a vaccine that does not protect me against a virus that I’m already protected from?

      Risks of the useless “vaccine” vs no risk from the virus. Hmm, decisions, decisions……

      1. Dirtman, the vaxxes are freaking deadly. Zero efficacy. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar and I don’t care what their medical or science qualifications are, they are incompetent liars and should be in jail.

  2. I accept that there are risks associated with Covid infection — of course there are — but it is not at all clear the degree to which the vaccines reduce risk . . . if they do at all. Seems like in the latest round, the vaxes increase your risk of infection.

    1. Original antigenic sin, antibody dependant enhancement. Now that I am no longer banned from going for coffee at the local senior centre I get to hear all the gossip. All the triple and quad jabbed old folks are their 3rd, 4th, 5th and even 6th round of getting omicron.

    2. Our family all got vaxxed. Offspring got it back in March/April; felt lousy but tested negative and went in to work for a couple of days as small business and essential person. Finally tested positive and stayed home for a few days. Figured caught from offsprings who had been sniffly. Covid went through the business somewhat; three days of misery and then a couple of days recovring. Hit us early May, just at end of tax season. Went down for three days, then staggered up as spouse crashed. Another grandbrat apparently had it (if you trust the tests) but was bouncing back within four days. Another family member now has it but we’re going “welcome to the club”.

      1. This article reeks of spin. “Only a handful of people in Canada have received rewards under the program”. How many? How many have requested payouts? “Only ten people have been hospitalized with Guillaume Barre syndrome within 30 days of receiving the vaccine”. Where? How many were diagnosed but not hospitalized? They note that injury data has not been released, so what’s data are they citing?

        The “expert” they cite is a CanImmunize consultant who is a “vaccine hesitancy expert”, and who couldn’t resist this nasty little dig: “ they erred on the side of a liberal interpretation of serious harm”. F*ck. You.

        Just once, I would like to see a story that isn’t directed propaganda.

  3. I live just down the road from Mr. Wightman and I applaud what he has done with the help of neurologists and legal beagles. Precedent setting hopefulness.
    Oh, and FOOK you know WHO.
    PS…I am sorry that the life he and his family enjoyed has been undermined by this unconscionable evil.

  4. 4, count em four and only because he met a very strict criteria. It is tokenism. “See if you have a real injury we will compensate you so get jabbed.”

    It’s BS. My DIL got pericarditis but because it was diagnosed more than 28 days after her jab it’s considered unrelated.

    The only thing that really surprises me is somehow his Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) did not get automatically converted into COVID in the unvaccinated like almost all adverse events in days 1-14 (1-21 in BC and Sask.) I understand he has neurologists who refused to play ball with government.

  5. And Bonnie Henry is still forcing government workers: get jabbed or lose your job. My daughter has lost her environmental job.

    1. Linda

      Make sure she contacts the active group of people currently fighting this gross violation of Charter Rights. The group is actively pursuing various actions against both the government, AND the unions, for their malfeasance and lack of defending ALL members.


  6. My Mum received the same sentence after being injected with a vaccine 55 years ago for the Hong Kong flu. Polyneuritis…AKA Guillain Barre syndrome. Life was upside down after that.

    1. My Mother in law had a stroke 10 days after her second “life saving vaccine”. She died a week later. Father in law died 2 months after he got his second.

  7. The vast majority of healthy people, especially the young had no reason to fear covid 19.. Why, did our government and so many people do this?.. It was all for nothing.. No upside.. Not a single person was saved and you know it..

    It was a lab leak that we were involved with and the massive response did two things.. Hid our involvement in it and helped elect Joe Biden.. Not a conspiracy theory or a fever dream.. Its just the truth on how one disaster can be hidden by another..

    Your government betrayed you.. From the highest office to your f@#$ing dentist.. They were all in it together..

  8. and who is clinging on to covid restrictions as if they were his mothers skirt?.. That would be Justin Trudeau.. Who are his friends? That would be the WEF.. Now I’m not saying the WEF are responsible for the leak but even that’s possible.. What I am saying is they are responsible for the covid 19 response to further their agenda..

    Its not rocket science.. The evidence for my line of thinking is obvious..

  9. Even funnier?

    The Government and their Media convinced a couple of BILLION people to become Lab Rats including 50…..60….70….80 % ? of your fellow Canadians!!!

    Add two Trudeaus to that flummery and Canada is more over than Disco.
    More Dead Man Walking than Sean Penn.
    Fooled and fooked to the nth degree.

  10. “First do no harm.”

    A mandated injury. Hopefully there are massive class-action lawsuits in the queue.

  11. I’ll wait for the class action suits then I’ll sign hubby up, first of all it’s not a vaccine and second they are still in the trial phase but oh CBC don’t let facts interfere with your gobernent propaganda.
